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What are the optimal weapon loadouts for each Perk these days?

I'm assuming it's redundant to use both Dragonblaze and Dragonsbreath together? Trying to assess which one pairs better with the Flamethrower, seems like Dragonblaze is both cheaper (factoring in +2 upgrades for Dragonsbreath) and has superior Ground Fires, and isn't bottlenecked by tube feeding when the Zeds are constantly encroaching without giving you time to reload.

Loadout I'm looking at is: Dragonblaze, Flamethrower, HM101+1. Dirt cheap, lets me fight Scrakes easily and mow down trash by the score, and even spot heal to assist the Medic.

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No, Killing Floor 3 doesn't need an attachment system.

I hope i'm not annoying anyone by refreshing this thread.

I personally don't agree with the notion that an attachment system inherently will clash with KF identity. If you look at the perks in KF2 there already is a simplified system that could be interpreted as a weapon customization. As a support you can choose whenever your weapons have more rounds in a mag, are faster to reload, have more penetration or less spread. That's basically what weapon mods do in games.

I'm not saying that there's no room for Tripwire to **** up the balance, but a lot hinges on information that we don't have.
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Boss with Havick mechanics from MK1 and other.

I mean... It's just a convoluted way to have a boss that dodges. This is the case of most zeds on harder difficulties anyway. Sure, it sorta fits Killing Floor's brutal monster design... But it doesn't really bring much gameplay-wise.

I personally find children's sounds (laughter and cries alike) to be a really boring and cliché trope that everybody has heard/seen 400 times in horror media. It's almost as lazy as jumpscares.

"Hysterical screams" sound a bit better, to a point I'd say. I believe people keep forgetting that KF is a franchise with its tongue lodged firmly in its cheek... The series always had some layers of humor added to it. What I mean by that, is that I really don't want to hear blood-curling screams that puncture my eardums. If anything, I'm expecting something more exaggerated, akin to what Alberts or Foster are screaming in KF2. I'll be ok with a tone that's a bit more serious, but not exactly something that hits too close to home... Plus, I mean, can you even ask a voice actor to scream as if they had been shot or something? Thankfully, most of us can't really picture the pain !

Calling KF2's soundtrack "dreamy" is kind of a stretch, but I fully concur that KF1's OST was way more interesting, diversified, and befitting the game. I really believe they lost themselves for KF2, and I quickly got tired of hearing Demon Hunter... And sorry for Rocky Grey, but he's no Zynthetic. But it seems like the former is back for more in KF3... So I think both you and I will have to make up with that !
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Specialists Mega Thread (Originaly: Why Specialists?)

I've always maintained that creativity and innovation is not a profitless enterprise, it's just a difficult one. Unfortunately, most developers would rather milk the tried and true tropes from past hits that raked in the money hand over fist instead of rising to the challenge of creating something fresh, and eventually it gets stale and people start to move on.

Some companies just don't know when enough is enough. I feel like Kingdom Hearts, one of my most beloved franchises, is one such series that is suffering from stagnation at this point, as evidenced by the laughable pacing and piss-poor narrative of KH3.
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Solution to endgames being a boring slog

Hi, I like the game a lot but the endgame is completely unfun for everyone but the package carrier.

I would like to propose adding intel costs to activating a second terminal and a further increased cost to activating third. As it stands, the game just drags on in a goose chase across the map as people are too scared to take a 1v1 with package advantage. There is almost 0 downside for the package carrier to not commit to anything once theyve got the package as 9/10 games it will just be a 1v1 and they have full vision while the non carrier does not. Plus the last phase of the game is what 5 minutes to reach a terminal then like 5 more after to extract. Why do they get so much time on top of every other advantage including literal wallhacks? It might make sense for Duos and Trios where people can coordinate more but in solos? I dont think it makes the game exciting to play as too often youll either just be forced to take an unfavorable 1v1, which tbf is fine since they took the risk to get the package, but why do they then also get to just run around wasting time to avoid the 1v1 entirely? Its kind of silly imo and takes away from what makes the game great.

Notice: We are looking for diligent KF Fans who provide clear and concise feedback and bug reports

Good morning
  • Play style : casual/hardcore for the most part I like the challenge. but I can rest on a lower difficulty level
  • Main Perk(s) : Berserker,Field Medic,Commando,Demolitionist,Support,Firebug,Survivalist,
  • KF2 = 1861,1hours | KF1 = 120,3hours | KF Incursion = 4,2hours
  • I regularly sent surveys about weapon balance and perk balance in kf2, currently I am a tester in deadlock and I regularly test closed updates to wartunder

    I work remotely and I am available every day, I will be happy to help you test Killing Floor 3
Best regards, gTr
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[PSA] Expected Downtime During Scheduled Maintenance

Agents, plan your missions accordingly. We expect one of our partners to run scheduled maintenance on July 23rd 2024, at 6:00 AM UTC. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by interruptions to regular services that may affect your spy work and any other related plans for deception.

Deceive Inc. Suspicious Bots Brief


Upcoming Features Preview
Agents, we are fast approaching our next update and we have some major changes coming that will change how Deceive Inc. is played in significant ways.
We wanted to give a sneak peek at some of the big elements that the community has been discussing for a while now. Let’s get into it!

Suspicion Mechanic
We are shaking up the meta this update with a massive change that will have significant ramifications on the game. One of the most common feedback pieces we receive is that there is no incentive not to run around everywhere once you get a hang of the game. This is an inherent differential between new players that will always walk carefully and experienced players that will almost always run.

Introducing the “Suspicion” mechanic. When in cover, you will now have a new bar that fills around your cover bar while being suspicious, such as sprinting around a party (which is currently the only thing that will trigger this new mechanic). Once filled up, this will start draining your cover bar, putting you at risk of blowing your cover.

(Click on image to see WebM of Suspicion Mechanic in action)​

We know this is going to be a polarizing change, and we will keep a very close eye on feedback for the future steps of this mechanic. To help calibrate that feedback, our design goals with this are as such:
  • Adding decision making in movement. Having to manage a resource that could put you at risk makes normal traversal more tense and adds moment to moment decisions to the game.
  • Putting a limit on the ability for a player to cross the entire map to third party an active fight. They could always push themselves and blow their cover to get there, but at that point it gives a better chance for the defending player to react.
  • Level the playing field a bit more between overly careful new players and extremely reckless experienced players, giving a bit of required downtime to these players to slow down games.

Crucially, suspicion is no longer active when in the extraction phase. When everyone is on high alert, running is not suspicious anymore, allowing the final phase to continue as the high octane chase it always was.

Bot Behavior Upgrade
Bots have received a lot of love this update to make them fully capable agents that can drive the game forward. They can now progress every phase of the match, from disabling vault terminals to printing themselves a gold keycard and even evading rival players to go and call the extraction!

With this massive step forward, bots are now much closer to the behavior of real players and we hope to continue future work from this point to make them even more interesting and layered.

We will be looking for player feedback on these systems and how you want to see them evolve! Agents should look forward to getting their hands on the next build of Deceive Inc. before the end of the month with feedback polls to follow, so stay VIGILant (sorry, we’ll just Lar’see ourselves out for that one).
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My Xbox XP is halted, whats happening?

Exp loss after match

before the end of KF2's lifespan, please add an official way to see what boss you're going to fight

"Still alive? Bravo. I would shake your hands, but I shall just eviscerate you instead!"

My personal favorite is: "You come here and make all this noise. How am I meant to work!? You must. Stop. LIVING!"
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supports that dont tank are worthless

If it was only the 50% health like in the old days I'd agree with you completely, but the 10% damage resistance that now comes with it stretches that survivability a bit further, not just in terms of their health lasting longer in bad situations, but their armor too. Damage resistance directly translates to a slower rate of armor degredation, which I think is better than just having a larger armor pool, because it also makes your armor economy more efficient, I.E less costly to maintain and lasts a little longer. It also gives the Support a bit more cushion with their survival breakpoints against Scrakes and Fleshpounds: 56 health will survive a direct hit from a 6p Suicidal/HoE Fleshpound now. And it also softens the impact of non-melee attacks that are a threat to Supports at their effective range, particularly Sirens.

It's honestly just personal preference. Salvo will always be the better choice in almost all cases, but Fortitude is a viable choice now with the added damage resistance, just like Armor Piercing can now somewhat compete with Tight Choke because of the added damage bonus. There's an argument to be made for both sides now, depending on what you value more as a player.

Fortitude and Armor Piercing just happens to work for my playstyle because I focus more on suppression rather than big zed takedowns (AA12, HZ12 and HM101, though I'm trying the HM301 in place of the HZ12 to see if the added heals benefit a team lacking a Medic), which I still assist with; Scrakes are no problem even without Concussion Rounds, so I'm free to further assist the team with Resupply. I'm just not the first one to open up against a Fleshpound. I assist with them and I'll block one if I have a Medic behind me ready to heal me, but I don't engage them on my own if I don't have to.

Feels like I'm playing a Paladin in a lot of respects. Tank a doorway, keep trash off the team, give the team armor, block for the Medic and assist them with secondary heals when my lane is clear.
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My take/mockup on KF3's HUD

It's not even that it looks cluttered that bothers me the most. It's just how bland the whole thing looks... I swear they took notes from every open-world released in the 2010s and tried to recreate the most boring HUD possible by faithfully taking cues from their designs.

Nothing pops out. Nothing stands out. I believe we don't need ALL our missions to appear on our HUD. I also believe we don't need to read "eliminate the threat" and a simple countdown would suffice. Similarly... do we need both a wave counter AND a visual representation of said counter? One or the other is more than enough.

Lastly... Make the important information (health, dosh and ammo most of all) STAND OUT. Add some color. Make it slightly bigger. Do everything you can to make it as easy as a real quick glance... but also pleasing to the eyes.

(Unrelated, but considering the big bright circle on the middle-bottom of the screen... I assume we're indeed expecting some ultimate abilities for each characters/perks this time around. So the hero-shooter comparisons were apparently right on the money. Great... Can't say I'm too giddy about it. Not only did we get a million of those since Overwatch released, but it's late to the party as well)
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