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Spring Beta Patch Comments

I'm pretty positive no one can even try to call RO a realistic game now. The soldiers scream from headshots, TWI has included INGAME MUSIC, and all of the new content was player-created (IT'S NOT NEW!). Gotta say I'm pretty disapointed with this patch, and the overall direction RO has taken since the mod days.

the patch is still a "beta" ... we should wait with our *****ing till its final, as their are still things that are not yet included in the patch, like from yoshiro mentioned code changes.

Nothing against to complain about things. free spech for all. But com on letz wait till all is "realy" official, hmm no ? :p

On BDJ me(in a tiger) and an 76 put about 5-6 rounds *in* each other. lots of bounces, but i put about 5 88mm's into the turret with the last one finishing the job.:rolleyes:

The IS2 is really a scary thing with the new patch, just a slight angle and everything bouches off (with TIger and Panther).
Not a big difference to the usual game. Yoshiro said, that no main changes to tanks was made ... which I find sad to hear. Seriously. Cause as this is what I exactly hoped, that will be fixed with future patches, to finnally have more tactical tank fights.
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My thoughts:
1.Need to be able to use bolt stripper clips in semi autos.

2.Semi autos need to have the bolt open after last shot.

3.PPSH recoil could still use a little adjusting, feels a bit "balanced".

4.I wish the tanks had seen some more attention.

5. Get rid of the cartoon sniper on the menu screen.

6. Death screams, while nice, are repetitive and over the top e.g. headshot scream.

Other than that its ok, nice to have new maps and all.
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Just a heads up, those other code changes will not go into this patch. We code locked before they were done. So they are sitting pretty for the next patch :)

As to the music, we've had a wonderful soundtrack since the mod days, and felt it was time for it to return to RO:O (heck I don't know why it wasn't in there launch day except for maybe forgetting about it in the rush to launch). If you don't like the music, feel free to turn it off. I'm biased but I rather like the music, however I keep the music volume on low. It is better then listening to Zelda music when playing RO in my opinion (what I did before hand hehe).

As to no music ingame but wanting menu music, It is something I'll bring up for the next patch as it seems many of you like the idea. However don't take that as the gospel of what is going to be in the next patch.
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I've managed to figure out how to launch the beta, some comments (they are not new, most of them were mentioned)
- The music while fighting is really unecessary, at least, for me and it doesn't let to concetrate on the enemy. I haven't searched for turn it off function other than putting its volume to zero yet, but I will - I hope devs will make it possible to turn off in-game music while keeping menu music.
- New bayo system is working fine, it's easier to hit the bugger now for sure.
- The screams. They are.. interesting, but I do want to see (or better - hear) a full 50 men Les Krovi map.
The new menu is way better than the old one, that's for sure. Also, I haven't played on tank maps, but I believe you guys that reload bug and SU bug are fixed - thanks for that!
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Oh as to the "music will ruin the game".

This isn't the first time we have seen "x" will ruin the game type comments.

First I think it was free aim, machine guns, then tanks, then retail, and now music :) So this is the 5th time we've "ruined" the game. None of which have ruined the game as far as I can tell.

-Edit- Adding free aim, how could I forget.
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Actually I can remember a few other things that were going to "ruin the game" going way back. I've been told the following things would ruin the game at various times:
- Realism
- Iron sights
- lack of crosshair
- Free-aim
- Players moving a realistic speed
- bullet ballistics
- Not having Americans in the game

Guess we'll have to keep doing the same thing we've always done - make the game WE like to play, and hope others like to play it too :)
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The music should not be static. Perhaps have the music que on in-activity, slowly rising to what ever volume is set.

I could see sitting at a cap-zone, not doing anything, not even moving around, the music starts to que up.

But the minute something is heard nearby, or I make a move, the music starts to back off.

If this is even possible.
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Hitman has something like that. When you are about to kill/fight or when there is danger, the music theme is tensed, and when you're just standing doing nothing, it's calm.
I'd just like 2 tick boxes,ingame music and menu music.
Is that really that hard to implement?
What that good man said. It's just like class-names. Those who want more realism can choose original names, those who don't give a s about it can choose the mroe convenient option.
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And is it just me or is no-one freakin playing the beta? Since the first night, I haven't seen more than 10 people in a beta server. Kinda hard to test the updated player count fully when no-one is playing.

A rather pathetic uptake really. I would've thought more of the RO community would jump for the chance to beta test the patch.
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Actually I can remember a few other things that were going to "ruin the game" going way back. I've been told the following things would ruin the game at various times:
- Realism
- Iron sights
- lack of crosshair
- Free-aim
- Players moving a realistic speed
- bullet ballistics
- Not having Americans in the game

Guess we'll have to keep doing the same thing we've always done - make the game WE like to play, and hope others like to play it too :)

Come on Guys, you are letting the asshats get to you. Don't allow yourselves to be irked by lamer remarks. Just keep doing the same great things you have built your reputation on.

Solid Communications and Support. Its the best in the business right now. ;)
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