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Temperature and Infantry

at first i said eh i don't like this idea but as i think about it more id love this idea. heres the thing, it have to barely effect game play. i don't want no major changes just very minor ones.

slightly more barrel movement i mean slightly ever so slightly just enough to notice but not be bothered by it. (or even not notice much change.) why because for most people the wobble is hard enough to get used to. this only makes it harder to grasp and many people won't play these maps on winter because they don't want there aim taken away believe me Ive seen people do this sorta thing it will happen. (in mass to not just a few people will do this.)

shortened time for holding breath again not that much just barely and even make him sound even more out of breath when its done because of the cold.

a slightly slower reload like just slightly this could be made by making the animation be slightly different. like make him reload more gingerly.

cold breath well this is just a feature for esthetics and marksmen don't have this feature at all because that makes it even easier to see them i feel that it ruins the gameplay quite a bit. (after all we can realistically attribute this to they eat snow.) just a cloud of breath after you finish holding your breath otherwise i don't want to see it after every breath it would just get annoying and get in the way of my shots.

if you stand idle you get an animation where you shake all over. i woudln't go as far as to make him put away his weapon but just shake all over.

no changes in these effects by running only creates gamey features that aren't good for realism. :)

if major changes with the cold happen in game as they do in real life no one would want to play them as no one in there right mind wants to fight in below zero temperatures. this is why i suggest very very small changes not large ones. the other problem is if done wrong and these changes i suggest could make people not want to play them. personally i think that the best way to do it would be either something very similar to this or not at all. frankly im for it for the idea but i could see why i wouldn't like it at all. meaning it have to be done so perfectly that the immersion is much greater effect than the slight hindered game play. basically that i feel like im in the cold but feel the gameplay hasn't changed. im really on the edge about whether this cold should even effect gameplay.
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First off, -25 C is not that serious. Do you even live in a cold climate?

Well, the first 30 years of my live I lived close to the coldest spot in germany (Rennerod) ;) . While it may not be as cold as Canada sometimes, it can get pretty cold.

I've lived in Canada my whole life and for you to suffer from exposure to -25 C is going to take a lot longer than 30 minutes (with even half decent clothing covering all your skin being the condition. Having exposed skin is a whole other matter).

But the game is not called "Adventures of a canadian lumberjack" but "Heroes of Stalingrad". And the soldiers weren't exposed for 30 minutes to the cold, coming well-fed in modern winter dress from a warm, dry home into the cold for a short while.
Especially during the winter fighting, when supplies were already quite scarce for a while, they were massively under nourished for weeks, even months, sleep deprived, dirty and lice infested and under supplied with everything with not much suitable clothing.
You really think the effects on a soldier being in the field for months under this condition will be the same as for you, leaving your home for 30 minutes?
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First off, -25 C is not that serious. Do you even live in a cold climate? I've lived in Canada my whole life and for you to suffer from exposure to -25 C is going to take a lot longer than 30 minutes (with even half decent clothing covering all your skin being the condition. Having exposed skin is a whole other matter). Sure your hands will get a bit stiff and your nose runny, but you are playing up the effects as if they would actually matter in a short skirmish. You are looking to add complexity for complexity's sake and I think that's pointless and stupid.

I think your thinking of ferinheight there buddy, -25' celsius is, to put it F*****G cold.
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Canada uses Celsius like the rest of the world

Cameron said:
...and that an army isn't going to send people already suffering from hypothermia out to fight simply because they would be incapable.
Oh yes, especially not in Stalingrad, as we all know. Only the well-fed, well-clad, fully rested soldiers waged combat there.

When i say they wouldn't send people suffering from hypothermia I do not in-fact mean to include people who have missed meals, sleep or new clothes. I mean people who are suffering from hypothermia which past the mild beginning is a debilitating condition
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I was thinking: wouldn't it be nice if environmental temperature also affected the movement speed of infantry and perhaps overall response time etc? It would be interesting for infantry combat on winter maps to be more brutal and sluggish than dry maps.

Or maybe, as hero, you could choose less winter clothing to move faster, but less health cuz ur cold, or the big poofy jackets that make u slow, but u have more health because ur not cold.
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When i say they wouldn't send people suffering from hypothermia I do not in-fact mean to include people who have missed meals, sleep or new clothes. I mean people who are suffering from hypothermia which past the mild beginning is a debilitating condition

Well, have you ever read any accounts of (few) german or russian survivors?
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Well, have you considered that those people who had hypothermia whether or not they were sent into combat would be combat in-effective or in RO terms, dead.

Well, they would be slow, imprecise and not very effective. But as most of the rest would be too, that wouldn't make too much difference.

The point of the whole thing: When it comes to questions about sluggishness, speed and reaction time on the battlefield in winter stalingrad, even if the game feels extremely sluggish, it's most probably still far too fast to be realistic.
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