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KF 1033 Update

It wasnt a class nerf. Just ammo. You still have your light and heavy swings which are infinite.

Now you have to properly play the class without spamming.

I don't spam alt-fire, except on the now-dead versus mode. To be honest though, I tend to be a slight bit butthurt whenever my favorite class takes a hit ;w;
Having the extra ammo is nice when you're low-level, however.

Like Johnny Darko said though, a toggle to switch between blunt alt and explosive alt would be extremely handy now that ammo is more scarce.
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The Pulverizer nerf to ammo is not as big a nerf as some folks are making it out to be: the reduction in max ammo itself might seem hefty at over 40%, but you do realise that the explosive damage does NOT affect head health in multiplayer, right? You can do just as well with the Pulverizer (if not better) by keeping the chamber empty and just using non-explosive heavy hits on the heads of everything below a Fleshpound. You only need to reload it when Fleshpounds and the bosses start to appear, and 20 shells is enough for them even on 6P HoE.
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I believe my suggestion for the Pulv ammo ~7-8 months ago was 12 or 16 . Too lazy to look it up.

35 was just a terrible joke that after almost a year now is not funny at all.

35 free grenades that require little to no skill and don't even hurt you when used on a class which has endless ammo, contrasted with pew-pewy weapons, especially on support, requiring insane skill to be able to survive with the little ammo amounts, requiring basically way above average aim and lining up penetration shots in later waves...

Just a joke.

Like I say, this is a good start. Hopefully just the beginning of unstupiding and unnoobing this game.

Sadly, you can't change the atmosphere (including audio including speech and music) by changing a few numbers, but gameplay still goes a long way.
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Played a few hours last night - adjustments feel pretty great to me! :)

I still don't get the complaints some have for the pulverizer change.

Needing someone else to handle sirens or husks? That's just nonsense.

Use up the heavy attack ammo -> don't reload -> use non-explosive heavy attack and knock them upside the head. Even if they do not die outright you'll interrrupt their special attacks and (hopefully) you don't miss their head a second time when you swing again. ~edit~ I just noticed Doctor said the same thing as well...

Complaints for the sake of complaints.

If you do feel the need to use the explosive attack on those zeds; 20 is still a lot to go around for those who don't use it on every crawler and cyst that comes their way.

They could reduce the pulverizer's ammo pool even a bit more in my opinion; to the 12-15 range and I still can't see an issue with it. (similar to what Heatsurge stated above)
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I know I'm mostly preaching to the choir here, but I can't believe there are actually people who think this Pulv nerf is a bad thing. I say this as someone who's been mostly playing Zerk lately on HoE - Zerk was, and still is, strong as **** right now. "Oh boy, more zerk nerfs" yeah, being a zerk is so hard right now isn't it? I better switch to Demo instead.
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Has anyone noticed 36 new hidden achievements in the ach. list?

For me at least it's 36...
Yeah, assuming it's 2 maps and sharpshooter...
8 Map achieves, 2 Items, 4 for sharpie difficulty, and 4 for perk leveling.
That's still only 18.
Seeing Yoshiros other reply, I guess variaty achievements are finally here?
Atlease this does mean a large update is very close so the wait is almost over, thou E3 is still a month away.
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I'd like the zerk ammo to be reconsidered to 25. I can agree that 35 was too much and I usually never ran out, but 20 is a bit severe. Ammo is almost completely depleted after the first 2 FPs on HoE whereas other perks were able to spam and almost never ran out of ammo even when we got to a point where we were playing 12-player hoe.
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Love the ammo rebalancing! I'm gonna have to try this out, finally I can liberally use the AK as a primary!

500 ammo for the flamethrower is also very much appreciated!

Busy work on bug hunting too eh? Thank you again!

As for Pulv, why not have it default as an empty weapon when you get it? Then you reload it to get ready. I agree that blunt heavy hits would be fun if they were more accessible than using 5 shells!
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Instead of adding a separate button to unload the pulverizer, why not just add a function to hold down the reload button to unload it instead? Tap reload button to reload, hold down to unload.

A better idea would be to tap RMB for blunt attacks and hold RMB for explosive strikes, that's the best idea I've heard so far.

It's actually much simpler that way.
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4 FP on higher waves, 9 shots each makes 36 shots. So given the fact that you sometimes gotta deal with FP at your own then you have to put them into a FP-lock to not get damaged. With support on the kill your maybe just blow 2-3 shots, and what you do with the remaining shots is "waste" them on sirens, husks, bloats, or whatever you're dealing heavy attacks on to kill them with one single hit as you are supposed to. In some situations you do not have time to hit multiple times on sirens before your teammates get killed. But maybe it is just me who plays with randoms in public games most of the time where you can't expect everyone is an experienced player with a certain skill-cap.
So 20 shots might be enough, I actually play main BSK and love the perk and I only use the ammo on FP normally but with no option to willingly trigger non-explosive attacks 20 ammo feels a little bit undercharged atm.

Another funny aspect of the patch is, well, you first buff the dosh amount you earn and then increase the ammo costs which overrides this again :p


EB0L4 (Zway)
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