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The Rage thread!


Grizzled Veteran
Jul 5, 2011
Something that pissing you off in RO2? Well then talk about it here!

I feel that I have to make this thread after just what happened to me as I feel its REALLY unfair. Everyone is good at something, some are great at shooting and some are great a storming buildings but me? I am good at coordinating at artillery fire, I have always loved being a Commander and being able to pin point targets to be blown up. When playing Apartments I tend to come into the upper half of players on the scoreboard but on maps like Fallen Fighters I am well within the top five and I have yet to loose to objective victories on it, the only times of me losing is because of running out of time because I am able to ruin most offences with damn good mortar strikes.

Now as for the rage, I was having pretty much the perfect game, although the Axis had most of the map I was able to stop them capping B sniping from the Technical School with the SVT. I was able to to help cap C, running around the map to hit stuff with Mortars but most of my time I was sniping into C, then something BAD happen as both Panzer IV rush in supported by a score of infantry over ran C, our AT guys were doing nothing nor were our tanks to be seen, most would be crapping their pants but I was grinning ear to ear. Both tanks were east on a small slope between the Axis Spawn and the Fountain at C with 5 infantry all clumped up, never in any game have I had such a perfect target, I called in the big guns which just killed everything in the first salvo and then the third salvo took out some poor bastard who ran in. Despite this one of my team mates moved up and got himself blown up, this when things went downhill...

I said sorry but then I was told "Never Artillery an objective, it does not cap it", I then tired to explain that I alone had blown up two tanks, killed load of guys and pretty much saved the round but he would have none of it. "Warn us in team chat", I then pointed out that I WAS doing this (if any of you guys had ever played with me then you would know I almost spam the chat with I am doing), then the Axis players then started to call me an "UBER CAMPER" even though I was in the lead on the score board by a high margin and then I was booted by his clan admin pal for "Artillery Camping". I am so pissed off, I mean, what is the role of the Commander? Its to issue orders, to help caps and to support his troops which I was doing but I get booted for being TOO good which I find so ironic because the clan server (which I wont name) advertises for mature players who are over 25...

Am I in the right or is artillery for cowards?
LOOOOOOOL, you can't blame anyone for camping in this game since its not cod and you run from one end of the map to the other in 5 seconds , camping is a part of the game when you are rifleman or sniper and picking off targets , anyone complaining is just mad because you don't run into the open like a complete idiot to get picked off. I wouldn't play on that server anymore if they kick people for camping.
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Yeah I don't always get the "no camping" cries. Especially if you are on defense, you'd better damn well camp, and camp somewhere effective.

And no place is untouchable - if the other team doesn't like it, they should make it a point to dislodge the "camper" by killing him.

I mean seriously.. Am I missing something?

I understand not camping right outside your own spawn ( and definitely not outside the opposing spawn, that wouldn't be kosher in ANY game) but beyond that I don't understand the protests.
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Gumrak: There are NO SERVERS within 100 ping range that plays this freakin' map. I have yet to experience it. Seriously guys, we don't need 30 servers rotating the same two maps.

Countdown: In theory/on paper it's a great game mode, especially for competitive. In practice, this is hit the prone key the moment you spawn and don't budge an inch no matter what's happening. Bonus points if you stay AS FAR AWAY from defending your objective. Especially if it's being capped. You'd think Firefight would be the mode of choice for people who want to rot in one spot and do no teamplay. Instead, it's the exact opposite of this.
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no mg42, mp41 etc etc, there seems to be lack of infantry guns.

I also miss the RO1 mosin nagat and kar98k noise.

The mp40 doesnt seem to fire regulary, sometimes it feels like it jams for a split second before unjamming itself.

No box mag for ppsh (yeah i know you unlock it but still)

Also some of the stuff like auto bolting, auto reload etc etc should be server side not clientside.

Thats it for now.
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Getting killed by the game because of team balance or battle commissions. I'm a calm person, but that almost makes me slam my fist into the keyboard like a thirteen year old.

Always happens when you absolutely don't want it too. Perfect flanking position? Autobalance. You just entered a room filled with enemy snipers, unaware of your ppsh pointed towards their necks? Battlefield commission!

I know it'll be fixed, but boy does it piss me off anyway :)
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Was meant to say NOT client side.
It just doesnt seem realistic to auto reload as soon as you empty your clip, unfair on others imo.

For example

Realistic: Empty your mag but not realise it, run into battle, press trigger but nothing comes out so you die.

Unrealistic:Empty mag, auto reload and happily kill the guy who has auto reload turned off.

Same with auto bolt, this removes the "OH CRAP I FORGOT TO BOLT" scenarios that RO1 had, I think the same setting should be for everyone.
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Why is there such a severe shortage of binoculars? One of the most useful and prized pieces of equipment in ANY soldiers arsenal. Almost ALWAYS carried by machine gun teams and snipers, and "liberated" by rifleman of all sorts.

Im not saying everyone should have them, we just need more of them!
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Seriously. I would KILL for a pair of binocs on FF as a rifleman. The biggest reason I don't leave the spawn is that you're at the mercy of snipers unless you spend 4 minutes crawling on your belly across the field. (And you'll probably get shot by someone coming over a rise, or who choose to stand up for 10 seconds. If I could actually SEE those bastards, I might be more willing to stick my neck out.
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Seriously. I would KILL for a pair of binocs on FF as a rifleman. The biggest reason I don't leave the spawn is that you're at the mercy of snipers unless you spend 4 minutes crawling on your belly across the field. (And you'll probably get shot by someone coming over a rise, or who choose to stand up for 10 seconds. If I could actually SEE those bastards, I might be more willing to stick my neck out.

The problem with that is that everyone on that map has sniper paranoia. If everyone just moved out and played more aggressively they wouldn't all be killed by snipers at all. Snipers being rifles and marksmen.
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Was meant to say NOT client side.
It just doesnt seem realistic to auto reload as soon as you empty your clip, unfair on others imo.

For example

Realistic: Empty your mag but not realise it, run into battle, press trigger but nothing comes out so you die.

Unrealistic:Empty mag, auto reload and happily kill the guy who has auto reload turned off.

Same with auto bolt, this removes the "OH CRAP I FORGOT TO BOLT" scenarios that RO1 had, I think the same setting should be for everyone.

Oh man, the times I've had a perfect shot lined up just to realize I need to bolt or reload...
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