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Level Design Killing Floor 1.0 SP maps port progress!


Grizzled Veteran
Dec 17, 2009
Some of you might remember the thread saying that I wud be porting KF 1.0 Single Player Campaign. Well, its been a long while since I lost worked on it and today I decided to work my arse off on it.

Progress so far:
Westlondon part: Complete!
Offices part: Complete!
Sewers part: Complete!
BioticsLab part: Complete!
Underground Lab part: Complete!

Download: http://www.filefront.com/16514441/KFSinglePlayerCampaignBeta.zip
Mirror: http://www.mediafire.com/?2bmmqmx3wtd
Edit: New download!

ScreenShots are here, scroll down a bit.

PS: Thanks a heeps to Dextronaut for porting all the SMeshes, texs, and sounds to KF retail. He didn't exactly port them for me, I just used them in this and this wudn't be possible without him!
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Theres dozens of NetKActors in these maps, most of which are essential to gameplay and the rest just don't do anyting.

tell me about it lol. i had to go thru each map and replace it with a normal static mesh, in the same position as the netkactor was lol. that was so damn tedious.

PS: batty, i got something up my sleeve :) maybe when its done we can have some machinepistol funtime on it.
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tell me about it lol. i had to go thru each map and replace it with a normal static mesh, in the same position as the netkactor was lol. that was so damn tedious.

PS: batty, i got something up my sleeve :) maybe when its done we can have some machinepistol funtime on it.

Sorry thats not possible for these reasons (Sounds more like escuses but watev):
My internet and router are messed up.
The map has to loaded in the single player gametype for it to work properly (It has many objectives the tell players were to go and can only be seen in KFSPGameType).
You only start with the 9mm pistol.
Theres plenty of weapons throughout it.
Its designed specifically for solo.
It won't be completed for about another 2-3 weeks, hopefully before that!
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I works perfectly so far! Just two more maps to go and shes done!

From what I can see so far, it looks absolutely beautiful. I am curious if and how you would be going to balance the specimens though. I've only played 1.0, and obviously they didn't have fleshpound raging, scrake or gorefast charging, clot grabbing or even bloat acid.

If the specs aren't changed and with the obvous fact your essentially perkless, I imagine its gonna get quite rough in the biotics lab. Thank god I discovered that secret part in level 2 :)

EDIT: Mind you I suppose you do have aim down sight which you dont in KF 1.0 :)

And I'm very curious as to how you plan on tackling Sgt Masterson, but even more so interested on if you managed to fix those pain in the *** to break windows ;)
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