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Halloween Hillbilly Horrors!

I do not like this. I've played Killing Floor for two years now, and I liked it because DLC was relegated to cosmetic items only.

The way this sounds, you're going to have the community do your work for you, then charge other community members to use their mods. You'll start with weapons, which is bad enough, then move onto maps which will just splinter the player base. And it's quite obvious this is the path you intend to take.

I am wholly opposed to paid DLC weapons and maps in FPS multiplayer games. If you want to pay the modders, then by all means, do so. But don't splinter the community into paying and nonpaying players who can't access gameplay content because they didn't want to purchase something.

I liked TWI, but they've been making bad decisions since last Christmas. It took forever to get weapon bugs fixed that cropped up then (weapon weights, negative carrying capacity abuse, etc). Then the IJC pack that was brought in recently has serious imbalances that took months to fix. I feel TWI is getting lazy, just slapping stuff into their games without testing.

Now you're going to start charging for gameplay content, and that's really the last thing I'll put up with.
This sums it up pretty well.
Looks like the game is going to change. There'll be a huge influx of new content, exclusive or not, and things will be different. Even if all the old and new weapons get balanced decently (not holding my breath), the gameplay is not going to be the same. Hate to compare, but look what happened to TF2. You have to go out of your way to have an okay time, something I never had to do in KF. I'd just join any whitelisted server, and I'd know there won't be any annoying mods or tons of unbalanced weapons.

Some of you better be working on vanilla KF mods already.
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Wow guys chill out before you get your pitchforks.

Wait for the new stuff to come out then make an opinion on it.

They're giving us 4 weapons free, new maps, new achievements, and other new content but you guys got hung up on Weapon DLC because TW wanted to do something nice for their modding community after they already put in 4 of their weapons for free.

Question; how many of you went and donated to the IJC modding team after the last community patch that added their last batch of weapons?

That seems to be the strongest argument being made.

I'll be honest here. I didn't, but I enjoyed using the weapons nonetheless in-fact I'll be paying for it in order to support our modding community even further.

Another thing is that these weapons are in the workshop you can use them now for free, and I doubt they'll be removing them. Please let's just wait to see how things turn out before we all start raising the torches.
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Well, here's feedback. I already uninstalled the game over this.
I lol at this. WOW. tripwire is only trialing it. quit complaining ~_~ omg.
They need some sort of way to make money so this is what there going to do. glad you uninstalled it, one less noob to worry about. ~_~
jesus this is why I hate forums cause people rage over the stupid ****, lol
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The new community created paid DLC is an experiment to reward modders for their continued work on Killing Floor. This may not be the best solution, but it is the one we are trialing first.

As always we are open to feedback.

Please, please, please, please, please, remove the requirement to pay for the weapons. This is not how it should be. Please, Tripwire is one of the few developers who understands content like weapons and maps should not be behind a price barrier. It causes splintering in the community and ruins a game. The DLC character models were fine, they were well worth the money and knowing that they helped to keep the game going was nice, but weapons, game changing content, should not be something you charge for. It's not right or fair to the people who have supported this game since the beginning or even those who are coming on now.
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I'm quite surprised to see Tripwire turn into the kind of developer who brings out advantages in the form of a weapon pack.

Character models were only cosmetic but forcing people to pay for an advantage is just like the sort of thing EA Games would do.

Depends on the price, but I have to say i'm a little disappointed unless these don't vary much at all.


I almost posted this in the wrong topic, apologies to TWI staff if that was noticed.
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I lol at this. WOW. tripwire is only trialing it. quit complaining ~_~ omg.
They need some sort of way to make money so this is what there going to do. glad you uninstalled it, one less noob to worry about. ~_~
jesus this is why I hate forums cause people rage over the stupid ****, lol

They had an effective way of making money with cosmetic dlc, not to mention this dlc goes straight to the modders, so tripwire makes no money here.

It's just charging for gameplay changes fractures community's and makes the game feel incomplete for people who didn't pay for it. It's poor form. If i wanted to support modders I'd go to their page and donate.
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I certainly don't agree with this idea.

While I've been perfectly fine willing to support TW with paid DLC skins, paid weapons in a multiplayer game is definitely not a good idea. Not only does it fracture the community with weapons you can only attain with money, but there are a whole host of balance issues to be had. Let's face it, the weapon balancing in KF as it is isn't perfect and the potential for unbalanced paid weapons in the future can quickly and easily create a 'pay2win' environment.

I've seen the idea floating around various areas of the internet (and probably in this thread somewhere) about purchasing weapon packs as a donation to the modders who made them to be able to use those weapons say a month earlier than the general, free release.

However, paid items that affect the gameplay in a multiplayer game is never, ever a good idea.
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Wow.. I didn't know killing floor fans we're some of the biggest complainers on earth.. you act like the game is gonna die tomorrow because they have one paid DLC for weapons..it doesnt even sound the like the weapons are super OP and not everyone is gonna donate to modders cause most don't care enough so it doesn't help them make enough money to keep doing the work to provide us new content (I'd like to see everyone that complained about this provide some new High Quality Content for free.. Go on I'm waiting..) that we beg for this is probably one of the best choices to help out IJC and Tripwire.. and I Support it so stop being assholes and enjoy one of the best games out there :D
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I have to say I am very disappointed in you Tripwire. I have played this game for at least 400 hours, and this is like stabbing me in the back.

But it doesn't surprise me that you guys are slowly starting to turn into Activision/EA and charging nick and dime for small stuff.
But this is going way beyond that and you will be turning this game into pay2win trash.

I usually almost always pirate games, except for exceptional games that deserve my money, like Killing Floor. I can promise you this; if you implement p2w DLC weapons, I will never play in normal servers again (since you can obtain them for free in servers with mods) and I will personally pirate each and every future game you will release.
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The new community created paid DLC is an experiment to reward modders for their continued work on Killing Floor. This may not be the best solution, but it is the one we are trialing first.

As always we are open to feedback.
Why not simply have it so that you add the guns in, but have separate, cool recolors or slight reskins for the guns and weapons? Keep the stats for them the same, but let the players who want to donate to the modders get a little something extra?
The modders get the money they deserve, the donaters get a little something extra, the players get the weapons, everyone's happy.
I know it does require a little bit extra work on the part of the modders, but it really can't be that hard, can it?
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I know this is probably a little experiment but eh, I don't think it's good. I mean DLC skins are good, cosmetic things and all. You should know this.

But weapons for DLC? I mean it's cool that the modders get to earn money but modders aren't modders to earn money in the first place. I want to be against this idea but I'd feel bad because the modders are probably extremely happy about earning tid bits of cash from helping out the game.

I'm still against it though :|
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I lol at this. WOW. tripwire is only trialing it. quit complaining ~_~ omg.
They need some sort of way to make money so this is what there going to do. glad you uninstalled it, one less noob to worry about. ~_~
jesus this is why I hate forums cause people rage over the stupid ****, lol

Clearly after having several sales where the game was only $5 (Which is happening again this week), over a dozen free content patches over 4 years now, and continued support of the modding community without pay (TW has used tons of the modding communities assets without them having received any compensation afaik), and now Tripwire really wants to dig in and throw some of their success there way and people get up in arms about it.

I think it's somewhat sad. I can't believe how entitled some people have become that we want more than what they've already given us for such an amazing price.

Tripwire has made a game worth well over the $60 price tag most games these days cost, and has done nothing but try to listen to their community all while releasing constant updates to keep the game afloat and the players happy.

This new patch contains maps, weapons, and another fun event to take part in, and people get rabid over an attempt to show support for their modding community.

Stay classy, people. Stay classy.

Also, this isn't targeted at those who disagree either. It's well within your right to choose to support or not support the idea. Agree or disagree with it, but rather it's for those who feel the need to form a lynch mob.

(This obviously isn't targeted at you, Mido. Rather as a general reminder.)
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Hey killing floor team, I'm like the above poster, I've played killing floor for a long time but never before posted on the forums. Me and my friends all play killing floor, and honestly we all love your previous dlc plan. That of giving away game-play changes (maps, guns etc) for free and charging for cosmetic changes, so if you want to support you can, but you don't split the community on game-play.

How would it work if someone who payed for the weapons drops them? Will a big "Buy IJC Mod DLC
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I can see that you guys want to support modders but paid DLC is NOT the solution, the only thing you're going to do is irritate the community. Paid content has killed good games before, it happens all the time. Look at activision or nexon games, cashshops and DLC splits communities and at worst drives thousands of customers away when it starts taking priority over actual updates killing the playerbase.

Instead why not make a simple skin for the weapons pack you can buy showing you donated? Even something as simple as a default character with a medal that goes entirely to modders. Or a donate button on the workshop pages as another person suggested? Kind of like stamps in TF2.
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Question; how many of you went and donated to the IJC modding team after the last community patch that added their last batch of weapons?

not a cent because the weapon pack was poorly balanced and implemented

and now they are going to charge for weapons that could be terrible balanced and game breaking before we even get a chance to test them out?

bad move by TWI
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Clearly after having several sales where the game was only $5 (Which is happening again this week), over a dozen free content patches over 4 years now, and continued support of the modding community without pay (TW has used tons of the modding communities assets without them having received any compensation afaik), and now Tripwire really wants to dig in and throw some of their success there way and people get up in arms about it.

I think it's somewhat sad. I can't believe how entitled some people have become that we want more than what they've already given us for such an amazing price.

Tripwire has made a game worth well over the $60 price tag most games these days cost, and has done nothing but try to listen to their community all while releasing constant updates to keep the game afloat and the players happy.

This new patch contains maps, weapons, and another fun event to take part in, and people get rabid over an attempt to show support for their modding community.

Stay classy, people. Stay classy.

Also, this isn't targeted at those who disagree either. It's well within your right to choose to support or not support the idea. Agree or disagree with it, but rather it's for those who feel the need to form a lynch mob.

(This obviously isn't targeted at you, Mido. Rather as a general reminder.)

I think this is a massive misconception in regards to the people who don't support this trial. It's not a case of being unappreciative of TW's efforts and the overused phrase 'gamer entitlement', it's that charging for gameplay changing items is a very slippery slope and has ruined plenty of multiplayer games.

TW have released plenty of cosmetic DLC and little to no one has complained because that's just what it is, cosmetic.
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I'm not going to keep paying money to stay "up to date" on a game I've already paid for, ESPECIALLY a decentralized, multiplayer, online game. I mean, an occasional two or three dollars every few months, for a handful of weapons I don't even need to use and I can ignore? That would be fine. But weapons that fundamentally change the way I can play the game, that I have to shell out an hour of minimum wage work worth of cash for, that's not okay.
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