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Grand Theft Auto IV - Mega Thread - Potential SPOILERS

Terrible, terrible news, just found out the Australian version has been cut down to pass OLFC and get a rating here. Yet they won't release details of exactly what they've cut out, I'm guessing hookers for one and maybe further stuff as well. It's the fact they're not telling us what is cut that annoys me cause it makes it hard to make a decision.

So I've got two choices, I can stick with my pre-order and get a censored version or wait and see if the Asian versions will work on our 360's down here and order it from Play Asia, which will be significantly cheaper but at a wait.

What do you guys think.
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I heard a lot of Aussies are getting the NZ version from places like this - http://www.gpstore.co.nz/

I don't think the Asian version will work on your system, but the NZ one will.
Yeah I was looking at that shortly after posting here, the game is rated R18 in NZ everywhere, so they must be getting an uncut version. That's odd though cause normally AUS and NZ get the same versions of games.

In any case this is the path I am taking because Australia and New Zealand are the same zone as far as Xbox regions are concerned.

In fact I've actually saved money, for $1 more than I was going to pay for the regular game over here I am getting the uncut special edition with a bonus 500 M$ points.
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Played it on my mates psp last night. Was actually rather impressed with it, was thinking about getting a ps2 on the cheap for it, oh, and for metal gear 3.
aye, mate! The PS2 version is a totally overhauled version of the PSP one so considering the price of the PS2 nowadays I'd say get it.

And you can trust me on that one since I'm a very picky mother****er when I say it's as if not more fun than San Andreas on the PS2.

Lightning is amazing, you can actually swim without drowning (won't post spoilers about how to get that feature), more boats making VC even bigger and the music, wow, incredible. The 80's were great, etc... I'm loving it and it keeps me pretty busy till GTA IV since I'm shooting for a 100% completion.
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My big concern is framerate. I haven't seen any gameplay vids that aren't ads and from the ads, the in-game video is either slowed down or looks choppy. Hopefully it's 30+fps, but I have my doubts.

Can't wait to buy this though, looks great.
Remember Assassin's Creed? Framerate choked on the PS3 and not on the 360 :mad:
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The "Liberty City Gun Club" one made me lol.:)

BTW, look at this photo that's in the Wikipedia article:


Dang, why aren't there more advertisements like that in the world? :p Must've cost a lot.

When will the PC version be released again?
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