This sub forum is for the final release of maps. These maps will recieve no more work and are considered final.
Maps that will continue to be worked on belong in the beta release sub forum.
A good way to layout your thread is as listed below:
Thread Title - Map Name - Final -
Start of thread
Map Name:
Bot Support:
Playable: Yes/No (some maps are not ment to be played but to show off skill, art or other things)
Description of map:
Map Download/Download Size:
Maps that will continue to be worked on belong in the beta release sub forum.
A good way to layout your thread is as listed below:
Thread Title - Map Name - Final -
Start of thread
Map Name:
Bot Support:
Playable: Yes/No (some maps are not ment to be played but to show off skill, art or other things)
Description of map:
Map Download/Download Size: