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Tripwire Appoints new Interim CEO, Alan Wilson

I work for Tripwire and run this stuff.
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That's a shame. Despicable. Someone can't state their mind without being stabbed in the back. You should be ashamed of yourselves for kowtowing to the woke mob. The majority of gamers don't care about them and argue against them. SJWs don't buy games and they certainly don't buy your games. You've surrendered to a literal storm in a tea cup.
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That's a shame. Despicable. Someone can't state their mind without being stabbed in the back. You should be ashamed of yourselves for kowtowing to the woke mob. The majority of gamers don't care about them and argue against them. SJWs don't buy games and they certainly don't buy your games. You've surrendered to a literal storm in a tea cup.
Not to mention that SJW's do buy games (I've been playing Red Orchestra since the times it was just and UT2003 mod) but apparently SJW's also make games and it has business consequences for TWI As we can see
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If the new CEO was appointed for any other reason this would be okay, but nope. Tread lightly Tripwire, otherwise a large audience you have will reject your products.

I'd advise you not to make politically correct games/content.. I assume that's where you're headed, due to the lack of guts you have. I mean ****, you turned off the first topic brought up by fans despite your forum literally saying at the bottom, "Our community has been around for many years and pride ourselves on offering unbiased, critical discussion among people of all different backgrounds. We are working every day to make sure our community is one of the best." , Irony at its finest.
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If you take a stance that pushes out someone for their conservative views you can count me out as a consumer. Both sides of the isle should have the ability to say what they want and not be fearful for their lively hood. Forcing out John Gibson for his tweet is despicable. You will soon find out that staying neutral and out of politics is the better solution that bowing down to the small but vocal mob. Loved some of your games but I can live without them. Thanks.
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Thank you Tripwire for fostering a more inclusive and women friendly community. There is obviously freedom of speech granted by the government but not freedom of consequence. Posting a controversial Tweet on an account representing the company with a link, title, and imagery means it reflects on the company. As a proud player of Killing Floor and early access purchaser of Killing Floor 2 with hundreds of hours of play time, I am happy to be able to enjoy the game with this controversy no longer involved.
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I was saddened to hear that TripWire has decided to play dirty political games with their CEO. This man is entitled to his own political beliefs and it's wrong that he lost his job over them. It's a shame, but I'll have to boycott the company for this terrible business practice unless his job is reinstated immediately. Bad move, TripWire. Bad move.
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Made an account just to say I'm appalled by the company forcing him out over a personally held view. As someone who has played since the early days of Red Orchestra 2, I can safely say I've put in many upon many hours in your game. No more. I won't be shocked if the new CEO is another corporate stooge who pushes zeitgeist approved politics and in the mist of it pushes more anti consumer practices like a battle pass.
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