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The Sheep factor

Arad is probably the best infantry map in the game IMHO.
Erm... have you ever actually played a proper infantry map? Or was that a bad joke? :-/

Special_sauce: We get it. You like Arad. You don't need to post it multiple times in a row though. Your opinion is your own, but others have opinions too. Most people play this game for the infantry aspect, because for us, it's unmatched by any other game. It's a realism game, remember? If you're no good at it and prefer tanks, then that's fine, but there's no need to get so fired up in here because other players disagree with your views.


The solution to the problem is more proper combined arms maps. Real ones, not big tank maps with infantry slots, or infantry maps with one weak vehicle that just gets killed the instant it leaves spawn (Hedgehog anyone?). We need more maps like Rakowicz. Hell, bring back Kharkov! Most fun CA map I've ever played other than that custom port of the BF1942 Stalingrad map (that worked so much better for RO than it did for BF!).
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I've been seriously considering turning OFF voting on the server where I admin, if only because I'm tired of playing the same old maps over and over again. There's some other good ones out there, or there MAY be, but because we always play the same ones, you never find out what customs are good and what aren't.

So here's a question. If you were on a server that had a pre-set rotation and no voting, how would you react?
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I've been seriously considering turning OFF voting on the server where I admin, if only because I'm tired of playing the same old maps over and over again. There's some other good ones out there, or there MAY be, but because we always play the same ones, you never find out what customs are good and what aren't.

So here's a question. If you were on a server that had a pre-set rotation and no voting, how would you react?

Play as usual, since i like variation. I actually don't care for the voting much. It's so called freedom of choice which frequently leads to the tirrany of the mass hysteria :)

It's not like mapvoting gets me to play any map i'd like to play anyway usually.

I usually advice to set the mapvoting so that if you have say 15 maps in rotation, a revote for a previously played map can only be done after 10 other maps have been played inbetween.
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We've got the revote set pretty high (8? Maybe 10?), but we've also got a LOT of custom maps that don't get played. I've taken to forcing maps when I'm adminning just to get some variety going. Not all of them are good, but we dump the ones we don't like from the server.

I do think that map voting leads to the same old maps being played over and over. Arad, Odessa, StalingradKessel, Krasnyi Oktyabr, Basovka, etc. Over and over and over, ad nauseum.

These are all (generally) good maps, but when you keep playing the same 8-10 maps over and over, it gets old FAST.
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one of the best. And to the poster above who pondered about Rackowice, the answer is simple. the OBJ map in rackowice is awful. just awful. the worst of any stock map, and most customs maps.

there is so much crap (symbols, red, black, this , that) crammed into it that you need to stare at it for a half an hour to figure out where the hell to go, what needs capping next, etc., etc. it's just awful.

Berezina is a close relative of Rackowice. But, Berezina suffers no such "fog", in determining where the fluck you have to go next in the progression of a battle. Mind you, I enjoyed playing Rackowice when the game first came out. it's a nicely laid out map, and the "atmosphere" is great. But, it's ultimately the loser because of the confusion the OBJ map brings.

it's just that simple.
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I dont see whats so complex about ricowice to figure out. Take the front line take the flak88s or the bunker then the other then take the hanger then the control tower. The only problem with it is too many russians go for the hanger first and it just gets retaken when they go for the other two objectives after that. The secondary objectives are only for the sapers to worry about and thats easy enough to figure out. just blow them up.
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Erm... have you ever actually played a proper infantry map? Or was that a bad joke? :-/

Yes. No.

Holding off tanks in North, or South village for that matter is the most fun I've had playing as a groundpounder. It's very tense darting between the buildings hiding from tanks and other infantry. Unlike the proper infantry maps which are all bland and uneventful in comparison. In my opinion ofcourse.

EDIT: Apart from Maknovo_Village. That map owns.
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