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Beta Map RO-Lazur50_beta2


Grizzled Veteran
Nov 26, 2005
The Netherlands

The beta 2 of the Lazur 50 map.


Widen up doors and halls
Less SMG
More detail Moved spawns for shorter and more logical run
Added short german radio clip
And other stuff one wil have to find out for himself

Tactical info

The map has 6 objectives

Russians have to attack and the first two objectives are situated at a railarea. These objectives can't be recapped so just fight hard to get them and head on.

Once these objectives are taken the fight for the Lazur warehousearea starts. Keep in mind there are more ways to get there. Don't follow the hurd try other flanks.
Allies can create an extra route to the Lazur warehousearea. To do this they need to blow up a red
door. Keep in mind Axis can recap this capzone

When the Russians manage to cap the Lazur warehousearea the fight for the Chemicalplant starts. Like the Lazur warehousearea this capzone has more ways to get in so it might be usefull to sneak into this area so once again don't follow the mass. Keep in mind Axis can recap this capzone.

When the Russians manage to cap the Chemical plant they out to get the Open field. It's neccesary the Russians control this open field in order to plan their final attack. Keep in mind Axis can recap this capzone.

The final objective is the Generator hall. The Germans use this huge building as their HQ Whipe them out and you win. Allies can create an extra route to the Generator hall. To do this they need to blow up the red door.






To add more variety into maps I made another picture set for the static mesh package detail-civilian photos. The DDS file is zipped in the rar file. Free to use for any mapper.







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I have one little niggle, these windows inside, when you get close to them you actually end up standing on the small ledge, meaning you can't really get close enough to fire and still be in cover.

This and other stuff like visual uglyness will be solved in a next version.
I experiences Allies have a very simple job to steamroll the Axis.
Can anyone confirm this so i can try to tweak it.
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Played two games on the new map, one ended in a marginal Axis win (the Soviets lacked something like 30 seconds), the other time Axis won with us stuck somewhere in the open field and not really being able to get a foothold in the generator complex.

It's definitely not a parkwalk for Germans anymore, but it felt rather equal. Sure, the Soviets are going to be advancing capzone by capzone, but - IMO - Germans still had a good chance of slowing the advance enough to win.
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All mentioned issues will be fixed in a next version. Meanwhile i have worked
on the area directly out of the Allies first spawn. Never liked it how it was so it got a visually update. For the next version i want to use that area as the first objective. This mean i will seperate the 2 first objectives.





The first capzone then will be a large area of that ruined stuff and the railstation building. It will be non recap. The new red brick buildings
will have acces and firing spots to support Allies in their attack.

Next i have to fix that bottleneck objective the Eastern railarea is now.
Suggestions are welcome.
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With all those arrows and clues on what to do Drecks, is this going to be a 'Lazur for Dummies' version? :p

Don't think it's needed this time...

Reworked a lot of the textures and working on the lightning. As i changed the first two objectives this version needs to be tested.
Hope this testing will be done this week ?? Have to deal with a busy job,wife and kiddos too.....



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Really liking the texture rework. Getting a better ambient feel and really changes the mood. The additional buildings and destruction adds a lot to the map. Now if I only had more time to play. ;)

And i already changed that stationbuilding to a new homebrewed texture
as i still wasn't satisfied. Now iff these Damned Priest could test the map
it could be released.
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