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Your Controls?


Mar 15, 2006
Just got RO today and so far I'm quite impressed.

However, I feel the controls feel slightly unnatural and not very intuitive in comparison to other WW2 or FPS Games.

Just wondered how you have set yours up, might help me get the best of the game?

Maybe a screenshot would help.

JamesU2002 said:
Just got RO today and so far I'm quite impressed.

However, I feel the controls feel slightly unnatural and not very intuitive in comparison to other WW2 or FPS Games.

Just wondered how you have set yours up, might help me get the best of the game?

Maybe a screenshot would help.


no screenie, but I despise WASD, and changed the whole thing. I move using the arrow keys, and have everything mapped around them for ease of reach and speed.
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I normally try to keep the controls as consistent as possible among the fps games I play. Of course, every game has its own unique commands, but, for example, I always have primary fire set to left-mouse, alt-fire to space and jump to right mouse.

In other words, go with what you are used to -- if you find that your setup in other fps games is more natural, then change the controls to mimic that.

I also use the scroll wheel for weapon selection/ironsights (which is default). Since I have a mouse with extra buttons, I use those buttons for voip and drop weapon.

Pretty much everything else on my config is default, except that I've changed some of the tank-chat commands on the numpad.
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My key config = very unsual :D

left mouse = fire
right mouse = forward
mouse wheel = change weapons
m = backwards operated by pinky finger
, = strafe left operated by ring finger
. = strafe right operated by middle finger
/ = jump operated by index finger
n = iron sight pinky finger jumps to this key
k = lean left ring finger jumps to this key
l = lean right middle finger jumps to this key
j = reload pinky finger jumps to this key
space = use pinky finger jumps to this key
' = crouch index finger jumps to this key
; = prone index finger jumps to this key
right ctrl = alt fire left thumb jumps to this key
h = switch fire mode pinky jumps to this key
g = barrel change pinky jumps to this key
b = bayo attach pinky jumps to this key
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I cut my teeth on Medal of Honor many moons ago and always reconfigure to match something like that.

WASD ~ movement
QE ~ leaning
XC ~ prone, crouch
YT ~ say, team say
M ~ map
FR ~ use, reload

But for RO I have added a few more:

numpad (minus) Team Channel
numpad (numlock) Public Channel
numpad (slash) Local Channel (doesn't work very well)
numpad (asterisk) Map vote

and my favourite: F5

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I'm an arrow man with a multi-button MX500 mouse. Thumb buttons on the mouse for iron sights and sprint. I use nearby keys such as right ctrl, shift, del, end, page down, and the numpad for gameplay controls. I use letters as various voice commands. b back, f forward, g go go go, t thanks etc.
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I have the logitech MX500 myself, so i use the thumb keys as use and deploy/bayo

in terms of keyboard functions, i use the following (I'm a WASD fan myself)

wasd = movement
q/e = lean
f = prone
c = IS
space = toggle crouch
left alt = jump
left shift = sprint
tab = map
z = throw weapon
x = change firemode
b = change barrel
v = voice menu
left ctrl = mic activation
r = reload

i find that works quite well...

you need the mouse with the extra keys to pull this off tho..
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