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Fed up of hyped games getting 10/10?

if this guy would review RO and if he has any consistency, then im am sure he would point out good parts as: no american herous that save the day, price, steep learning curve, different gameplay, bayo's,gore, no kiddies, realistic compared to others of the genre... and for the bad parts he could use: no SP(i don't care) elitist playerbase, high learning curve again, few servers to play on as he is an aussy,... im having trouble finding more objective bad parts he could use, so it is likely that he would turn discussably good/bad features into bad features to be able to make some jokes, things like recoil being excessive so that you couldn't hit an elefant from 5 m, or the annoying stamina and weapon sway. if he actually wanted to stay consistent with his other reviews he should actually acclaim those features, as he always critiques games that don't have them.

I agree with Fedorov this is faaaaar to optimistic.

He would rip RO to pieces, if nothing else for the simple fact that it's MP only and he does not play online MP (as he has stated multiple times).

Also even if RO is good there are always design chices that he could question, in the typical ZP way which would make some people in this forum go berserk, because how dare he "question ROs greatness". I would enjoy it, becuase even if I love/loved RO I could find things with it that I would have wanted done in a different way and I don't take stuff like this to serious. It's entertainment.
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well i did say "if he has any consistency", wich up to now he has always had... in the way of trashing games.

all i know is that the only game he reviewed that i have also played is bioshock, and his review on bioshock was (for me) spot on.

but the guy probably needs to attrackt viewers to their website and the gentle review he made on mario galaxy got about 190 comments, while his harsh but in my outsider eyes, fair-review on SSBB has gotten almost 1000 comments now, and heated up forums threads like this one all over the internets...

it's just his job, and if you don't like it then don't watch it anymore. because thats exactly what they want, creating controversy
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If you haven't played a SSB game you might not know much more about it other than that it features a bundle of nintendo characters and some other ones and that it is a fighting game. Judging by the review, he didn't know much more either...

The gameplay mechanics are entirely unlike any other fighting game! The only thing it has in common with games like DoA, Tekken, etc. is the fact characters punch each-other and the perspective. It doesn't play like a regular fighting game at all and even though there are numerous random factors like pick-ups and stage-events the game is much more based on skill than most real fighting games could ever hope to be. In most fighting games you can win an occasional match even if you are less skilled than your opponent. In some of them using random (!) attacks is actually more efficient than learning the game because you don't have a predictable pattern. If you are the inferior player in SSB, you lose. Every. Time. You might get lucky with a pick-up or a stage-event but you will never win one single match.

What he said about the fighting mechanics and how you practise and practise only to get beaten by a newbie holds true for almost every fighting game I know and in any review about any of them it would have been funny. In SSB it's simply wrong.:)

I couldn't care less about what he said about the characters since I couldn't care less about the characters in the first place but what he said about the gameplay isn't even a controversy, it's just wrong and the only people who think there is some truth to it and whoever says otherwhise has to be a fanboy are people who have never played an SSB game before.

That's it from me about this one.

Is the next one going to be about GTA IV? Does anyone know already?
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I bought it for my brother back when it was a new release. Great fun and it looked good too. Hell, it still is/does. I'm actually a big fan of truly mindless shooters. Serious Sam's another favourite. I tend to gravitate towards the extreme ends of the gaming spectrum, as different as the opposites are. I'm weird, I know.
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I bought it for my brother back when it was a new release. Great fun and it looked good too. Hell, it still is/does. I'm actually a big fan of truly mindless shooters. Serious Sam's another favourite. I tend to gravitate towards the extreme ends of the gaming spectrum, as different as the opposites are. I'm weird, I know.
I posted this on another board in a thread about the same topic (the ZP reviwe of Painkiller). I explained why I, like you, gravitate to either realistic or nonsense shooters. Maybe it explains your reasons too. If not it would be nice if you could post your view on this.

I only recently discussed this game with a friend of mine who doesn't like it at all. :D
Normally I'm the one going for tactical shooters ala Operation Flashpoint, Ghost Recon 1, etc. and he is more into games I like to call make-belief-tactical shooters ala CoD4.
However I love nonsense shooters if they are done well and Painkiller is one of them.

What I don't like is pretentiousness and if games want to pretend they were something they clearly are not. For example I think it is a bloody disgrace to veterans on both sides if a game like Medal of Honor: European Assault, which has nothing to do with reality at all uses real black and white footage for its intros, with an overly sad narrator introducing you to the overly sad situation you are going to have to deal with in the next level. In said level ou get to see nothing of that though as you are just blasting your way through demonized nazis in ways that have nothing in common with warfare. So the whole game feels sour to me, because I think the devs are treating me like a dumb person for thinking they could fool me, pretending their game was realistic.
If the very same game (!) would throw off its pretentiousness and would use, say, really really tongue in cheek B-movie sequences with awful acting and cheesy mini-plots as intros (think: Red Alert 2 :D) I would like the game twice as much.
Hard to explain and not reasonable at all since I could just ignore the intros, but that's how I feel about those games.
CoD4 in all its awesomeness falls into that category too. Worth playing by all means, but still I prefer to only think about its multiplayer-mode.

Now, a game that is pure nonsense, knows that and acts on it, is something I like much better. I loved Serious Sam for example. The second encounter more than the first, but still.
Painkiller is trashy enough too, referring to its content, not to its quality because it looks and performs pretty well.
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I'll let you all know I was playing and loving Painkiller way before it 'became cool' :D

To be honest I hope he devotes some time to some other lesser known games he likes, could mean a lot of overlooked games get their due. As you can see his review worked wonders for Painkiller, I bet the developers of it are laughing all the way to the bank.
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