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What's the most popular map going right now?

Berezina is probably the map I look for the most. It's frustrating being an assault trooper, but once you are needed in the trenches or around the CP, you are invaluable to your team.

Koenigplatz is a nother favorite, offence or defence.

Both Stalingrad maps, Kessel and Red October.

Kursk (Black Day in July) is one I like to play once in a while. It would be nice if there were tank killing infantry to swarm the tanks that tried to hide in the woods, but that would require raising the player limits. Someday...
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I like a lot of the maps.... and sort of play whatever one hits my fancy. I'm infantry dominated though, so haven't played Arad for quite a while. But what I really wanted to say was that it's funny how there are almost as many favorite maps as there are people voicing their opinions. I think that is a very healthy indicator of the diversity of the game.
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Like many others Berezina is my favorite at the moment, but even the defensive positions on that one are getting a little predictable... all that means though is I have to now play the defensive side for a challenge.

Lazur and combined arms-Road To Hill are favorites, followed by Konigsplatz, then Rakowice.

I'm really sad Rakowice never got the attention it deserved. People have a hard time focusing on that map for some reason. I've even heard people say its too spread out... but look at Berezina or Orel, or Snowy Forest... Rakowice isnt anymore spread out than those. It's really a fun map, and challenging for the Russkies.

Koitos is total poop to me. I bail as soon as it is voted for. As well as the small deathmatch maps - RO-GreyGhostsofBoredom, RO-TrainI'd RatherBeRaped, and whats that other one with no objectives RO-MJGougeMyEyesOut... I bail at the first sight of these too.
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Funny you mention that. RO-Konigsplatz is actually a pretty close reconstruction (with some 'artistic' freedom here and there) of the true Konigsplatz in Berlin at the time. As opposed to the old Berlin map which was entirely fictional apart from the backside of the reichstag building, like many berlin maps protraied in WW2 FPS games.

Too bad you don't appreciate the new one, it's close to the real thing :(

Konigsplatzs a great map, when you get the right balance of people on it, love it!
Orel is my tank map of choice................pity we don't get the people on our server for it
Berezina is also a great new map but , like Orel needs people on it to make the differnce..............great map!
Of the infantry maps basovka is truely fantastic.............all out ASSAULT!

Kaukasus and Hill Flak 88 i don't get, maybe a new persons map? OH how i hate them so!

To answer the question what's HOT?there you go in this thread.

but in my travels stock seems it............well some of them, and by god they are good!

I have no wish to used the obvious L337 words here to discribe maps but there are some damn good ones...................more than enough to keep all happy and thats largely thanks to our good game providers more will come , that you already know as thier are many talented folks out there.

As to the quetion some of you may ask................

"How the hell do we keep people in our server?".............well it seems t this player that alot of people seem to jump from one server to another for the same maps............................

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Tank maps
Black Day B3

These are the most common tank maps that I seem to see, As I have not been playing the infantry maps as much since moving to retail I would say tthat some map have always been favs with the RO community


Snowyforest seems to get played alot

I did play one with trenches on a hillside think its "Lyveskrovy" did enjoy that one as it was all close quarter fighting which is more fun that distance not seeing the enemy.
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Odessa seem to be played alot on the servers I play on which is a good thing since it is one of my favourite maps. Sitting in the tower with my kar98 and taking down russians by the dozins and all my teammates in the tower get killed all the time since they dont know when and where to stick their head out.
Another map that seems to be played alot is Basovka and guess what, it is also one of my favourite maps. Nothing like playing as a russian and use my sick hip-shooting abilities with the mosin nagant.
I stopped playing on a server that I shall not name since it seemed to only play on maps like flak_hill or whatever it is called. Im not saying it is a bad map, just not my cup of tea
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Mmmm, Berezina is the shizzle. 20 minute last stands on the East Bank with 10% reinforcements left make me feel warm and fuzzy all over.

The author should have just named the map "RO-FightingWithdrawal". :D

You really feel like your back is against the wall and that you HAVE to hold that East Bank. It's really excellent combined arms as well, as you need the infantry to hold or take the trenches, but you need the tanks to flush them out or support them.
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Odessa and Stalingrad seem to be voted fairly often.

I'm enjoying Warsaw, Koitos, and Last Battle 2 and KurlandKessal and all the other snowy forest maps ;). Still really enjoy Hedgehog, Stalingrad , Odessa and Basovka oh yes and Kaukasus (as the Russians).

There is another I think called road to hill or something. Very hard for the Russians but I enjoy it.

Almost forgot Maknova Village is a great map and well designed.
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My fave maps (apart from my own)

Berezina - this is the 'War & Peace' of maps.
Snowy Forest - this looks and feels just right.
Odessa - cos the buildings remind me of Volgograd in summer.
Bondarevo - cos early tank actions rule

But most of all:

Basovka - the balance is perfect, the atmosphere is great and, if I get Komandir Otdeleniya and the Russian team has 3-4 decent players, the Germans ain't getting to the AT guns, let alone winning. ;) :D
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OK the bet is this - if you play as german on a server in which I bag KO role and I am happy at the beginning to state that I have 4-5 reliable other Soviet players then the bet is on.

If the Germans win I lose, if the Russians win you lose.

The loser has one week in which to post a photo of themselves wearing full rubber gimp gear (a la Pulp Fiction) with a sign around their neck saying "Come and get me, sailor boys" whilst standing on the docks of their respective country's largest naval military installation.:D

And no cheating with Photoshop :p
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