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Level Design KF-Spaceport Nostromo (WIP preview)


Grizzled Veteran
Oct 1, 2015
Hey mappers and zed slayers! Hard at work on Spaceport Nostromo, an eerie map that draws inspiration from the Alien movies (as the name also suggests). It is dark and foreboding, with many narrow passages and air ducts.

Gameplay-wise it's nothing out of the ordinary. There will be a few kismet events here and there, like timed security doors and such.

But visually, this map is easily the most intense and detailed project I have worked on so far. Something simple like the floors, ceilings and walls have layers of meshes on them to really bring the geometry to life, making every hallway and room a complex sight to behold.

Tons of hours are spent only on just adding visual fidelity to the various locations. I'm hoping this map will be a virtual treat for the eyes when it is done - which won't be any time soon because there is still a bucket load of things to be done but I feel like sharing some early glimpses of it anyway :D

So enjoy the sneak peek video for now! I may add screenshots every so often to this thread to show progress.
Going crazy with details I see...
I can tell this one is going to be awesome! :)
Please add some huge window/roof with planets around and place low gravity in one of the rooms...moonbase in kf2 :D
Keep up the good work!


I don't know how to do all the advanced kismet stuff or add in custom things so I go in deep detail with what is in the official maps instead :eek:

A low gravity room would be perfect for the loading bay I have planned but don't know how to do it :x

Looks great! Loving that red light "panic" room at the end. Dark and creepy once lights out, but not impossibly dark that we'd never be able to play there. I cannot wait to try this.
Thank you!

Yes most of the lights throughout the map are destructible, but I am making sure it never gets frustratingly dark because as cool as it is, it tends to get annoying very fast
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Thank you!

Yes most of the lights throughout the map are destructible, but I am making sure it never gets frustratingly dark because as cool as it is, it tends to get annoying very fast

Right, I'm so glad you realize this and I thank you for thinking it through and making a compromise. Dark/black maps are cool in theory, but they don't make for much fun when you actually play it. I understand some mappers think it makes the game challenging, but really its just frustrating and not very fair to be unable to see something until its in your face. Those types of maps get very poor feedback when voted for on my server.
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Well I'm new in UDK but this is how I got it set up in GrooveYard: http://imgur.com/9g22LU6

Let's start simple,to do normal kind of low gravity all you need is to draw a box with your builder brush around the area you want low gravity to be and click on GravityVolume.
Inside play with the numbers under Gravity Z (I set it to -220) and BAM,you have low gravity!

If you want the triggered low gravity do the same thing as normal one but don't change the values of gravity Z
Go to kismet and hook everything up like in the picture.
Now,first modify property represents normal gravity and it is triggered on level loaded.
The second modify property represents the low gravity which you will trigger with a button on whatever you want in your map.
Now to modify each of them simply look at the down left corner to how I set up the low gravities modifier,do the same to normal gravity modifier only apply the normal gravity numbers.
And that's it...quite simple :)
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@Pwnstarr6 yes I agree, maybe it would work better if KF wasn't such a fast paced game, but I don't feel like we need added difficulty from being blind... the game is already plenty challenging even with vision :p

@Tisa nice! I hadn't seen there are gravity volumes, that makes things a lot easier :D thanks a lot for the suggestion and the help, I might give it a try when I get that far.

Here's a little glimpse to help get into the alien mood :eek:

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Thanks Tifa! :D

I'm changing the mapname to Spaceport Perdition, because even though the overall atmosphere is very alien inspired, I don't want people to think it's an actual alien map. Maybe when it's done I will figure out how to borrow Hemi's excellent alien meshes and create an Alien themed version of it

In the meantime here are a few more WIP screens (all which is still unfinished)








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