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Tripwire KF balancing seems bad. I wish they would balance it as good as Red Orchestra 2.

Why is katana worth 100 pounds more than it was before? Why Multichamber takes 10 blocks and comes only with 65 ammo? Why Musket doesn't have same price for all perks like LAR? Why M99 bullet costs 250 Pouds? Why M99 takes 13 blocks and not 12? Why the hell is seeker6 so underpowered? Why is AK-47 worth 1000 Pounds off perk, while LAR is only 200? ...

I have tons of quastions about strange balance decisions.

Because the Musket and M99 are OP. Same as Flares, and same as many things in this game. Likewise, the Seeker isn't underpowered, you just have to learn how to use it, and in what situations to use it in. And the Katana was given a price rise due to Zerk being being a broken perk, and getting an AoE buff that it really didn't need; but I don't really want to go into that balance stuff tonight (I hear Arblarg's lurk round these parts...).

Maddoxx, getting 4 bolts into a FP's head is not hard. I see people do it all the time on servers in Australia; and some times these people aren't really that great (not that I can talk). So no, it is not rare that a Sharp can hit a FP 4 times in the head with a Crossbow. Not rare at all. Rare is seeing someone take on a FP with a Lar, or as a Commando with or without a M32. The Crossbow is everyday pub stuff. And it has 36 bolts. Live with it.
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Because the Musket and M99 are OP. Same as Flares, and same as many things in this game. Likewise, the Seeker isn't underpowered, you just have to learn how to use it, and in what situations to use it in. And the Katana was given a price rise due to Zerk being being a broken perk, and getting an AoE buff that it really didn't need; but I don't really want to go into that balance stuff tonight (I hear Arblarg's lurk round these parts...).

Maddoxx, getting 4 bolts into a FP's head is not hard. I see people do it all the time on servers in Australia; and some times these people aren't really that great (not that I can talk). So no, it is not rare that a Sharp can hit a FP 4 times in the head with a Crossbow. Not rare at all. Rare is seeing someone take on a FP with a Lar, or as a Commando with or without a M32. The Crossbow is everyday pub stuff. And it has 36 bolts. Live with it.

OK, then how would you react to if the count was lowered even more? Let
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If you consider 4 headshots on a fp on HoE full team > 36/4 = 9 and then compare it to demo lv 6 with LAW that have 22 rockets using 2 to kill a fp = 22/2=11.
Correct me if I am wrong, but iirc you need 3 Law rockets per fleshpound.

So if you would balance the premiere ranged fp-killers
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Correct me if I am wrong, but iirc you need 3 Law rockets per fleshpound.

Balancing does not only consist of ammocount, you have to also cosider the weight and other things. LAW does not allow any sidearms but the 9mm while you can have a bunch of sidearms along when playing with crossbow.
I have never had problems with 36 arrows, you can even re-pick them up. Just play a bit more conservative then you might still have around 20+ arrows at the end of waves.
Furthermore, you can predamage fleshpounds, so you only need 3 bolts.

Edit: With autobow it is comparingly easy to get rid of a fleshpound and no, you don't need much distance just shoot 3 times from the hip (assuming you have predamaged the head), that's it.

3 rockets?

Ahhh, yes, i have heard this argument before but it does not work so well in real life: "Re-pick arrows up after having been fired."
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Honestly; I wouldn't care. I haven't used the crossbow in a long time. Deal with the fact that years (literal years; I cannot stress this enough) ago the Crossbow's ammo was reduced to 36.

Maddoxx, with the implementation of the autobow, there is no reason why you should be struggling to solo a FP. Lile I said; I see it done all the time by people over here; why is it so hard for you?

It is not so much about the difficulty, but the amount of arrows carried.

First it was 40, but then this was reduced for balancereasons or for ammoboxes? If it was reduced because an ammobox carries six arrows, then i do not understand such nerf?

And if we are suppposed to be more realistic, then we can be even more worse and reduce the arrows to about 24?

It seems to me that the 36 was a random number and not so much due to balance? This is why i am puzzled. Where is the logic? If it was due to ammobox, then what if an ammobox was less or more than 6 arrows?

Or did someone think that the 4 arrows is one fp-kill too much on HoE full team? Or what? Just seems so irrational to me...?
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OK, so what reason should there be behind the number of arrows in a quiver?


Then we should have about 20 arrows as a maximum.

And if we had 20 arrows, then the headmultiplier must be raised. Or not?

Or just use sharpie as trashkiller?
You said you weren't whining and that you were just wondering. If so then it shouldn't bother you. Yes polished, it was a small change that made no difference other than more snuggly fitting the ammunition boxes. What if an ammo box gave you 20 9mm rounds? That would be wierd and they would change it; and it would make no significant difference, just as this particular change hasn't made a significant difference.
And I just mentioned the quiver thing because it's just a common thing in games, just like carrying around a fat stack of HEAT rockets is wierd, even if it does take 3 or so to take on a FP.
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Does it really matter, you can do plenty of damage with 36 arrows.
I'll go back to my room now......

Because of exactly this stated by mrsirr: "Yes polished, it was a small change that made no difference other than more snuggly fitting the ammunition boxes."

In such case i do not understand the logic. It has nothing to do with balance then. Meaningless! A nerf for no reason then!?
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i'd say that if you cant do xbow properly on hoe as sharp, dont even think about playing sharp.

xbow is the easymode of sharpies.
Heeeh, you mean on a range where fp is nice and do not move or turn his head and is walking slowly towards you?
xbow properly on hoe =/= shooting fp with crossbow

PS! Firebug is emerging more and more as a potential perk for camping due to flamer + dual flares. And now i am also hearing many complaints that flarepistol is OP? Come on, stop, do not go that road again. OP?
Am I in 2012 right now?

tell me how these 4 arrows affect the gameplay significantly? I can not see why exactly 4 were removed? Do not see any impact on gameplay at all.
I sure could use the extra 4 arrows
Gee whiz.
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Can some rocketscientist tell me why there was a need to change the ammocount from 40 to 36 for the Xbow?

Can a rocketscientist tell me how these 4 arrows affect the gameplay significantly?
Seems that it's significant enough for someone to create a thread about it...

I've got a lot more questions about strange gameplay decisions and inconsistencies in KF, like:

Firebug's flames can hurt him until his level is high enough. Demo gets explosion resistance, but still can explode his butt at all times. Hand grenades can hurt players that throw them.
Why then berserker can't be hurt by his bouncing saw blades? And why support can't be hurt by bouncing nails from vlad?

Siren's scream is able to obliterate hand grenades, LAW rockets and pipe bombs. Why it doesn't work on M79/M32 grenades? Also, screaming siren can destroy husk's projectile when it's shot by a husk, but not player's husk cannon projectile.

Is there a particular reason why only the hand grenades can damage doors? I mean, at least other explosives should be able to do so as well.

Why all the weapons 9mm/shotgun/combat shotgun share the same flashlight battery?

Why sharpshooter gets reloading speed bonus for dual flareguns?

Why fleshpounds take 200% damage from medic grenades?

At level 6, firebug has 100% fire resistance, but still can be hurt by standing near flaming stuff on maps. Zerk, however cannot.

And so on.
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Then TWI should change the count to 42, because 36 is not much and let alone 40. They are not rockets like the LAW.

The way I see it, either you are an elaborate troll (and if that is the case, bravo kind sir; you certainly fooled me), or you have no real comprehension of the arguments being used against you.
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