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Level Design Beware of!

hey guys,

after 5 hours of searching and a lots of bluescreens, i figured out a problem with "MotionInJoy" and SDK. MIJ is a nice tool, to use your PS3 or X-Box Controller for your Computer and play Games on Steam with Steam Big Pictures.

But the MijXfilt.sys of MotionInJoy or the drivers making problems together with sdk. i dont know why. the only solution for me was, uninstall the motioninjoydrivers.

greetz Sp
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Can you be more specific with this? What kind of problems it will cause?

its force a crash on sdk. sorry i thought it is clear ^^. i think all the problems in this thread, force a crash on sdk.

and i ment with that. if go into SDK, click on open file and then rename a map in the window that pops up, force always a crash on my sdk, when i got open a map. (only tested it with larger maps)

edit: changed it on the first page too
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Adding a Covernode and Update Prefabs.

Adding a Covernode and Update Prefabs.

Adding a Covernode and Update Prefab.

For me it happens today, that i forgot to setup 2 covernodes at a prefab. The first covernode was no problem to add and update, but the other covernode forced always a crash.

simple fix was, turning prefab to normal actors, select the missing covernode and create a new prefab.

if you want to have the same name, rename the old prefab (or delete), restart sdk and rename the new prefab to the old name.
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Advice for avoiding crashes when rotating multiple actors/BSP brushes:

Select your group and press the space bar until the gizmo is set to rotation mode. If the outer ring does not turn yellow when you hover your cursor over it, that means it will crash if you try to move the group. Try re-selecting the group, or displacing the group before rotating it.
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Runtime Error! R6025

Runtime Error! R6025

Runtime Error! R6025 - Force SDK Crash

Was forced by Matinee, Rewind, Unhide/Hide and "BarashkaLargeBridge" "BarashkaLargeBridgeDamaged".

I can't really say why this error is upcoming. Cause the Bridge works fine with Matinee and Co on my other Custom Map. But if you come to this Problem onces, create a backup file and delete a complete Matinee Group after another. Of course with their actors. That was how i found out, which mesh force the crash. When you found out, go back to your orginal Map File, delte the Mesh and hope the best.

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I got this issue right now:

Content Browser Search Crash:

If you do a search in the content browser, then close the SDK, and restart it, you sometimes get caught in a crash loop where the SDK won't load without crashing. What happens is the search field still has the last search request, and it does a search while loading the inital assets for the SDK, which results in using about 14gigs of RAM. If you don't have more than that, it locks up your compter, if you have more, the SDK crash to desktop.

This can be fixed by finding the ini script file (don't have the specifics @ work), and finding the entry that displays your last search. You simply remove your last search, save the ini, and the sdk will load with no ent

What ini script? Have no clue where to search.
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