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Weapons suggestions

chicxulub, I think 'fit' is best described as "Makes sense in Genre/Atmosphere". And a Katana does NOT fit. Why the hell would you wield a Katana over, oh, claymores, short swords, long swords, axes, and maces...all available at the various British palaces? (Seriously, go to Windsor - they decorate whole areas with armour, swords, and heraldry) Or at those specialty stores one can find about London and some small towns. The Katana makes sense if the game was like TF2, or based in Japan.
I did mention of claymores, etc, from museums. Apparently claymore doesn't twist panties like katana. ;->
katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana!!!!!!!!


I was thinking of the situation as being more hopeless and out-of-control and so *anything* dangerous would be useful. Even a point-ed stick.
I guess things ain't so bad as that.

If they are going to make a close combat weapon it should damn well be the cricket bat, a la Shaun of the Dead. Now THAT'S British.

As for the variety, it's not weapon types, but advanced/British versions of the weapons already existing. So, for example, it makes sense that the second-tier automatic weapon should be, say, a Sten, or FN FAL, or L85A2. Or that the first/second-tier sniper weapon should be a SMLE. Because those are things that have a history with Britain and the British armed forces.
So, then we could just use other models/skins/animations in some (?many?) cases? That would be a huge load off of TW since fans should be able to do those.
But it seems like people want totally new weapons, too. That would surely take more time and effort on TW's part.

Not M4A1's, or M16's, or AK-47's; not katana's.
You said katana!!!

You have a British-based game, damn well use the environment, otherwise why the hell use Britain in the first place?
Was the choice of Britain explicit or is it just where the devs lived? Just curious.

If you wanted to have katanas and stuff, why not just make a more cartoony/outrageous zombie game,
KF is not outrageous? ;)
TF2 or CS style, free of geographical and linguistic boundaries?

Cool. Thanks.

katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana
katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana
katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana
katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana
katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana
katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana
katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana
katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana
katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana
katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana
katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana
katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana
katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana
katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana
katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana katana
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And may have some entertainment value.

Don't flatter yourself.

Ad hominem attacks are for c*** s****** losers who can't win an argument (which I had hoped would be a civil discussion) any other way.

Pot, meet kettle.

Zeptorem> Might as well copypaste my ideas, since no one read them when they are their own thread:
I wonder why.

I do have to thank you for posting the funniest most hypocritical remark I've
Zeptorem> In this gamer's
Zeptorem> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> humble opinion, <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Zeptorem> not enough stock is placed in player's
Zeptorem> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> personal choice <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Zeptorem> with how he wants to play the game

That's why I suggest we should be allowed to replace skins client-side.

And a big part of this forum is debating the merits or, in your case, drawbacks of someone's opinion, otherwise we wouldn't have the "reply" button.

Butt I digress...
Your arguments are full of contradictions and straw men.

New candidate for "funniest most hypocritical remark ever"? I'll take the opportunity to link your comments to the appropriate page from now on.

Sorry, to use that joke you'll have to wait in line behind a few hundred thousand political pundits and commentators.

No, I'm saying that because of a knife's short length and low weight, it simply wouldn't have the momentum to chop through a branch. That's not what it's designed for. Ever heard of "mechanical advantage"?

But I heard, from a *really* smart guy, that there's a lot more to it than that. But we're talking branches here, no? So maybe they're different.

Yes, hence why your example of your buddy's katana's amazing feat of cutting through a small branch is irrelevant.

It is? You sure are smart. Or did you use google?
What, exactly, is an unusual angle? Given the source, I'd say obtuse.


Let me reiterate because I don't think one read-through will quite do it for you.

Katanas are not designed for chopping, or swinging wildly, or stabbing. They're only designed for cutting neatly through flesh with as much ease as possible, and that requires more skill and finesse than is available to you or me or some guy in the british army.

All irrelevant anyway, since this game is pretty much the last game I could picture such a quintessentially wapanese weapon in.

But defeating hordes of zombies[sic] surely requires above average ability. I'm sure you can wield a flame thrower, but few of we lesser mortals can. I guess that's why the army has a training course.

Do you think they train army regulars to use katanas?

Ok, ok. You win. I was completely wrong when I didn't say that a Katana was better for chopping wood than a knife.

Gwarsh! I can't see the use of a blade that weighs 1.5Kg, has a mechanical advantage from a couple of feet of blade and is good for cutting through soft flesh at a greater distance than a knife.
Wah! Too bad we're talking about chopping wood and not about fighting zombies[sic] ... oh wait.

Again, you've completely missed the point.

Knives and machetes are designed for durability, ease of use, and many different purposes. Katanas are designed to be very sharp. To be very sharp, they have to be very hard and thus, very brittle. They simply wouldn't stand up to prolonged combat the same way a softer, tougher machete would.

I'm sure you'd be as appreciated in Britain as you are here.
So swinging a chainsaw (not a weapon but a tool and NOT designed to be swung at all) as a weapon is easier than swinging a weapon designed and balanced to be swung at humanoid life forms? And it's Genital Safe(sm)?
What color is the sky in your world?

But think of the removal of the non-katanable DNA from the gene pool! Eventually Britain will be full of Katana wielding supermen and the world will be safe from zombies[sic] forevermore.

Cutting through your almost (ALMOST) endearing childishness is getting difficult, but I think you're saying that katanas are easier to use than chainsaws (next time, just say that. It'll be a lot easier to read than your incomprehensible gibberish).

While that's certainly arguable, and the player animation in the game seems to be him just thrusting the chainsaw outward, so it's not that far-fetched.

Doesn't matter anyway, because stylistically, chainsaws fit in the game, while something that is now a completely ceremonial or martial-arts weapon does not.

You guess wrong. Add this to the list.
But, if you need to make up things and then attack them, feel free.
You know what length is important for. Perhaps a lack in this area is a small (ha!) part of your problem.

Funny guy! Dick jokes on the internet are right up there with popped collars and spray-on tans on the "cool scale".

Okay then, tell me. What's your criteria for a good melee weapon, keeping in mind a minimum of training in its use?

No, no. You're wrong! You should mind those things. They're very important. Duh.
But you said it, not me. I was pointing out features of a sword that make it deal more damage than a knife.
If you need to imply things that I didn't say in order to insult me, feel free.

That's funny, because those are all criteria you seem to ignore.

Alex, I'll take things whiny babies say for $100.

Hence why I was mocking you with it.

That's your thought, not mine. If you need imply things that I didn't say in order to insult me, feel free.

You implied it, by thinking it perfectly reasonable that someone trained almost exclusively with firearms would be able to feasibly wield a very specialized weapon out of feudal japan.

No?! Really?! Wow! Whatta hot tip! I'll alert the press!
Extra, extra: Incredibly obvious fact stated in forum posting!
Ya don't learn something new every day.
You can put this in your real book on zombie[sic] physiology.
I never said or implied it, but if you need to imply I did in order to insult me, feel free.

More childishness. You've already lost this sham of an "argument".

Yeah, I've noticed how inefficient it is to swing my imaginary combat knife in this game (that's kind of like Surviving Zombies[sic]) at the easily defended zombie[sic] necks and have their heads pop off. Takes 2, 3 swings sometimes. In this GAME. About specimens, not zombies[sic]. Which aren't real.

Not real, but it should be close enough. This isn't TF2: we can't have complete suspension of disbelief just so you can have your precious (and completely overused) katana.

I know it's hard for you, so I'll type s-l-o-w-l-y

If you've got to the end of your "Fox News joke" line, get in the one with the millions of egotistical highschoolers.

, but we're talking about a GAME.

...with stylistic and atmospheric concerns, balance concerns, etc. etc...

Man, you suck at sarcasm.

But seriously, zombies[sic], and books about zombie[sic] physiology, don't exist in the real world. Perhaps if you took your Haldol(tm) you'd realize that. The game is real, of course, but not the things in it. Well, there are depictions of real things, but since they're just images on a screen they aren't actually real. Nor are they, or any of this, truly important. Other than to have FUN.

If you'd take off your inflated superiority complex for awhile and actually read my posts, it's not entirely about depicting reality and more about "hey, does this thing fit in with British soldiers using improvised weapons? Wait, you mean it's a specialized and exotic eastern sword that takes tons of training to use effectively and you probably wouldn't find a serviceable specimen in Britain anyway? Well throw that **** out!"

Alright, I'll just ignore your innumerable grammatical and spelling error so far, you worthless pedant.

Cool, your holy buffness.
For my edification, would you please post some video of your esteemed self climbing trees and lopping limbs.

I don't have to, because I don't have to prove how much of a man I am by filming myself doing my goddamn job (topping trees).

Also some of you doing the following:
for (i=0; i < 12; ++i) {
Run around swinging a chainsaw for the mean duration of a wave in minutes.
Run the mean distance to the trader. You can sling the chainsaw on your back and carry a knife if you'd like.
Wait for the remainder of a minute.
I'm sure it would make me lessly stupider and a betterer player.
Wait, the average (imaginary) British soldier is stronger than your[sic]. So change to i < 6;

A medium-sized gasoline chainsaw weighs in-and-around 10 lbs. IE, what the L22 carbine (or "bullpup") weighs. It's not difficult.

Say, is a chainsaw like one of them thar chain guns?

No, because a chaingun is entirely not what you think it is.

Yeah, I know. It makes it hard for me to buy hats.
I wriggle in delight at a non-insult from the Lord High Decider of all things KillingFloor.

You've seriously gotta work on that sarcasm.

Wow! Was it a guess or do you know there are three periods in an ellipsis?
But I gotta take off some Sarcasm Points(sm) because you forgot the "dun, dun duuuun!"

Pedantry made even more hilarious by the fact that my ellipsis has the correct number of periods in it.

No, I didn't know. It can have multiple interpretations to other, apparently insignificant, people. That's why I asked in another post. It came after this one, but your august Omniscience should will have know[n] that. Those of us without superhuman intelligence and godlike infallibility sometimes need to get information from someone else about what exactly they mean. But I'm sure you knew that. "Fit" could also mean desperation and feeling the need to use any weapon at hand. "Fit" could also mean, hey (*I* took *my* Haldol(tm)) this is just a game! Let's have fun and hack these things up any way we like.

This part doesn't even make a bit of sense. Is he mocking me, or just ranting on about irrelevant crap? If he is, he's not very good at either.

Without being insulted, denigrated and censored by your Lordship.

I think you vastly overestimate my abilities as a poster.

I have achieved Enlightenment and can now slip the bonds of mortal flesh and experience Nirvana. Nah, KillingFloor is more important. As is flaming people just trying to have fun.

You've met Kettle, right?

Kill Bill? Bill Gates? Are you trying to incite a crime?

Oh man, I can't wait to see you live! This stuff's gold!

Yep, that's me. Wait! I'm 48, saw it once (it was a gift), didn't like it and haven't watched it again. But I'm sure you're still right. Again (sigh), if you really feel the need (and it seems you do) to make up/imply things so you can exhibit your "wit" through the use of sarcasm, be my guest. A form of infantile humor that my 4 year old daughter can use but realizes is inappropriate in civilized discourse.


Tarantino's talent is several steps below Ed Wood (at least his work had charm). His best doesn't even match _Red_Zone_Cuba_.

BG1(Vivian Smith-Smythe-Smith): I say, what ever is that long sharp thing ova theyah?
BG2(Oliver St. John-Mollusc): Wait a tick, mate. Looks too complicated, dunnit?
BG1(Vivian Smith-Smythe-Smith): Knickers! Ah'll use that fork instead. Salad forks are the most deadly, don't you know.
BG2(Oliver St. John-Mollusc): Roit! I'm gonna grab this chainsaw. Gimme a mo while I oil and tighten the chain. D'ya think ittul do moah damage wi or
wi-out the chain guard? Mate, d'you 'ave any oil for me pre-mix? Oh CRAP. <CAPSLOCK>Does anyone have a really long extension cord?

...good to know?

Oh, wait, no one ever said that. I guess I can't work for Fox News.

Agh, great, now you have to go to the back of the line again.

But, truly, what a low opinion you have of your fellow players. And, perhaps, the rest of humanity?

Nope, just you.

I wriggle in delight at a non-insult from the Lord High Decider of all things KillingFloor. Or was that sarcasm?

Looks like "ctrl" and "c" are getting a nice workout today.

Duh. SpongeBob and Patrick aren't even in this game. Duh.
Perhaps that blow to the head you took(q.v.) has dimmed your faculties.

...I don't even know how to respond to a post like this...

...I don't think you get it...

Would you take a penknife into combat over, say, a machete? Surely you wouldn't suggest that a penknife is harmless, would you?!

Where'd you learn logic? Never mind that, where'd you learn basic reading comprehension?

Never said you did. But given your previous posts, and your incredibly intelligent and useful rebuttals to other, lesser, posters, shooting them down for things which aren't used by real (actually imaginary) British military, I deduced it. If ronge mye bad. In retrospect, I should have said, "given your myriad personality disorders, `fit' means what you like."

"Fit" is entirely subjective, I've never said otherwise. I assert, based on my opinion, that what you think fits doesn't.

Stupid (matthew23495. I don't think this is a biblical reference): Barret .50 cal.
Brilliant (Zeptorem): Barrett M99.[/QUOTE]

It's reasonable to assume the Barret he suggested would be by far the most popular, the M107. And a semi-automatic anti-materiel rifle with a 10-round detachable magazine is very different from a single-shot anti-materiel rifle with a manual action, balance-wise.

Stupid(matthew23495): Lever action shotgun.
Brilliant(Zeptorem): "... more or less similar to regular shotgun ..."
Brilliant! Creative! Unique! More or less.

Never said it was any of those things. It's simply to provide players with a cheaper, lighter, less effective alternative.

Saiga 12: "very low capacity" != 12 shells. And, ewww, based on the (stupid)
AK-47 action. It is kind of cool, tho.

AKM action is perfectly fine in a semi-auto, short-range weapon. And where did I say it was "very low capacity"? Or did you just make that up?

Oh right, I said that about the short-barrel shotgun, one line up. A reasonable mistake if you're illiterate.

Desert eagle: Hey! <self-important-whine>This isn't Half-Life: Opposing Force
MAC-11: Huh? What's that? Some totally cool and unique weapon? Wow! Never
heard of that. Nigel: ~It's one deadlier, innit.~

Unlike the Desert Eagle, a MAC-11 is actually suitable for shooting something other than paper.

Crocodile: "...ignites enemies only, can set fire to areas for period of
Which is it. Enemies only or set fires to areas? You don't even know what
"only" means, do you?

"Only" as in "doesn't actively burn them", to set it apart from the regular flamethrower. I clarified this in my thread.

Flare gun: cool. Can it set enemies alight? Or does it use your (non-Haldol(tm)) physics?

It can't, not unless the specimens are for some reason soaked in gasoline beforehand.

But, the whole point of KF-Farm is the scary fighting of zombies[sic] in the darkness. Additional illumination would totally ruin the balance of darkness vs being able to move in any direction and so is... dun dun duuuun! stupid.

That's funny, because never did I say it would provide total illumination forever, but only brief illumination. You use it tactically and sparingly, and to break up the monotony of fighting in KF-Farm where, for whatever reason, light doesn't obey the laws of physics and is somehow absorbed by the air after a few feet.

But, Lord, you never mentioned balance in your oh so polite description of "fit." You didn't forget(blasphemy!) or make a (oh, say it ain't so) m, mis, mista, argh! I can't even type it.

You "can't even type" a coherent sentence.

Please enlighten me, your Magnificence. And perhaps post a pic or two of the ones in your (mom's) garage that you're modifying for the super sekrit mission you're going on to free the US hostages taken by the evil Frenchmen and guarded by grays that have escaped US confinement in A51 who want to strike a blow for imprisoned illegal aliens everywhere. And to restart their **** probing research programme.
Isn't it something to kill chains? No! Chainsaws. Punks wearing chains? Wait, I remember (I took my Namenda(tm)): it's for killing people who start chain letters.

Are you finished being six?

Fast? Mutants? I thought we were talking about zombies[sic]. Sheeoot. That
changes everything.

I never said they'd be useful, only that they should be available. But we sure could use something against those speedy, very speed Clots 'n' Limbaughs (err... Bloats)

Apparently not...

Why would you use them if they're not useful? Better yet, why would it be included in the game if they're not useful?

Art thou speaking in tongues, oh lord?
Wouldst thou translate for thine worshipers?

SHTF is an acronym meaning "**** hits the fan".

Take your Haldol(tm). Take your Haldol(tm).
Sitting in a tank, shooting at zombies[sic] (not even with the main gun) is
of dubious use?
Take your Haldol(tm). Take your Haldol(tm).


In confined quarters (IE, where most of KF takes place) and without infantry support, tanks are near-useless. Tanks are designed primarily to destroy other vehicles.

And I take chlorpromazine, 'cause I'm old skool like that.

*I'm* forgetting? Project much? Who's the one who thought I should read a real book on zombie[sic] physiology? Who thinks it's about chopping shrubberies? And WTF does starting out with a p & k have to do with getting better weapons later? Haven't you realized that there's this in-GAME character called a "trader" who will sell you better weapons? Wow! You must be a magnificent player, going thru all of those non-zombies with just a knife and a 9mm!

My point is that you're set loose with very little. I don't think anyone's going to have tanks laying around at that point.

Never said it was and never played 'em. Games that exploit the sacrifices made by people who defended our country turn my stomach. Perhaps if they donated most of the proceeds of the exploitation to the veterans of the conflicts they wouldn't be quite so offensive. But if you need imply things in order to insult me, feel free.

Oh, you mean all those poor veterans of fictional wars?

Where did I ever mentioned playing a Ninja? I want to be... dun dun duuuun!
A Samurai Lord slicing evil hordes of specimens to pieces proving my manhood in a game because I can't prove it anywhere else. I do try, though, by insulting good meaning people on web sites intended for the sharing of (stupid) ideas ('cept for mine) and having FUN talking about a GAME. A GAME that isn't about fighting zombies[sic] or important in any meaningful way other than to have FUN. You, sir, are a FUN black hole and suck
all of the fun out of the fora.

On the other hand, I bet you're a barrel of laughs in real life. I mean, look at my face right now. 'Can't you see the laughing?

I know black holes don't actually suck things in. They warp space-time due to their enormous mass.

A phenomenon also known as "gravity".

How the gravitons get past the event horizon is anybody's guess. But I didn't want to say it and sound like a pompous, obnoxious, self important, blowhard know it all.

Too late.

Possibly I mention my desire to be a Ninja in the places that I didn't say:
1) Blade length is the only thing that matters.
2) "...swing around until thing dies..."
3) Various other important things about bladed weapons are unimportant.
4) You have to decapitate something to kill it
5) I'm a kid who watches _Kill_Bill_ too often. Almost true. Once was too
often. But, even though I didn't like it, I think it's great that other
people get enjoyment out of it and have NO desire to make them feel like jerks
or losers (ahem) for watching it. Or for wanting stupid, loser, unoriginal,
"plays too much Opposing Force" Desert Eagles in the game. But *I* love the
weapon. I even used cheats (gasp) to get extra ammo to go thru as much of
OpFor as possible with the DE. Because I know it's a game and I wanted to
have fun.
6) This is ArmA or BF2.
But if you need to make up things with which to insult me, feel free.
But you can feel free to play lumberjack:
"And put on women's clothing /
and hang around in bars."
You don't even know where that's from, do you?

Yes, a British sketch show that people on the internet quote ad nauseum.

So you're saying the devs are too stupid to put in such content controls?
Or that they're too lazy?
Or that they don't care about the fan base?
Or that they shouldn't bother since everyone (besides you, of course) is too
stupid to make use of such things?
Or that you're too stupid to use the controls and therefore your only
alternative is to abuse anyone who suggests anything that doesn't "fit" your
hallowed/sacred/divine vision of KillingFloor?

Well, since such content controls don't currently exist, it's anyone's guess.


Knowledge does not imply intelligence. A [real] book is filled with knowledge (except for non-existent real books on zombie[sic] physiology). But it has no intelligence. You should be returned to the library. ASAP.

So slither back to mommy's basement, contemplate your navel and realize that you can have FUN discussions, and can be polite and respectful even when disagreeing; then come back to the fora.
Or not.

You and Mr. Kettle aught to be very well-acquainted by now!

I grow fatigued.

Best regards for a healthy recovery, and I forgive you,
(Do you even know (before googling) where that name comes from)?

Sounds Aztec, but I frankly don't care.
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how long did you sit infront of the monitor just to enlarge your gigant e-penor and flame ppl?

seriously its nothing wrong with suggesting a weapon, even if it doesnt fit at all

you dont need to flame anyone and have to proof how bad their ideas are
IF the devs plan on implementing any new weapon they will know wich one fits and wich one doesnt :rolleyes:

and you dont have to beat the crap outa anyone who doesnt fit your argumenting :rolleyes:

troll on....
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Right, you two, stop having this gigantic warguments and get back to the IDEAS and SUGGESTIONS bit.


No, these are not 'skins'. The lever rifle requires you to individually load up to 10 rounds (which you can interrupt). The SMLE has a magazine. The SMLE is also a bolt rifle, and able to be equipped with a bayonet. It is, unlike the Winchester, a battle rifle - it was the main battle rifle of the British and Commonwealth armies for a good half of the 20th century. If you keep the Winchester, the SMLE is the next logical upgrade. If you want only two tiers of weapons and an automatic/semi-auto sniper weapon, I would prefer an SMLE over the Winchester. Winchester has genre connotations. The SMLE has a history with the British army and the world's image of a military Britain that has lasted over this last century.

Similarly, there IS no second-tier semi-/auto weapon, especially for the Commando class. That is why we are suggesting such a weapon. The three answers with British history and use are the FN FAL, G3, and L85A2.

And no, KF is not outrageous. The wink, guy? Seriously? Do you see over the top explosions, amazing amounts of gore, ridicuously hilarious deaths as you are dismembered by the zombie hordes? I don't think so. TF2, now THAT'S outrageous. Valve went to town on that one - the graphics, the hyper-exaggerated features and designs, the GUNS...everything points to outrageous. At most KF can go for genre-loving. And it does so without tongue-in-cheek.

They seem to have enjoyed the use of British accents, British army designs, London, and a L22. These are all rare enough to constitute thought that yes, they seemed to have put thought behind the British-ness of the piece, though I would enjoy it if they put it even more. Seriously, generic farms and biotics labs? Give me, oh, Stonehenge, perhaps a level in Edinburgh...I mean, that place is perfect for KF. You could do either a Defend the Bridge scenario, or have the team clean out the underground city. Seriously, look it up. I was there personally, and its deathly creepy without lights. You hear weird sounds all the time, because of how the wind blows through the cracks.

Zeptorem, take a chill pill man. Be constructive.
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Wait wait wait... so I post a three-line post saying why a katana isn't a good idea, and he flips out and starts acting like a child, posting these huge, rambling mostrosities... and I'm the one who needs to calm down?

It doesn't matter who started it, but you two can do a lot better than this.

Althoug I am against the idea of a katana, simply because this is a modern zombie killing game, not a samurai oriented one.
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The sharpshooter can really use one of these

The Commando can use one of these

But what we all can really use is one of these

lol :D
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The lever rifle requires you to individually load up to 10 rounds (which you can interrupt). The SMLE has a magazine.

The amount of wrong info in this thread is staggering.

The level action and the SMLE both have magazines. Neither one of them have a removable magazine, however, which is probably which you're thinking of.

The SMLE must be loaded one cartridge at a time or with stripper clips.

A magazine is something that holds ammo so that it can be fed into the chamber. A removable magazine is one that you can swap out, like a 9mm pistol or a assault rifle. The SMLE has a fixed box magazine, not a removable one. The lever action has a fixed tube magazine.
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as you just stated, the ammount of mis-information is staggering

any lee metford, or lee enfield has a removeable magazine
allthought no extra magazines were given out, they were removeable

you can swap out the magazines from the same type of lee-enfield any time

allthought you cant exchange a mag from, lets say a No1Mk3 to a No4, as there are like 2 or 3 parts interchangeable on the entire rifle, and a mag is not one of them :D

and please dont say that this is wrong, i have an SMLE No.1 Mk.3* right in front of me ;)
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