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Three new videos (German/Russian and mutliplayer).

Me..? Its not my imgagination that is selective. Because in the sentence above the one I quoted you say.

Actually i enjoy books a lot and i do not find it hard to imagine the things i read in books. In fact, i pretty much always have a decent picture in my mind of how things look. That is also why All quiet on the Western front manages to depress me so much every time i read through it.
I was saying that not about myself but rather in general, as many people these days do not seem to like to read. At least around here it is quite scarce. It is for people like this that movies work out a whole lot better, and i think videogames could also contribute to that.

Now, i am not at all saying that a videogame could make you feel EXACTLY like what a soldier would feel or think what he would think.
To think that it could simulate the feeling of being wet for 5 days straight or something similar is lunacy and not at all what i suggested.
But what you CAN do is SHOW it to people in a game, make them SEE soldiers being wet and miserable, or make them cry or break down after a fight. And because the player is participating in these events, he could feel something too. At least i know i did during one of Brothers in Arms: RTH30's missions where Leggett falls down crying between the dead bodies of Allen and Garnett.
Or the moment in Earned in Blood during one of the last fights where Red sees his youth friend being evaporated in front him by a HE shell, after which he is dragged by a teammate to a save spot at which point said teammate collapses and bleeds out. Despite the rough edges a game obviously has, that gave me quite some shivers down the spine.
I get the feeling you are hung up on the word 'first hand' though, but in my original post it was already in quotation marks symboling that ofcourse it doesnt come close to the real thing, but you can get a general feel of the situation by immersing yourself in a videogame, movie or book.
It's simply another tool to educate people.
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Originally Posted by Tzako
Three new screenshots at RPS:


This is going to be one of the best PC games ever, almost like being in a movie or actuially being there, can't wait! Those vids are tremendous, the attension to detail on the levels is absolutley first class, the six weeks to release is going to drag, I hope they ask for beta testers.

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Did watch the video's more then once now and I think and hope they didn't show us the best they have. Or this was a very early build. Now the cam quality isn't that good. So graphics quality won't show.
This might be the reason that at some moments it really looks like RO Ostfront.

In the soviet walkthrough I noticed is the repetiton in textures on the walls in the Infirmary building. These bullethols are really everywhere but the pattern isn't random. These buildings and the surrounding enviroment haven't suffer much damage also. One would expect more damage, but i'm not a historian.

This all makes me believe they have much more to show us which made us
say Wow!! So prepare for some better stuff peeps.
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Hi! Just registered on the forums in order to comment on what has been said about the english voices.

I, and a couple of my friends, really want the developers to reconsider this decision. I see why it has been implemented - in order to make teamwork easier, increase accessability for english-speaking players, etc. I can see the reasoning behind it...

Putting the immersiveness aspect aside (which I think is serious, but don't want to focus on since others have already pointed it out), we feel as though the developers havn't really taken the Russian- and German-speaking community into account... I count myself as part of both (speak Russian fluently, and can understand German very well) and for me this feature will really result in a lot of... awkwardeness. :/

For a large part of the community (judging from my experiences of ROOST, where I rarely met with people from the english-speaking world) this feauture will not only be completely pointless, but maybe even a hinderence. :p

I'm sure it wasn't intentional, but when Ramm.Jaeger described the reasoning by saying that it's "more realistic to actually understand what your teammates are saying" I read it as a quite ignorant comment. As if German and Russian are fantasy languages that no RO-players understand... Once again, this probably wasn't his intention but it gave the impression that the German- and Russian-speaking players havn't been taken into consideration. :p

So, all I'm asking for is an option to have every avatar speak in his native language.:) If you have all four voices (Russian, Russo-English, German, German-English) recorded already, how can adding this option be that much of a problem? And if the devs don't think it's worth it, will players be able to mod it themselves? (by replacing German-English soundfiles with actual German ones, etc.)

Thank you! And thank you for making such wonderful games! The above post may give the impression that I'm not very excited about the game, but I really am!:) Biggest event of the year, lol. And I will love it, whether this little "issue" is adjusted or not.
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Hmm, I assume they don't have the 3000 lines of battle chatter in russian or german. It would be cool if it was a server side option to force both teams to use the native languages, but that would probably only really make sense if the battle chatter was then disabled =(.

EDIT: or hmm, perhaps they have those too? I wonder...
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Hi! Just registered on the forums in order to comment on what has been said about the english voices.

I, and a couple of my friends, really want the developers to reconsider this decision. I see why it has been implemented - in order to make teamwork easier, increase accessability for english-speaking players, etc. I can see the reasoning behind it...

Putting the immersiveness aspect aside (which I think is serious, but don't want to focus on since others have already pointed it out), we feel as though the developers havn't really taken the Russian- and German-speaking community into account... I count myself as part of both (speak Russian fluently, and can understand German very well) and for me this feature will really result in a lot of... awkwardeness. :/

For a large part of the community (judging from my experiences of ROOST, where I rarely met with people from the english-speaking world) this feauture will not only be completely pointless, but maybe even a hinderence. :p

I'm sure it wasn't intentional, but when Ramm.Jaeger described the reasoning by saying that it's "more realistic to actually understand what your teammates are saying" I read it as a quite ignorant comment. As if German and Russian are fantasy languages that no RO-players understand... Once again, this probably wasn't his intention but it gave the impression that the German- and Russian-speaking players havn't been taken into consideration. :p

So, all I'm asking for is an option to have every avatar speak in his native language.:) If you have all four voices (Russian, Russo-English, German, German-English) recorded already, how can adding this option be that much of a problem? And if the devs don't think it's worth it, will players be able to mod it themselves? (by replacing German-English soundfiles with actual German ones, etc.)

Thank you! And thank you for making such wonderful games! The above post may give the impression that I'm not very excited about the game, but I really am!:) Biggest event of the year, lol. And I will love it, whether this little "issue" is adjusted or not.

You misunderstand the whole issue.

English voices will only be in English speaking countries, the game voices will be localized based where you live. You say you speak Fluent russian and some german, so I'm guessing you live somewhere in western europe. Well I have good news! The voices ingame will speak in your native language. So you might here Russian speaking germans, but bare with them.

Plus its 100% more immersive to hear your teammates speak in a language you can understand, then a game where you lose the ability to understand anyone, and feel jarred by the experience, and despite what some on this forum, most people aren't bilingual and will be frustrated by not understanding the strange voices around them.
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You misunderstand the whole issue.

English voices will only be in English speaking countries, the game voices will be localized based where you live. You say you speak Fluent russian and some german, so I'm guessing you live somewhere in western europe. Well I have good news! The voices ingame will speak in your native language. So you might here Russian speaking germans, but bare with them.

Plus its 100% more immersive to hear your teammates speak in a language you can understand, then a game where you lose the ability to understand anyone, and feel jarred by the experience, and despite what some on this forum, most people aren't bilingual and will be frustrated by not understanding the strange voices around them.
I'm not sure I misunderstood. :p

I live in Sweden, so the version I will be playing will be the English-speaking one. And Russian-speaking Germans and vice versa will be even more confusing ;)

I have lots of experience from playing Project Reality (BF2 mod) were all callouts are in the native languages of the armies (everything from Chinese to Hebrew), and that's not something that "jarred" the experience. If you want to use serious teamwork you still have to use the VOIP (which I understand have been implemented

Ah, well. Not really complaining, but rather throwing ideas and curious questions around.;) If RO2 have the same kind of mod-support as the predecessor, I doubt these english-voices will be much of a "problem" for me for very long!
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"Fake" was not the right word to describe it , I would say less loud , less deafening having less impact .

I imagine that's purely down to the fact that it's cam footage. But is it? We'll see!

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I'm not sure I misunderstood. :p

I live in Sweden, so the version I will be playing will be the English-speaking one. And Russian-speaking Germans and vice versa will be even more confusing ;)

I have lots of experience from playing Project Reality (BF2 mod) were all callouts are in the native languages of the armies (everything from Chinese to Hebrew), and that's not something that "jarred" the experience. If you want to use serious teamwork you still have to use the VOIP (which I understand have been implemented

Ah, well. Not really complaining, but rather throwing ideas and curious questions around.;) If RO2 have the same kind of mod-support as the predecessor, I doubt these english-voices will be much of a "problem" for me for very long!

I've played PR quite a bit, and I always felt like I was missing something, I can understand "URAH!" or "Nyet!" but something like the MEC "HAllimajurah" and stuff like that I never understood, and to think RO2 will have 3000 lines like this, it better be in english, I'm not against the option for native speak, but I don't see the point outside of catering to a select crowd.
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I'm not against the option for native speak, but I don't see the point outside of catering to a select crowd.
True. I can't use anything else but the "immersiveness" option. And sicne most VOIP-chatter will be in english anyway... Ah, well, since all soundfiles are in place anyways I guess it won't be that hard to mod for a selected server?
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