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What is your most hated kind of player?

-People who use exploits
-Trader Blockers
-Boom/Flame Spammers
-People who ask for money every wave...expecially firebugs,zerkers and medics. (With the exception of demo)
-Supports who weld all the doors just to get weld points (even though they are lvl 6)
-People who dont ever give away money even on late waves and patty (with the exception of demo)
-People who join a Hell On Earth/Suicidal Server when they are lvl 0-4.
-Servers with no votekick
-People who blame the team for there death.
- friendly fire servers
-people who beg for money on early waves.(happened to me today...I was playing on Suicidal and a lvl 5 demo asked for $500 after wave 1 and $370 on wave 2.
-People who steal your weapon when you die.
-Medics who dont heal
-Supports who dont help weld.
-Rage Quiters (Except when the person who rage quitted was a noob)
-People who use weapons for other perks
-People who dont heal others(Expecially when there is 2 people next to each other both with critical health and they heal them self instead of healing each other.
-People who weld you out/in
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Bill Nye The Science Spy;713415-Supports who dont help weld. [/QUOTE said:
Well, if I'm busy holding a gorefast off of me along with 5 clots, I should say I might be justified not to weld :p.

I would say I know what you mean, but I've never experienced supports who aren't either helping weld or shooting (with the exception of ones having comp problems)
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I'd have to say, the 1-3 leveled perk players joining a suicidal server then going to a glitch spot to rank up while the rest of the team fights together.

That's what kicking is for.

I just let some dude die in round one then left in the middle of the next round. We were in biotics and he started doing one of the things that annoy me the most. Now, I don't believe in killstealing. I believe in killing everything a player can as far away as they can. However... When something spawns at the far end of the hallway, and another player is running to kill that specimen, popping that specimen in front of them in is being a jackass. He was so intent on killing the specimens on the side where I ran, that he just completely lost control of the main hallway. Oh, and he had no problem running past me in the hallway and not saying anything either. Thank God I had just done a reload when he went running by without saying a word. If a player is protecting an area, leave that area alone.

So what did he do next wave? Switch to melee and ramboed. I left.
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I don't mind people talking on their mics... I encourage it.... but when theres 2 or 3 people having a conversation that goes on and on and on... Non-stop.... and sometimes it's not even about the game... drives me insane. please, use teamspeak if you're gonna do that.

Luckily I've never been taunted personally (I admit it could have happened on many occasions), but when I see players doing this to each other in an insulting manner, it just kills the fun. I've left few servers even before I spawned because of this.

Yeah, that gets tiresome.
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A couple of things I hate:

1: When there is free armour on the ground, and someone takes it while they have over 50% of their own armour left, leaving me, or another teammate who lost all of their armour, to try and finish the round without any.

2: Like people said before, medics that don't heal. I always heal people whenever I can, even if there is a medic on the team, I will heal people that need to be healed. I hate spamming the medic command only for the medic that is standing right there to ignore it

3: Low levels that use their 9mm pistols to shoot at scrakes and FP's not doing anyhting except pissing them off.

4: When someone is shooting the Scrake I'm hitting/ and stunning as a beserker, not realizing that when they do that, He will swing his chainsaw and injure me, when I shouldn't be getting injured, just keep the small zeds off of me while I take care of him, the only exception would be Sharpshooters with Xbows, as long as they can hit the head.

That is pretty much it, for now atleast, I havn't run into many door blockers or exploiters yet, hope that streak continues
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1. Anyone with a weapon that doesn't belong to that perk (IE, level 0 berserker using a LAW, level 0 commando using a shotgun etc.)
2. People who blame you for their death.
3. People who grief in a friendly-fire server, then start complaining and asking how they die when I "accidentally" shoot them.
4. People who swerve back and forth CONSTANTLY when I try to heal them while screaming "MEDIC! MEDIC!"
5. Kids who yell "Medic's aren't supposed to kill zombies!"
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1. Anyone with a weapon that doesn't belong to that perk (IE, level 0 berserker using a LAW, level 0 commando using a shotgun etc.)
2. People who blame you for their death.
3. People who grief in a friendly-fire server, then start complaining and asking how they die when I "accidentally" shoot them.
4. People who swerve back and forth CONSTANTLY when I try to heal them while screaming "MEDIC! MEDIC!"
5. Kids who yell "Medic's aren't supposed to kill zombies!"

well, number one I know what you mean, but for clarification, some off-perked weapons in the hands of other perks can be quite effective if used right ;)
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I almost always pack an off-perk weapon nowadays. As Support I'll have a katana for isolated bits of trash or to do the Make-Scrakes-Fly trick (which I recently learned; thanks Ghost). I like the M32/axe combo as Berserker. As Commando I'll usually have SCAR with M32 or Crossbow. Medic by definition will always have an off-perk weapon. (With that said, when I player Sharpshooter, Demo, and Firebug, I'll keep on-perk weapons, just because)

As for players I hate, so far I only have one type: The low levels that attempt to join a suicidal or HoE game. What possesses them to click a game that plainly states HELL ON EARTH escapes me.
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1. Anyone with a weapon that doesn't belong to that perk (IE, level 0 berserker using a LAW, level 0 commando using a shotgun etc.)
2. People who blame you for their death.
3. People who grief in a friendly-fire server, then start complaining and asking how they die when I "accidentally" shoot them.
4. People who swerve back and forth CONSTANTLY when I try to heal them while screaming "MEDIC! MEDIC!"
5. Kids who yell "Medic's aren't supposed to kill zombies!"
The first one is debatable, if you know how to use it, then go nuts, i use a Shotgun with a SCAR as a commando, LAW with a Machete as a Demo, etc.

But some people like today on my server, tried to give 'pro tips' when they haven't even leveled up jack, plus used weapons that aren't their perk and asking for money. Here's addition.

6. Pro-wannabies that try to give you fail advice when they themselves do not know squat about how the game really works, and trying to give a higher leveled person tips that they should have already learned back in level 2.
7. People who give money at the last 3 seconds of the trader, intentionally. I swear to Patty that I'm going to BAN the next tosser that does that.
When I go commando and I happen to find a pumpy on the ground, I think "f'yeah" and I rock 'n' roll with the lovely high reload speed bonus.
LOL. Anything that works, if it can kill, it will. Almost like saying if anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.
I almost always pack an off-perk weapon nowadays. As Support I'll have a katana for isolated bits of trash or to do the Make-Scrakes-Fly trick (which I recently learned; thanks Ghost). I like the M32/axe combo as Berserker. As Commando I'll usually have SCAR with M32 or Crossbow. Medic by definition will always have an off-perk weapon. (With that said, when I player Sharpshooter, Demo, and Firebug, I'll keep on-perk weapons, just because)

As for players I hate, so far I only have one type: The low levels that attempt to join a suicidal or HoE game. What possesses them to click a game that plainly states HELL ON EARTH escapes me.
LOL. Maybe because they think they are 'badarse' and might have it un in their heads thinking they are somewhat near the levels of Duke Nukem, Saxton Hale and Chuck Norris...
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6. Pro-wannabies that try to give you fail advice when they themselves do not know squat about how the game really works, and trying to give a higher leveled person tips that they should have already learned back in level 2.
I'm semi-guilty of that, I think. On the days I just feel like messing around, I'll join a normal or hard game and help people level and learn the game. You know, buy the level 2 support an AA12 by the time round 4 comes around, and so on.

"Check this out! You can kite a Fleshpound without raging it! You can oneshot kill a Scrake with hunting shotgun! You can stun scrakes by smacking them in the face with an axe!" and so on.

Dunno. I just feel newbs should be taught, so that way down the road we'll have yet another good player to pub with and not a jackass. (But screw the noobs. This explains how I distinguish them).
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