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Join The Conversation - What KF Plushy Are You Most Interested In?

What KF plushy are you excited to bring home (pick 2)

  • Clot

    Votes: 2 2.5%
  • Scrake

    Votes: 30 37.0%
  • Husk

    Votes: 16 19.8%
  • Stalker

    Votes: 5 6.2%
  • Crawler

    Votes: 19 23.5%
  • Gorefast

    Votes: 2 2.5%
  • Patriarch

    Votes: 10 12.3%
  • Hans

    Votes: 21 25.9%
  • Siren

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Seasonal Xmas Gorefast/Gingerfast

    Votes: 10 12.3%
  • Seasonal Summer Bloat/Pukey The Clown

    Votes: 8 9.9%
  • Batcat

    Votes: 14 17.3%

  • Total voters


Senior Community Manager
Staff member
  • Oct 10, 2005
    East Coast
    Hey everyone!

    We've had a great reception to the plushies, and fans have certainly shown an appetite for the Maneater pup (which has sold out). Make sure to grab a Fleshpound while supplies last!

    That being said, we've got a few options we are looking at in terms of what to do next and want your input. Take a look at the designs below and vote in the poll above about which designs you want to bring home.

    Gee, I didn't think it would be THAT HARD to choose...

    I would REALLY LOVE to have a Hans collectible, but more like an action figure than a plushie to be fair. The Scrake also happens to be my favorite zed of the bunch, but then again, the Siren is one of the most iconic, Pukey would be a nice throwback to KF1, the Husk is stylish...

    Gaaaah. I'll just wait a bit and vote for the two with the least votes I guess.
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    He's not saying that Hans is a bad villain or that he should be removed from the game, just that making a huggable stuffed toy out of him is...kinda screwed up.
    If that ease things up : I wear an Iron Cross necklace on a daily basis while having Polish ancestry.

    Sure, it isn't a swastika and more like a kind of medal of honor. But it's still memorabilia linked to Germany during the World War. And I feel good about it. Because I don't wear it to praise Germany, and more to praise either Lemmy from Motörhead, or the bravest soldiers.

    I doubt nazi sympathizers are the kind of people who would buy a Hans plushie. KF2 players are probably the only ones who'll do.
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    These come to mind...

    I don't have a problem with a Hans plush. I don't view the plushie as being a promotion or celebration of Hitler's regime or nazi/neo-nazi party ideals. Nor do I think that war crimes are suddenly cute because a fictional character was made into a squeezable doll.

    There aren't any nazi symbols in the game, much less on the doll. I could put a 100' Hans on my front yard and nobody would recognize him as a nazi, ever think that I support nazi ideals, or would anyone suddenly decide, "I always thought that nazi rhetoric was hateful, but now that I see the likeness of a scary-looking evil fictional video game villain, I guess being a nazi isn't so bad. I think I'll join their party."

    It's game memorabilia. Stop inventing slights. If you don't like a particular plushie for any reason, consider doing what I'm doing and don't vote for or buy Hans. Even if I haven't perfectly represented your argument or agree with my logic, accept that there is obviously a difference of opinion and let your dollar do the talking so we can go back to focusing on the fun.
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    Reactions: DarkoCZ
    Upvote 0
    Hey everyone!

    We've had a great reception to the plushies, and fans have certainly shown an appetite for the Maneater pup (which has sold out). Make sure to grab a Fleshpound while supplies last!

    That being said, we've got a few options we are looking at in terms of what to do next and want your input. Take a look at the designs below and vote in the poll above about which designs you want to bring home.

    bob bob bob bob bob bob bob bob bob bob bob bob bob bob bob bob bob bob bob bob
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    Reactions: DarkoCZ
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