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Maneater Known Issues PSA

Created an account to explain two problems with xbox one version: Dead Horse Lake had a problem with the event/location, collecting the location while participating in the event seems to have prevented me from actually collecting the location.

The second problem being that any time the game attempted to load a cutscene/transition to the larger maps the game would immeadiately crash to dashboard, and prevented me from seeing about half of the overall cutscenes.

Thank you guys so much for keeping an open dialogue with us, appreciate the hard work and looking forward to finishing the game as soon as I can!
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I am playing on base non pro PS4, game started having lower performance and fps drops as soon as I entered the 3rd major area, and then seemingly every area after has had issues. Possible culprits could be the quest icon tags on large groups of targets, maybe some physics calculations could be responsible as well. Very low fps and first crash happened during a hunter battle at 7+ infamy in the second to last area.
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Hello to you, I want to point out to you the different problems that I encountered in the game. I specify that I play on PS4 PRO

1: My console is prone to overheating. Indeed the fan turns on full power and when I play another game, I do not have this problem

2: I also noticed a big loss of framerate

3: I have witnessed a game crash a few times

For me these are 3 major problems for the game as well as for the machine ... I hope it can be fixed, if so I hope you can fix it. Good Luck for the whole team. We believe in you ! :)
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It says that I have 100% on everything, for each area, but I have not gotten the last achievement for 100% objective completion. Queen of the Ocean. Weird since I checked every location and they all say 100% and all license plates, landmarks, and caches have been collected. Great game though and I can’t wait to play it again or if DLC comes out later for it.
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I’m on Xbox One. Everytime I die and respawns me and sends me back to nearly the beginning of the game with some progress not saved. (My controller never disconnects) I’ll be in dead horse lake and it’ll send me all the way back to do an hour of progress again.

I can’t jump to get most plates or landmarks.
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Hi Guys,

I also had a problem with the "Queen of the Ocean" trophy in my run. I had 100% in each area but had not received the trophy. I was able to get it by opening one of the big gates (the gate between Prosperity Sands and Golden Shores). I hadn't previously opened any of these gates in my run. I hope this can help you further to get the trophy.

Unfortunately I had the already known problems on my PS4 Pro too:

Slowdowns (especially in the later areas)
two to three crashes of the game in my twelve-hour run

But I still had a lot of fun with this game.
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Hello to you, I want to point out to you the different problems that I encountered in the game. I specify that I play on PS4 PRO

1: My console is prone to overheating. Indeed the fan turns on full power and when I play another game, I do not have this problem

2: I also noticed a big loss of framerate

3: I have witnessed a game crash a few times

For me these are 3 major problems for the game as well as for the machine ... I hope it can be fixed, if so I hope you can fix it. Good Luck for the whole team. We believe in you ! :)
I have seen this exact same behavior on my Pro. In addition to this, I have the 99% complete bug as well, except I am 100% across the board. I will assume they will force the trophies/achievements to pop with the upcoming patch. I really was wanting to plat this game before my buddy and I am stuck at the mercy of a game bug. :)
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