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3D & Animation KFWeapons Re-Animated

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can you please upload to:

Filefront.com (no wait times!!!)


Youtube.com (i dont have to download and extract files or worry about being able to play the file!!!)

PS: i cant play the file in Windows Media Player, Quiktime player, Itunes player, or VLC player. this makes me a sad panda.
lol, I'll try to change the format of it to what?
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I have almost finnished making the Animation for the Scar!!!i would also like to make the double barrel Animation better too because the current reload looks pretty gay!

I agree in many ways. First off the bullets can cleary be shown clipping through your fingers. Secondly, nobody can ever reload a side-by-side shotty that fast! And finally, you shouldn't be doing that gansta style barrel closin thing. It definetly needs a betta animation.
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I agree in many ways. First off the bullets can cleary be shown clipping through your fingers. Secondly, nobody can ever reload a side-by-side shotty that fast! And finally, you shouldn't be doing that gansta style barrel closin thing. It definetly needs a betta animation.
thanks for agreeing :) & I rekon it should be a little more like the COD5 anim & I wouldn't mind the sound either, every time I play COD5 I always play the 2 single player levels where there are the double barrels :) or the first one with the ray gun :D

any other weapons need doing?
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