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The IOM seems to be getting a lot of stuff people have wanted for a long time, so uh:


Grizzled Veteran
Jul 18, 2006
What's going to happen going forward in regards to things Tripwire could/should add that IOM already does?

IOM has or may have soon:
More weapons including molotovs and a proper AT nade for Ger.
Better skins
Better sounds
Better explosions
Better gore
Death moans
Detachable bayonets
Cape thingy

(It also has a bunch of stuff which changes the gameplay balance but I'm leaving that out.)

The stuff I listed could all be done by Tripwire and added (but I don't think they have the time given some of them were suggested years ago) or the non gameplay stuff from the IOM could be directly integrated to the game.

Much like maps and vehicles (sort of :() already are added from the community this could be another oppurtinity to improve the game while not taking up all the time that TW could be using for something else.

This also has the benifit of given the "straight upgrade" bits of the IOM to everyone while reserving the gameplay "I don't know if everyone will like it" bits for the mod.
I think a small problem is that the number of people playing on IOM servers hasn't hit critical mass, sitting alone in the unranked tab.

A catch-22: People won't join empty servers, but to get non-empty servers, you need people.

That and the classic movement speed and no-zoom that all of them use is not popular among players who are accustomed to realism. Yes some people like those settings, but its a bit too far from what people are accustomed to. I've said it before, but IOM needs to be fully integratable with both realism, classic, and action mode if it wants the biggest possible exposure. It certainly can become a must have on every server.
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If you like it get people to play it! The servers and events are rarely full, it really IS the classic RO experience i missed so much in HOS, its a shame just a handfull of people play it!

I also agree that it should be whitelisted!

Dont put too much hope into it, it will never be whitelisted and players dont like classic or this IOM experience. Sad but true.
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Don't forget that grenades have proper shrapnel as well making them far more deadly. Better sniper optics, explosive sniper rounds and more.

The IOM is fully configurable, admins can choose movement speed, zoom on/off and many other things, so it can set up to suit any population, Realism fans or Classic. Talk it up and convince your favorite server owners to check it out. Even if it is never whitlisted, if we can get a greater number of servers running it and people aware, it can be viable even if unranked.

Join the steam group to find out about events and vote with your feet. Make an effort to play it.
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The sniper optics are generally considered to be worse and unusable by mostly everyone. Jus' saying, LugNut. :p

I wouldn't mind having the weapons moved across to the vanilla game and the animations touched up to standard (Things look a tad robotic occaisonly). That and the cape. Wooo.

And I would rather see the current TWI deathmoans implementation reworked slightly, so that every "special kill shot" causes them (heart, the ol' plums), rather than the IOM every single death causes it thang.

As for everything else in the mod. Meh. I dislike the random uniforms (partly because they ARE random and not linked to Rank), and I genuinely prefer the stock sounds with their attenuation (distance fall-off) and distinctness.
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Begin Hypothetical Dialogue

TWI: Hey, modders, would it be cool if we incorporated your handiwork, which you have produced in your free time with no monetary compensation, into our commercial product?

IOM Team: Sure lolololololololololololol.

End Hypothetical Dialogue

It is not as simple as "adding" the mod team's work into the main game. There is a mountain of legal rigmarole that entails.

As far as white-listing goes: there are two factors that TWI consider when it comes to approving mutators for use on ranked servers. One of those is this (paraphrased): "Does the mutator significantly change the base game-play experience"? If you are even slightly familiar with IOM, you know that answer.

So as not be a total sad sack, I have suggestions. If you want IOM to get the exposure and player amounts you think it deserves, find the servers that are already running IOM and join their events; tell your friends to come; convince admins/owners of other servers to inquire about IOM (they may try running IOM on occasion, who knows!).
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If you like it get people to play it! The servers and events are rarely full, it really IS the classic RO experience i missed so much in HOS, its a shame just a handfull of people play it!

Uuuh I have a deja vu on Custom maps. "its a shame just a handfull of people play them!" We pulled that horse for almost 2.5 years and 97% of the players act like lemmings and join a 64 slot server running Appartments, Spartanovka for RO2 and Betio/Iwo Jima for RS We talked and talked on this forum even about TWI approved custom mappacks. With a little bit of goodwill they should have been released a year ago. "But we gave you Steam Work Shop" yeah like that thing worked well. :eek:. It went silent.......

It''s my last post on the custom content disaster and I wish you all loads of succes with the IOM MOD.
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Begin Hypothetical Dialogue

TWI: Hey, modders, would it be cool if we incorporated your handiwork, which you have produced in your free time with no monetary compensation, into our commercial product?

IOM Team: Sure lolololololololololololol.

In my experience most modders are fine with it since they're already doing this and it just gives them more exposure.
Its usually the company that has a problem with it where they want to avoid any issues of ownership.
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Uuuh I have a deja vu on Custom maps. "its a shame just a handfull of people play them!" We pulled that horse for almost 2.5 years and 97% of the players act like lemmings and join a 64 slot server running Appartments, Spartanovka for RO2 and Betio/Iwo Jima for RS We talked and talked on this forum even about TWI approved custom mappacks. With a little bit of goodwill they should have been released a year ago. "But we gave you Steam Work Shop" yeah like that thing worked well. :eek:. It went silent.......

It''s my last post on the custom content disaster and I wish you all loads of succes with the IOM MOD.

All true (sadly) but on the other hand, Custom maps that TWI has made official have, for the most part enjoyed overwhelming success and popularity, even on the most main stream servers (Coldsteel comes to mind among others ;)). So when this MOD is in its final stage and ready to be submitted for whitelisting, I see nothing to hold it back. Making it "Official" as in it is included in an update and optional to turn on for servers should only increase its popularity.

I do agree that if it stays as a non-whitelisted mod or even a mod that must be downloaded on a redirect from a server that runs it, it will unfortunately not enjoy the success that it deserves.
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I generally liked IOM - some sounds were good others weren't that crash hot but the no-zoom turned me off..

Have you try to play some online rounds without zoom? I think it's the best feature ever in RO. I wouldn't though RO anymore if there would be no option to play without any stupid zoom.
Good to know it is optional for server admins. So everybody could have their favorite IOM settings. And if i am not wrong the RGN server has zoom enable.

But just trust me without zoom the gameplay is much more immersive. Not everyone is a sniper anymore, sniper class is much more useful (the current mechsnics need some more work :eek:) and MGs do what they do IRL they suppress the enemy and don't snipe everybody because of zoom and more zoom. Movement feels much more natuarly without zoom in/out all the time and camper have no advance because of using zoom. If we run outside and see a object it doesn't become bigger just because we aim on it... zoom is one of the worst new stuff for me they have add to RO. And it is not realistic no matter if some of us call it just zoom and other zoom in/out . There is no feature that can simulate your real fov or your real distance to the object (scale) in both ways. Not without feeling unrealistic. Fact is we can't zoom with our poor eyes in real life. So it is a big immersion breaker when we can zoom in and out like we want. some player want the game easy as possible. Zoom for distance and no zoom for close combat. ... sorry that's unrealistic for me. There could be only one size. Full zoom all the time for realistic scale, then we all need a bigger screen, or have to look around with our mouse much more. Or no zoom all the time, then you see have a good fov and just need to open your eyes, or have to move your body closer to the battlezone, if you can't see an enemy.

I'm very lucky with out any zoom. And i have no problems to kill other player far away. RO maps are perfect without zoom (even arma would be perfect without zoom). Without zoom for everybody the game is just fair for everybody.

Sry for zoom topic again. ... just want to say it...

Good we have server options.
IOM is the best RO experience i ever had. Hope to see you all on the server. No matter if they are ranked or unranked. We don't need any stupid upgrades and ranks to have fun.
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I generally liked IOM - some sounds were good others weren't that crash hot but the no-zoom turned me off..

No-zoom is just an option as part of the IOM overhaul. Servers can include... or not, it's up to them. With IOM servers can:

  1. Disable zoom entirely
  2. Enable ironsight zoom only (Like classic)
  3. Enable shift zoom only (So that you can only aim well when 100% stopped, but can still peek around cover and see things)
Long story short, it's up to the servers now, not what the game can/can't do.

Regarding whitelisting, TWI devs have shown support for the mod, and have contacted Dibbler several times. Dibbler doesn't want to whitelist the mod until it reaches a certain state of completion (presumably because once whitelisted it will become far harder to introduce new material to the mod, and dibbs is a machine for new features/material).

I do wish TWI would integrate the ranked/unranked server browsers and just make unranked servers red or something, so that people see them at least. Oh well, for now just hop on unranked and join your closest IOM server, you can rant all you like and try and get people to shift from other servers too, so long as they allow promotion/are the same managers who run the IOM servers!!!

So next time 40-1, Cat's Aussie/NZ server, the French, German etc servers that have IOM servers are full/near full put the message out!

Also join the steam group Dibbler's Mod, there are events on a weekly basis there, normally held on Saturday nights. As more players become interested these could become more frequent/more localised.
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