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December 14th "What We Are Up To"

December 14th "What We Are Up To"

  • Realism Mode: No unlocks/upgrades

    Votes: 116 10.8%
  • Realism Mode: More changes to game play in this mode (sway/speed/fatigue, ie: More realistic)

    Votes: 511 47.6%
  • UI: Improved Commander system (removing arty targets from map, more )

    Votes: 8 0.7%
  • UI: Improved notifications (pop up vote system, visual/audio feedback of votes, more)

    Votes: 9 0.8%
  • General: Enhanced Game play (work on spawn systems/protection/game modes)

    Votes: 95 8.8%
  • Missed launch functionality: Coop

    Votes: 35 3.3%
  • Missed launch functionality: Online Campaign

    Votes: 52 4.8%
  • Missed launch functionality: Additional Clan/Server/Client Functionality

    Votes: 27 2.5%
  • Changed/Improved Features: Bleeding, bandaging

    Votes: 33 3.1%
  • Changed/Improved Features: Limb Deactivation on Damage

    Votes: 50 4.7%
  • Changed/Improved Features: Improved squad system (interface, functionality)

    Votes: 83 7.7%
  • Tanks: Reduced max tank limit (Improved tank stability/functionality and additional map content)

    Votes: 55 5.1%

  • Total voters
You have to laugh at just how much TW doesn't get it.

They didn't put the two most important things that need to be done to the game.

1. Balanced guns so they aren't instant death


I'd say my peeve is the opposite.. I dont like someone chucking on a bandaid with a sucking 8mm chest wound...
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You have to laugh at just how much TW doesn't get it.

They didn't put the two most important things that need to be done to the game.

1. Balanced guns so they aren't instant death
2. Make the production of user generated content easier so people are actually inclined to produce content like they did for RO1.

I'm sorry, but is this game too hardcore for you? :D
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2. Make the production of user generated content easier so people are actually inclined to produce content like they did for RO1.

To be honest, this really isn't possible these days :) ALL of the modern engines, without exception, require quite some work to generate user content. Carmack even went so far as to say that the id Tech 5 SDK is "probably a bit much for most people". He wasn't suggesting people wouldn't understand it - just that the amount of work required to knock out the average map, is far in excess of previous generations :)
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RO2 MG Gameplay:
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Weirdly enough gun play in RO2 is probably one of the most predictable and boring things I've seen in FPS games.

Weirdly enough GRAW2, rainbow six series (except for 4th one lock down), BF3 fire fight isn't always so predictable and easy like ro2's no sway even when you're standing unsupported firing position.

I guess it's because tripwire didn't have funding nor time, see they sold beta version to ppl charging 40 bucks, with that in mind, it's kind of plain to see they didn't even have time and money to undergo test which gameplay mechanic feels more authentic and realistic and fun to play at the same time.

I think it's the main reason so many initial buyers just left aside from horrid beta state broken game performance, it's simply not fun to play as it's core game play mechanic wasn't properly tested.

I kind of see it as their lack of resource/ fund/ key personnel (game mechanic designer/ testing team), if that's the case, the least they can do for us and for themselves is not to ignore obvious and insanely plain to notice outcome of poll, and be more communicative and humble attitude which fit as small indie developer who cheated their beta sales for 40 bucks to loyal followers.
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To be honest, the largest problem for me is the lack of sway. I mean, yes a Russian soldier probably could hold a rifle straight, but it's that idea of non-realism for realism if you get me?

For example: You don't get scared facing a computer generated German do you? But in RL you would, hence the sway of the gun or other implement, to put that pressure on you.

To be honest, I am largely disapointed by the general lack of grit.

For example in RO OST I used to love being put under pressure and heavy fire bogged down in 1 street in Leningrad, or being in a small trench with Germans jumping over around you. Fighting with the back against the wall. But now... I kind of find the fighting too clean? Too ... almost professional.

I miss being an incompetent Russian peasant drafted in the army with not a clue how to use a gun, but being able to give the germans a good fight and not be shot from far away by a pistol :/

Not sure if I described it best. But basically I miss the grit and bitter fighting of Ost, which I thought would get even better in a place such as Stalingrad.
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Some facts and statistics:
In release day I had about 55 steam friends who own RO2. "Your friends' gameplay stats" said that my friends had been playing RO2 ~1400 hours in the first two weeks after release.

Today I have 91 friends who has RO2. Steam says that their activity in RO2 equals 361 hours (last two weeks).

If you ask them why they are not playing RO2 anymore, they answer that it is mostly because of gameplay design, not bugs.
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