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Killing Floor 2 Poll (SurveyMonkey)

I'd be okay with this poll if it was neutral. But it's pretty obvious OP just wants people to say they don't like the item economy and in game shop.

But you can say you love them and in addition you can leave a lengthy message. Survey monkey does not let you manipulate the responses.

Again, I think TWI should be putting out polls to get customer feedback.
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As long as microtransactions stay cosmetic, I think they're a fine addition to the game. Even if you don't care about skins, MTs being in the game can benefit you just because TWI said that if this system works well, there's a good chance that weapon packs and other content packs that influence gameplay will be free in the future.

The only way I wouldn't be OK with it is if actual weapons were in RNG crates, especially if they're rare, or if there are purchasable things that impact damage (this skin gives +5% damage, etc).
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I haven't read most of this second page, only Rex's post and some of the immediate answers to it.

I have given up on this game as well and pretty much abandoned this forum too, just checking in every couple of days.. Nothing interesting happens anymore, the game release hype is long gone, development is slow, the flavor of the game is now tainted with the stench of Steam market. I tried to max this game out collecting every bit of content, I went after the Dosh jacket with tooth and nail, but now I've been flipped off. I'm just casually lingering about waiting for the Sharpshooter, but no hype at all. I have no interest in KF2 anymore, so yeah, I could be banned from this forum for all I care. In fact, please terminate or suspend my TWI forums account, since I have no more business here apart from getting frustrated all the time. Every time I see KF2 in my Steam library, I get reminded how I loved this game and what has become of that, and the only thing I can possibly do about that is venting that frustration here. That's not good for anyone so please, mods.

So you cannot get every bit of content (cost prohibitive) so the game isn't fun anymore?

This could be a great way for tripwire to have a continuous revenue stream which will hopefully lead to more support for the game.

Also rare items are cool.
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I can appreciate that early access might carry the possibility of shortening the lifespan of this game for some players.

What I can't help but laugh at, is the same names cropping up, time and again, trying to paint TWI in a negative light because they don't agree with microtransactions on principle. They want the content that these microtransactions are paying for, but they don't want the microtransactions.

This is the mark of entitled, spoiled and selfish people that have unrealistic expectations of what early access entails.
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The poll is fine but this melodrama about MCT... super glad I couldn't care less about cosmetics :rolleyes: I wonder whether Tripwire ever expected to end up in this situation.

Yeh, I just answered the poll truthfully. I like MT when it's done tastefully and it's done tastefully here. If a developer makes a game I like, I'm fully supportive of them making as much money as they can, so long as the game continues to be developed.

I'm new here but I'm guessing the angst in this thread is due to history.
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Yeh, I just answered the poll truthfully. I like MT when it's done tastefully and it's done tastefully here. If a developer makes a game I like, I'm fully supportive of them making as much money as they can, so long as the game continues to be developed.

I'm new here but I'm guessing the angst in this thread is due to history.

Doesn't help that certain people ***** and whine about the game (one of them was just recently suspended, thank you mods) and brought something so petty from steam to here.

I dont mind a poll but when it just concerns ONE thing than its just malicious.
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Here's the thing BlackSpawn. You start off with this nonchalant neutral tone casually suggesting you are curious what the community thinks about MT's. But we both know what your comments will degrade to. Something like this


And this is where my frustration lies. Because it's one thing to have a different opinion. However, when you suggest it's someone's low intelligence that dictates that difference of opinion it becomes offensive, insulting and childish. This is why I am not particularly thrilled to see you waging this war on the forums.

ANNND I was right. He is all neutral tonned ,but when he goes to kf2 steam discussion boards and collects the results he will 100% call those who voted the third or fourth answer a no brain mindless sheep.

Both him and bigguns42.This poll has nothing written in it ,but childish hate for those who voted the third option or fourth.
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Take the poll, don't take the poll. Vote yes, vote no. Leave a comment on the poll, don't comment.

Trying to make character assassinations of the people who created the poll is unnecessary.

I said it before and I will say it again. I think TWI should be making polls as a way to get feedback from players while avoiding the battles that are inevitable in the forums.
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Oh the irony, people complaining about people complaining...

Instead of taking the poll, and supporting or not supporting TWI, everyone runs in here and instead starts *****ing about a polls title? Seriously? Killing Floor 2 Poll, yeah, that's misleading, I thought it was about Fallout 4...boy was I surprised. I think the word you guys are looking for is "vague" not "misleading".

The poll is optional, take it or don't, although not taking it hurts the community in the end. Why would you not want to be heard about something you guys are supposedly so passionate about?

Question 1 is about monetizing a game during EA
Questions 2 and 3 are about which monetizing model you prefer
Question 4 is about the removal of RNG
Question 5 is about TWI's public image
Question 6 is about the inclusion of boosters

How is this one giant poll about MTs? How is this poll in any way supporting or not supporting MTs? The polls outcome is what will support/not support MTs, among other things, not the poll itself.

And someone please tell me how a poll about a single issue is malicious? If I were to make a poll about nothing but balance, you're telling me that's malicious? No.

If you're scared of what the poll may show, then take the poll and alter the outcome.
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I used to hate the idea of MT, I don't play any of other games that have crate things so this was a first for me and I was worried that it would ruin my enjoyment of the game but now that they're in... they're completely useless to gameplay itself and have 0 impact on how I and my friends play the game. A hat isn't going to determine if we get to wave 10 on HOE or not, some people are getting hung up on something that's absolutely nothing to core gameplay.

TBH if something that's completely optional and not effecting strategy is ruining someones enjoyment of the game, they have other pressing issues that they need to deal with and this is coming from someone with terrible compeltionist OCD who spent 8+ hours farming a single weapon in BL2.
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