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Another DoD: S Free Weekend

JohnnyBeverage said:
All these games are unrealistic. Your sitting at your computer not actually in the field carrying a weapon, side arm, ammo, etc. The realistic peoples arguments get stale for me after awhile. You dont respawn in real life after getting shot to death. You dont use a mouse to fire a weapon.

DOD:Source is a fun game. Red Orchestra is a fun game. But sorry to let you all down, they are both "games".

That argument is as dumb now as it was when i first heard it in 1998.

The very idea of simulating something is to have a go at it without putting yourself in any real danger, even the army does it, or did you think they played thouse "war games" with live ammo?

Also, since when have humans stopped striving for the best? even if you cannot get 100% with what you have, its alot better to have 80% than only 40%.
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Fedorov said:
Just go there ant tell everyone that RO is better, and if they ask you why?, dont tell them because its more realistic... tell them that is because Its much more complex, it has much more content, and you dont get bored of it in 10 minutes ^^

Yeah, because RO could really use some more omg1337!!12 bunny-hopping SMG spammers :p

Lets just not..
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If they are that kind of dudes, they will buy the game, play once and go back to DODS, but the Devs would get their money, and there would be more chance for us to have a RO for UE3 ^^

but seriously, sometimes when "realistic" is your only point to advertise something, it feels empty, yes its realistic, but RO is much more than that
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Wow, if you're going to bash DoD Source, at least bash it for some real reasons, not just because "it isn't RO"

Red Orchestra has its downfalls too. First, I NEVER have felt like a team is working toward an objective after the old capture system was replaced by the one-man-cap system that is in place in some maps today. Screaming "n2!!!" and praying for help before a nade got me was much more intense.

But really, bash DoD Source for legitimate reasons, like the fact that DoD original has MUCH more content. Or perhaps that all the weapons feel like complete crap in-game. Or maybe the boring default maps that focus on "ooo look at this nicely decorated house" instead of gameplay. Maybe it's the horrid cartoony looking weapon models. Maybe the obvious lazyness of a dev team that decides 2 maps is enough for 8 months of work. Maybe it's the fact that there are really only 2 player models in the game with MINOR tweaks for classes. Maybe it's just the fact that DoD Source feels like it has nothing to do with DoD other than sharing the war and the title.

-Old DoD player, obviously angered and biased
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SnotRocket said:
Wow, if you're going to bash DoD Source, at least bash it for some real reasons, not just because "it isn't RO"

Red Orchestra has its downfalls too. First, I NEVER have felt like a team is working toward an objective after the old capture system was replaced by the one-man-cap system that is in place in some maps today. Screaming "n2!!!" and praying for help before a nade got me was much more intense.

But really, bash DoD Source for legitimate reasons, like the fact that DoD original has MUCH more content. Or perhaps that all the weapons feel like complete crap in-game. Or maybe the boring default maps that focus on "ooo look at this nicely decorated house" instead of gameplay. Maybe it's the horrid cartoony looking weapon models. Maybe the obvious lazyness of a dev team that decides 2 maps is enough for 8 months of work. Maybe it's the fact that there are really only 2 player models in the game with MINOR tweaks for classes. Maybe it's just the fact that DoD Source feels like it has nothing to do with DoD other than sharing the war and the title.

-Old DoD player, obviously angered and biased

Just played it, and I agree with you. I used to love DoD, but someone has taken the game and royally ruined it. I played for half hour a few moments ago now and just left shaking my head. Not sure if it was the guy on our team who kept team killing, or the rifleman on the Axis team who would jump out from behind a wall, pop me with a single shot from the K98 then bunny hop back to safety. Or maybe it was the fact that they have a bazooka whose primary use seems to be anti-infantry.

Shame really. DoD used to be great fun. Nevermind I suppose. I have RO to satisfy me now.
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The sad thing is: If you mention the shortcomings of DOD:S (compared to DOD) on the steam forums the fanbois will rip you in pieces. That makes me believe they (valve) still have reasonable success with the game and may continue their new policy of selling half-done games.

Original DOD with all it had ported to the source engine, that would've been MY DOD:S.
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I played the original DOD from b1.3 to v1.3 in August of 2004. I was sick of retail and had had enough of it. I was hoping DOD:S would be fun but it killed the series. It was even worse than DOD retail. I would go into detail about my hatred for DOD:S but it would end up being one big long list and my blood pressure would be raised to dangerous levels.

Nothing will ever beat the fun I had in b1.3 and b3.1.
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