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Guest passes - BIGGEST MISTAKE!

Teamwork can be painless

Teamwork can be painless

Teamwork isn't just about taking orders. Played on smolensk public last week, great commander, trying to take the ridge he used VOIP to announce 'artillery hitting left, attack on right flank'. So everyone did, and we swept across the trench, it was a beautiful thing.

It wasn't the case of a SL barking orders, rather he was trying to organize things and let people know what was going on, and everyone else reacted accordingly. Not only did we win, it made the battle far more fun to see everyone working like this, and it was done so well even the noobs took part rather than felt like they were being ordered round.

So if people aren't listening to your orders sometimes it's your orders that are wrong and not the people ignoring them.
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I find people are usually willing to "obey" an "order" that makes sense, as long as one or two other people vocally agree. So, for example, if I say something like "We should really fall back. We're just going to bleed reinforcements if we try to hold this position, and the next one back is easier to defend", and one or two other guys say "Yeah, good idea", pretty much most of the team will start to fall back. Sure, some guys will still be out front, but sometimes that's a good thing.

Part of the "orders" thing is how you convey the orders. I get frustrated just like everyone else, especially about things that seem basic like GET IN THE FREAKING CAP ZONE TO DEFEND. But sometimes just calmly explaining things to folks gets the message across.

I played a round of Odessa just yesterday where much of the team (we were Germans) got caught up in "defending" the already captured Tower. One player said it provided a good vantage point (which it doesn't, really, unless you're a Russian sniper). I pointed out that it only covers one approach to the HQ, and while it does that well, he'd be better off in the cap zone. The next round, enough of us convinced the team to dig in in the HQ and we won the round, holding the HQ for probably about 8 minutes or so with no movement of the capture bar.

THAT was tight defense, and it came about only through teamwork. My point? Even newbies (you'd think that anyone experience with the game would know by now that the tower can't be recapped and isn't as great a position) learn if you explain stuff reasonably well.

As for those who want to screw around and ruin people's fun, that's where admins come in.
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1: Not following any orders at all.
2: No common sence at all. Basicly cannonfodder and just target practice for enemy.
3: Many of these noobs are CS players and their skill is thereafter (Jumpnading as an example).
4: Stealing tank. This one is the thing irritating me the most. Especially if it is a tank you have more use for then this player and on top of it all, you also have a crew from same clan/division that you where going to use for it and you have to settle with a much crappier tank. Stealing the tank also if you have a good position and angle and then a noob comes and drives it away, and you tell him to get the F**k out, he just continues.

1) You can't expect people to listen to "orders". I make "Suggestions" as to what the team should do, but I don't ORDER them to do it.


3) Then laugh as you kill them.
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1) You can't expect people to listen to "orders". I make "Suggestions" as to what the team should do, but I don't ORDER them to do it.


3) Then laugh as you kill them.

1, 2 and 3 i do not care about, it does not effect my gameplay cos they are stupid, their problem.

What does ruin everything is nr 4, if they start stealing and driving away with a tank you had in first place, that is UNFORGIVABLE. Especially if a clan was going to use the tank and a NOOB decides to jump in and prevent the crewmembers from the clan entering the tank.

I have only one wish/demand from nooblings in RO... when someone is in a tank (especially if he also got clantags) DO NOT, i repeat DO NOT enter that tank, cos it is most certainly, there will be other members from the same clan that is going to crew that tank. Follow that, and most Panzerkommanders/Crews wont hold a grudge against you and the game will be much better.
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You know, for some reason I have problems taking someone that uses the word "noob" a lot seriously. And what's with the "if they follow me, the 1337 one, they'll not get in my way," and just because they aren't infringing in the smallest way on your utopian gaming sphere, they must be having the time of their lives. Don't be so damn selfish.
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You know, for some reason I have problems taking someone that uses the word "noob" a lot seriously. And what's with the "if they follow me, the 1337 one, they'll not get in my way," and just because they aren't infringing in the smallest way on your utopian gaming sphere, they must be having the time of their lives. Don't be so damn selfish.

I am just calling a spade for a spade. Instead of writing the long word of Newbeginner i use the word NOOB, cos it got a more powerfull effect.

And i do not want them to follow me, i just like them not getting in my way as in stealing a tank etc.

They should have some hints and tips during the loadingscreen like "Listen to experienced players, that way it will lead to success", "Respect a player if he is already occupying a tank. Ask him first before entering, if you get a deny, then respect his wish" or "RTFM!!!!". (last one was for the sake of lol).

And again, they should add the feature of beeing able to lock vehicles if inside them. That would solve alot of problems that clanplayers got.

And no more of the "hey, it is everyones tank, not yours" bull****. If the left leg wants to go to the one side and the right leg wants to go the other, how would that work? Kaos!
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Who the hell do you think you are!!!!!

Clan tags? WTF

Everyone bow to the almighty clan members. The way you talk maybe you should spell it klan.

If you are some almighty clan than get your own server and run around stroking each others egos.

But when you get on a pub leave your supersized egos behind and remember klan tag or not you're one of us now!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

ps I think you are taking that SS stuff too seriously. You seem to think you are a member of the master race or something and treating the rest of us in the RO community like subhumans.

How dare you come to this fine community with your elitist attitude.
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And i do not want them to follow me, i just like them not getting in my way as in stealing a tank etc.

And again, they should add the feature of beeing able to lock vehicles if inside them. That would solve alot of problems that clanplayers got.

Clans have that team spirit required to make this game work and you want to lock people out !

I think you are knocking at the wrong door !
Go seek elsewhere please !

Thanks for the Tanks...:)
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If this game or any that follow it fail to catch on and become big time releases, a major factor is going to be the bullsh*t attitudes and elitist misconceptions of the "clam" and "veteran" players so well exhibited throughout this thread.

You want to be in a clam, fine. But don't harass others that don't and don't treat them like second rate players. No one "owns" a tank just because you started a round in it. If I join a game 1:00 in and you got your *** handed to you in the first :20 and a tank spawns right as I do...I jump in. I'm not going to sit on VoIP and say "Oh my, I don't want to offend any of the elitists so can I ask which tank I may use?". The answer would surely be "NONE" or "Find some other noob to ruin our game experience with".

There are plenty of non-clammy players who know what they are doing, work together, and generally contribute a great deal to the community if by no other means than filling a slot on the server. Granted, I usually play when some guys I know are on Teamspeak with me (as I map 90% of the time) and I will coordinate tank use with one or two of them but if I end up dead first/alone, I have the patience to sit and wait for them to respawn instead of grabbing another tank and running off solo or maybe I will even jump in with a lone player and see what happens. Generally the clammy types are the first to idle the tank, scream "Get Out!", or do the classic move of driving in circles or even into a minefield to get me out of their tank. I usually just enjoy the ride knowing I'm annoying them far more by my presence in "their" tank.

I think the best solution for these elitist players is to have their own server and password it for their own qualified members. Then none of the rest of us half-wits will ruin the experience for them. They can control their environment right down to the last little rule they wish to impose.

Until attitudes change, this game will struggle to maintain new players and it will suffer an early demise.
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Until attitudes change, this game will struggle to maintain new players and it will suffer an early demise.

Don't think its that bad is it? Attitudes seem generally fine to me on servers..don't think you can judge the majority on some vocal minority in this thread..

I think its true to say though there are good new players and bad ones, just like good and bad experienced players. I know when I started I sucked, but I didn't just jump in a tank in the middle of nowhere and start driving off without seeing if the guy already inside was already busy doing something. If a commander was talking over voip to do something then I tried to do it. You can be a good team player AND a newbie, but some new players just ignore everyone, jump in your tank and drive off when you were about to shoot something, go to the wrong cap zone, camp when a commander has asked that he attacks, never stops no matter how much you say to over voip..not all players are like that, but to avoid em the best is to not even give them the chance to screw up.no chance of stupid stuff happening unless you do it yourself then. I just get out of my own tank sometimes if I think i'm with someone that won't play well or doesn't respond..less hassle that way. Kicking up a fuss, telling someone to get out is just going to make people think a lot less of you, so try to help them or get out yourself. If anyone ever tells me to get out of "their" tank in spawn then I just sit there to wind the guy up..you have no right to try to force someone else out of the tank unless you are outside spawn imo - in which case if you want a tank just type /suicide in console

Part of the problem is the expectation some new players have of gaming when they join an RO server, attitudes and habits that you learn in other games. RO is much less of a pick up and play type game because of the number of players..if all you've played is BF or CS then you know you can just jump in a server, do what you like and leave with the thought that you just played with random people you will never see again..but in RO you are usually going to see the same people again at some point so you have to learn to be a bit nicer/play in a way that you might not play if it were a bunch of people you will never see again. So that was something for some new players to learn too. Also some guest pass users probably didn't really expect to buy the game so they didn't care too much - did stupid stuff, a bit of tking then went back to their favorite game..some guest pass users just played because it was free with no intention of buying it so didn't care what they did to people I think.

So team work was worse for a while, some tempers were frayed, but its back to normal now I think with lots of new players and hopefully not too many peed off experienced players. I don't think people complained about people being new as much as they did about people just being plain ignorant, whether they were new or not..and there were lots of ignorant type using guest passes imo so that was the biggest problem, not just that they were new.

God my posts always end up bigger than I intend for some reason..
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Ya really... clam players, pub players, you are all the same on the west-coast 50 server.

I jump in tanks whenever I please. If it's someone I respect (as in, I don't immediately see a problem with what they're doing) then I don't move it right away, or I'll go to MG if it's open. But if they're clearly not angled, or way out ahead of where they "should be", then I correct their mistake whether they like it or not.

When I see the "get out of my tank" text, I immediately suggest that everyone get in that dude's tank.

I must confess that as a Stug/Su76 driver, I dislike sharing that tank because it's usually more boring than driving a tank and folks don't use the gun the way I like, which is to lay out a lot of HE rounds and use searching fire to support infantry as much as possible. I might find something else to do in that case. But tell him to get out? No way.
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Who the hell do you think you are!!!!!

Clan tags? WTF

Everyone bow to the almighty clan members. The way you talk maybe you should spell it klan.

If you are some almighty clan than get your own server and run around stroking each others egos.

But when you get on a pub leave your supersized egos behind and remember klan tag or not you're one of us now!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

ps I think you are taking that SS stuff too seriously. You seem to think you are a member of the master race or something and treating the rest of us in the RO community like subhumans.

How dare you come to this fine community with your elitist attitude.

What i meant is that people in a clan usually have far more knowledge in what they are doing, rather someone not in a clan. There are some good players not belonging in a clan, BUT i was talking about the ones ruining the game for us. As i stated; If the left leg wants to go left and the right leg wants to go right, it will result in a utter kaos. When i play RO, i play for the win, not ****ing around as i have seen many do and that ruin gameplay for the many wanting the same as me, to have a good win and win. NOT babysit and have to worry about players that steal tanks. It is friggin obviously that if 3 players with same clan tag and all 3 are tankcrews/commander, that they are supposed to operate in the same tank, and usually they have to wait for the last crewmember to get to the tank, and voila.... a pissant has already take a seat as MG gunner or worse, driver and the tank wont be able to do something until the clanners have either chased him away vocally or convinced him that what he is doing, is making the team loose and find something else to do.

And your rant about me taking SS stuff too seriously and i treat the rest of the RO community like subhumans? That is the most stupidest thing i have ever heard on this forum:mad::mad::mad:. Grow up.

<Rant>Thank Odin the realism campaign is coming now, I do not have to play with tankstealing-gameplayruining-clanhating-stupid noobs on my side for a good time!!!</Rant>
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Well,if I happen to jump into a tank and wait for a mate I'm on TS with or a clan-mate to arrive or respawn I'll kindly ask you to leave the tank as we can crew it more efficiently since we're both on the same TS or such.
And the fact that local VOIP doesn't work doesn't help the situation tbh.

Some people respect it, thank Odin for that. But the ones not respecting it... Dra til helvete! (translation: **** off!):mad::mad::mad::mad:
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