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Where the hell are Ramm & Wilson?

:eek: I'm not trying to be too provocative here, but my Ghod... Is there anybody left alive in this country that understands how utterly brutal it is to just keep a small entertainment company alive in this environment? Just the financial cash flow pressures alone would be enouigh to burn a sane person out in a few months. And this fellow thinks they have time to come in here and prattle with us?!! Jeezus Wept!


Perhaps a better presentation of the trials and tribulations of the development process, even a discourse, for example, on the finalization of getting Steam Workshop up and running. Or any project for that matter. Maybe an insight to the "behind the scenes" efforts to maintain user interest and enthusiasm.

Interesting idea, but a lot of that is covered by NDA/contracts. And that wouldn't be us talking about, but probably coders... well, John is a coder, but there are other coders too.

What about the MAPPING CONTEST?? Any updates or is it gonna be kept a mystery?

That is what we were doing last Sunday - running through the Phase I maps.

As for other stuff... Dwarfs F2P this week, working on updates for KF and for RO2 (unsurprisingly). Looking at doing more with Steam workshop. Rising Storm development and testing, with some of their crew currently in the office. We have Alex Quick of KF fame in the office, working on some pieces for KF. Plus at least 2 other projects. Busy. Busy.
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As for other stuff... Dwarfs F2P this week, working on updates for KF and for RO2 (unsurprisingly). Looking at doing more with Steam workshop. Rising Storm development and testing, with some of their crew currently in the office. We have Alex Quick of KF fame in the office, working on some pieces for KF. Plus at least 2 other projects. Busy. Busy.

Dwarfs F2P ..... awesome, thank you!
Downloading now!
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As for other stuff... Dwarfs F2P this week, working on updates for KF and for RO2 (unsurprisingly). Looking at doing more with Steam workshop. Rising Storm development and testing, with some of their crew currently in the office. We have Alex Quick of KF fame in the office, working on some pieces for KF. Plus at least 2 other projects. Busy. Busy.
Good to hear from you again. I thought you may have died.

I see that Dwarfs!? is indeed now F2P. I paid for it, so what's in the normal version that isn't in the F2P version? :IS2:
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Just came back to see if promises (working squad system) have been fulfilled yet. Then I find the posts on this forum are getting really really old, and the last news is from august.

Pretty sad. One year and counting, release promises not fulfilled.

TWI I hope you learned your lessons not to listen to the loud forum trolls, and instead finish the game that you promised the people who bought it.

WTF classic mode was really but catering to RO1 players instead of finishing the freaking promised feature.

You guys should learn from the planetside 2 devs. THey do a much better job of delivering promises. You guys are even too cowardly to have ever replied to any of my post about the squad system not being finished.

SHame. It could have been a great game but u let it die.

See you all in 3 months when I will check again if teamwork is possible, or if we are still playing a game with modern features, but the core gameplay of counterstrike, a quite dated game.
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Just came back to see if promises (working squad system) have been fulfilled yet. Then I find the posts on this forum are getting really really old, and the last news is from august.

You are literally asking for magic. The game has a working squad system, is players who are rightfully not interested in using it. It doesn't belong in a game like this, squads are not a central piece of the gameplay. What we really need to begin to scratch team work is 3D Postitional VOIP. But not team work on the squad level, which I don't think will ever happen, and is not something really important. I don't know why would any one ask that, or even claim that it was some major promise by TWI. In anyway the game has it, and it works, might not be perfect, but it works.

See you all in 3 months when I will check again if teamwork is possible, or if we are still playing a game with modern features, but the core gameplay of counterstrike, a quite dated game.

Teamwork is possible now, just take the effort of teamworking... CS was all about teamwork

TWI I hope you learned your lessons not to listen to the loud forum trolls

Couldn't have said it better myself. ''blabla Counterstrike blablabla...'' :rolleyes:
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You guys should learn from the planetside 2 devs. THey do a much better job of delivering promises. You guys are even too cowardly to have ever replied to any of my post about the squad system not being finished.

I just want to say that this is not true. I really don't want to direct the subject on PS2 but there are SO many things the PS2 devs haven't done and have done to the game to completely mess up the gameplay and the game it's self. I won't go into detail.

Other than that your post is stating that TWI made promises? Lol, I don't remember them making promises about anything? You don't even go into detail. You are just like every other person who hates the game saying "Squad system sux" and "Classic mode flopped". If those are your only reason for not liking a game, I hope you find yourself a nice game to play meanwhile :)

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Just to add to this, the squad system IS complete and functional. Its just complicated enough that the average pubbie won't bother using it. Certainly a lot of room for improvement, but its not all out broken as the OP claims.

Agreed, the only thing I would add to the squad system is an ability to not only order a fireteam to "move there" but also to "move there and cover this direction".

The only problem with the squad system is it's simply more efficient to give verbal orders over team chat, which is what most people do.
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