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What We Are Up To - Killing Bugs


Senior Community Manager
Staff member
  • Oct 10, 2005
    East Coast
    With Rising Storm having entered the beta phase of its development life (this means that all the games features were implemented) the Rising Storm and Tripwire teams have declared war on the enemy known as "bugs". Some of them are the consequence of Rising Storm content and features (a natural part of the development cycle), but others have been lurking around striking at players for some time.

    Today I am happy to bring to you a partial (but confirmed by QA) list of legacy issues that have been addressed. Many of these issues were reported by the community as major annoyances, and work continues on more of that list. (Note: A few non bugs on this list as well that we figured players would like)

    • Fixed issue where the players weapon selection was not remembered as new players join the server
    • Fixed issue where the players selected role was not remembered as new players joined the server
    • Fixed artillery markers not properly clearing between rounds
    • Fixed Artillery marker moving
    • Added points to Squad Leaders who have their artillery markers used
    • Added points to Squad Leaders who have players spawn on them
    • Removed ability for players to “auto run” by using chat
    • Fixed issue where "space bar" would count as an “enter” stroke in some menus
    • Fixed bug where admin chat would display in the center of the screen and not properly clear away
    • Fixed issue where player view would would sometimes shift when diving to prone in a trench
    • Fixed an issue where players could get stuck between crouched and prone stances
    • Fixed an issue where sever balance could be set incorrectly which resulted in bad player or bot spawns
    • Fixed issue where all players on your team would yell spawn message. Now only the player will yell the spawn message. Also added several messages that were in game but never being played (Roughly a 60% increase. We were amazed to find a hidden gem here...)
    • Fixed issue where scoreboard would disappear at the end of the round
    • Fixed player spawn selection menu instantly closing
    • Fixed spectators taking up a player slot
    • Fixed spectators unlocking additional roles (as if they were players)
    • Fixed several additional spectator bugs (such as free roam not being properly enabled)
    • Fixed the “OK” kick message
    • Fixed a cause of the "This role is taken" message being displayed incorrectly
    • Fixed Commanders Tactical View showing the wrong order he gave
    • Fixed mouse sensitivity being too high on ultra wide aspect ratios
    • Fixed role selection screen showing the secondary weapon at lvl 10 regardless of the actual level
    • Closed several settings that were being used as exploits
    • Voting system restructured to fix several bugs

    • Fixed tank crewmen not spawning, also resolved several related issues that kicked crew out of the tank
    • Added ability for tank crew to spawn into an active tank with a bot role available to take over
    • Tank commanders now spawn in the commander cuppola position with the hatch open on the initial spawn

    • Fixed several infinite ammo exploits
    • Fixed pistol full message error for not "+1" reloads
    • Fixed several conditions that would cause a melee strike to fail to register as a hit
    • Fixed an issue where players could not pickup weapons over low collision
    • Fixed grenades being auto thrown if the user pulled the pin and tried to crawl
    • Fixed players being able to pick up grenades and ammo even when they had reached the max limit
    • Fixed a condition where picking up grenades could cause the ammo count to display incorrectly in the HUD
    • Fixed weapons sticking around in between rounds in Countdown
    • Fixed machine gun barrel change animation not playing correctly on chest high cover
    • Fixed accuracy displaying as over 100% in stats menu
    • Fixed penetrating shots that hit boosting accuracy stat
    • Fixed an issue where scrolling the mouse wheel while deploying would cause the change weapon widget to show up (forcing a weapon swap when attempting to fire)
    • Fixed player "leveling up" binocs
    • Fixed command menu being stuck open if the player died on a fixed MG
    • Added range display to the one who died (configurable by server admins)
    • Added interrupt-able single bullet reloads
    • Melee attacks (or any indirect attacks) should no longer boost or take away from accuracy
    • Weapons (like binocs) that do not use ammo no longer show an ammo counter

    • Fixed several bad machine gun emplacements in RO 2 maps
    • Fixed a case of meshes not resetting between rounds

    • Fixed many cases of AI getting stuck
    • Fixed AI not playing aggressively as attackers
    • Added greater situational awareness (and choices) for AI
    • Added ability for AI to use grenades
    • AI will now make better tactical decision (This is still a major WIP)

    You asked for it, you got it: added whitelisted/fully ranked server settings to configure whether players can spawn with enemy primary weapons. The default setting allows only Heroes to spawn with enemy weapons. Additionally, default Hero numbers will be greatly reduced. The other settings are "no spawning with enemy primary weapons at all" and "Veterans and Heroes can spawn with enemy primary weapons (the original RO2 default). All three of these settings are allowed for whitelisted/ranked servers.

    Another major annoyance for players (and us) was that just about every time we have updated RO 2, the single player content has broken (even though we made no changes to it). With the release of Rising Storm, that content will be rolled out of the multiplayer portion of the game and into its own application so that will not happen again (this also has the added benefit of saving space for those who only care about the multiplayer).

    We are also keeping performance in mind as we move ahead, and the team is hard at work making sure the Rising Storm content plays and performs as well on clients and servers as the original Red Orchestra 2 content now does. With that in mind we plan to have a limited beta to test and monitor performance in the near future, so keep your eyes peeled for that!
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    Upvote 0
    Lookin' good!

    Nestor Makhno was hinting at a bug related to weapon accuracy, any news on that fix being included?

    Nestor Makhno said:
    interestingly enough, we (TWI & RS team) noticed some undesigned function when we went thru the RO2 code that seems to apply in this case - I am guessing you have a reasonable level with the rifle? It has now been fixed for RS (and for base RO2 when RS comes out). I guess we will probably include a list of fixes on release.
    Upvote 0
    Tank crew spawning issues fixed? Woohoo! That's good to see.

    And AI that uses grenades? :eek::p Wow, them bots have come a long way since Ostfront...

    Thank goodness for the annoying menu glitches...

    ...and last but not least, it'll be good to see fewer enemy weapons and Heroes as an option!
    Upvote 0
    I'm saddened to see the PPSh-41/MG34/AVT-40 stutter bug hasn't been fixed. I hope you can find it soon.

    Beyond that, some nice polishing, and I'm very pleased to see the enemy loadout change!

    We have "found" it, but we are still working on discovering on what exactly it is so we can attempt to address it.
    Upvote 0
    Nice list of fixes, bravo.

    How about the Nvidia 6 series crash issue?

    There is a fix in the Nvidia control panel for players, but something a bit more concrete might be in order.

    And how about the issue with SP movement jitters & some missions automatically completing the moment they start?

    And the improvements on the bots is a nice thing... thanks for that. Not too sure about handing bots grenades though... I still remember the days of ROCA bots with grenades. That was messy.

    I might actually have to install the beta again to try some of this out when it's ready.
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