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why limit the number of players to just 6?


Active member
Mar 28, 2010
I would like to run a server with more then just 6 players. Granted, most of the time I have 6 or less players, but there are times that all of my gaming friends would like to get on at the same time (about 10 to 12 players) and that leaves some players out of luck:(. All because someone decided how I should run my server?? :confused: For those who don't want to play on such a server, well guess what? You don't have to :D!! So, why the need to control someone elses game:confused: If balance is an issue then simply have the amount you can earn for perks based on the number of people in the game (actually that's already in effect since there are only so many zombies types to kill anyway). And why would anyone care about how many players I allow on MY SERVER? Shouldn't that be up to me as the purchaser of the game? One of the reasons this game is so great is because of the co op playability. PLEASE do an update that will give control over how many players there can be to those who setup and run the servers:) Options man , give us the options, not just the rules.
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You can make as many player slots as you want.
With the patch now though, it won't enable you to either Level perks, or even USE them. So basically if you play on a +6 server, you have no perks.
There are mods out there to make you auto lvl 6 for that server only, but usually people like to play with their own perks (Even if they aren't lvl 6 or can't level up their perks).

As for the conflicting things some of you are saying...
It depends on what kind of players you play with.
On one hand you could beat the whole thing with a lot of SS using cross bows or M14. On the other they could get horribly massacred and beaten to a pulp. It all depends on who you play with. Bottle necking doesn't mean anything if you can't hit the Zeds. Increased FP health and dmg doesn't mean anything when you can hit it with 5 crossbow bolts at the same time in the head.

I really don't know why TWI/KEPT made it so +6 servers get the **** end of the Patch, but maybe they didn't mean to break it when they tried to fix something that wasn't broken.

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Because that's what the maps were designed for.

Imagine if you crammed a dozen M14 spammers into one of the chokepoints in Biotics Lab, it would be easymodo. There are only so many specimens that can come through a hallway.

So? If people have fun with it, why limit them?

If it's not fun, they'll stop doing it, and whatever they're doing is restricted to one server, so it won't hurt anyone else's fun.
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