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Level Design What ROOST and ROmod maps would you like to see remade in RO2?

I'd love to see Kaukasus return in some form, along with Partisan Forests (or at least something similar, I love the atmosphere in that map). I'd like to learn how to map for UT3 games but have no idea where to start.

Download the UDK.


Good 'getting started' tutorials are here.


you need to register but it's free.

While the UDK doesn't have it's own art assets, it's easy to import textures from RO.
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I'd love to see the tractorworks map return with some better final tweaking and balancing. I loved the openness of that map and ability to go anywhere. And it was even built 1:1 on air recon pictures, and its located in stalingrad.

But in general I hope that twi tries to make new stuff, or if they take the game play / basic layout of maps that they perhaps take more mod maps that didn't make it to roost. There were some real gems in there and most people never played them.
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Nothing wrong with getting inspired and trying to grab the good things about certain maps. But why a 1:1 port?

i do agree, however in the case of kraz, sta. kessel and lazur i would say because they are quality maps proven to work very well and it's not guaranteed that HoS will otherwise recieve maps that play as they do.

And i don't think it's a bad thing to have a couple of maps that hark back to a games earlier roots.

At least they have the correct setting too - which makes me think of adding tractor works to that list.
And in the case of that map - seeing as it was modelled as accurately as possible on the actual location, I guess you would more or less have to create a 1:1 copy if you wanted to feature it again authentically.
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