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Grizzled Veteran
Sep 12, 2009
"Heroes of Stalingrad will feature a unique dynamic music system that will adapt the emotional mood of the soundtrack to match the morale of the player based on the flow of the battle. To highlight the differences between the two warring powers the game will feature a completely unique soundtrack for the Russian and German sides."

Pretty Coool just sayin,

Seen it in a lot of other games, hopefully it isn't annoying during gameplay

No games have it based on TWI's exact definition of morale but the concept on changing music based on the mood of a scene ain't that new.

For instance in l4d the music changes based on things like player health, players alive and what is generally happening on screen. That comes pretty close for me to a morale system. And in heavily scripted games and movies, music has been used to define the mood since the moment that music could be added to those mediums.

Monkey island 2 already had a special sound system that blended different bits of music seamlessly into each other, with specially composed music to fit the mood of every section in the game.
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I hope this means we get thundering drums and chanting when the battle heats up, then strings and a sad women wailing when the axis run out of reinforcements.

To me RO's music is far to safe. If it was more like Gustav Holst I would actually have it on.


But seriously, adding music will only kill the immersion and make this some lame a$$ COD.
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