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SS soloing?


Grizzled Veteran
Nov 25, 2015
Having a really hard time soloing with SS, the only weapon that have a chance is M14, the others are too slow to reload when the enemies flood in, and the grenades do nothing to stop them unless you shoot, which you can't since you are reloading, and you can't run since you are reloading, and you can't bash because there's to many crawlers bouncing you around and stalkers blocking your every step.

And this is on Hard.

Is it the new resistances? Probably.
Is it the knockback on every zed? Definitely.
Is it the Zed teleporting being too tight and unfair? Oh yes, so much.

So far, Sharpshooter need a bodyguard when soloing, because it cannot take itself out of corners with anything but the M14, and even that, is a hard feat to do.
I feel like grenades should still do explosive damage at the base but then AOE damage is whatever effect, cryo, poison (medic grenade), stun (zerk grenade), because yeah it's incredibly annoying when you're trying to crowd control as a class who has no weapons for that job and your grenade just happens to not do what you need it to
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Having a really hard time soloing with SS, the only weapon that have a chance is M14, the others are too slow to reload when the enemies flood in, and the grenades do nothing to stop them unless you shoot, which you can't since you are reloading, and you can't run since you are reloading, and you can't bash because there's to many crawlers bouncing you around and stalkers blocking your every step.

And this is on Hard.

Is it the new resistances? Probably.
Is it the knockback on every zed? Definitely.
Is it the Zed teleporting being too tight and unfair? Oh yes, so much.

So far, Sharpshooter need a bodyguard when soloing, because it cannot take itself out of corners with anything but the M14, and even that, is a hard feat to do.
I think it's possible to beat HoE as a level 0 Sharpie in Solo.
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I tried a few different classes on solo, and the game is MUCH harder now to solo.

I could barely get through the early waves on hard as a level 1 sharpshooter, but once the big guys showed up, it got way too easy.

You know what, people have been asking for perks to be more differentiated for a while now, but this overdone resistance system has made me realize that the differences are best left subtle. I think every perk should be able to kill everything, but with a considerable difference in efficiency. That's a lot more how the game was before the resistances.
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I can solo hard just fine. Only stalkers give me trouble but I don't have enough weapon swap speed to switch back and forth between xbow and m14 yet.

How are crawlers a problem? They are torso oneshot by every weapon you have with low penetration resistance...

How is knockback a problem? Because you screwed up and let yourself get attacked in the first place.

How is scrakes spawning out of thin air right infront of you still a problem? I'm not kidding why is this still a thing? I thought they fixed it again!
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The basic 9 mil no longer works in conjunction with the SS's bonuses so the small Zeds will be giving you trouble as you could no longer pick 'em off via headshot with ease like you used to with the pistols back in the first game - while themselves has become more aggressive in the second game.

All in all, Sharpshooter is now more of a back row perk that needs protection from others due to its decline in independence department (the ability to solo, to self-defense or holding up on its own).
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What I'm noticing is a pretty solid issue with Sharp is the cycle time of the LAR and how it relates to zed-time in the early waves.

Zed-time is triggered the instant that an enemy is considered dead, and decaps of clot variants and gorefasts are typically where that happens. The cycle time of the LAR is such that zed-time is finished once you're ready to fire again.

It makes little sense to me that the cycle time of a lever-action rifle in the hands of a level 25 Sharpshooter is the same as the cycle time for a level 0. Realistically, the cycle time for a manually cycled weapon like this should improve as you level.
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Actually you can extend the zed time with the LAR after triggering the zed time with an LAR shot. I've done it a few times, and I only have sharpshooter to level 3. Your second shot fires just after it looks like it has phased out of zed time, but really it hasn't quite phased out. If you manage to get a kill as soon as you possibly can shoot, then it will extend the zed time. I have not managed to get a third shot in though...

EDIT: after reading your post again, you might be right. I cannot confirm what type zed died to trigger the zed time, so it may have taken a fraction of a second to die. I doubt it though, because if they don't die instantly, it usually takes at least a second for them to fall over.
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Sharp does just fine up till the boss round (unless you get ambushed by a horde of Stalkers).

All zeds below Scrake, FP, Hans and Patty got their healths normalized and lost their health scaling (if they had any to begin with). Meaning they are always as strong as they would be in their 6 player state. This alongside with the new resistances might be spooking your soloing attempts.
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Having a really hard time soloing with SS, the only weapon that have a chance is M14, the others are too slow to reload when the enemies flood in, and the grenades do nothing to stop them unless you shoot, which you can't since you are reloading, and you can't run since you are reloading, and you can't bash because there's to many crawlers bouncing you around and stalkers blocking your every step.

And this is on Hard.

Is it the new resistances? Probably.
Is it the knockback on every zed? Definitely.
Is it the Zed teleporting being too tight and unfair? Oh yes, so much.

So far, Sharpshooter need a bodyguard when soloing, because it cannot take itself out of corners with anything but the M14, and even that, is a hard feat to do.

I just saw somebody complete HoE with a level 12 SS. You just need to keep practicing and getting better at the game. From what I've seen the M14 is pretty OP because of its high rate-of-fire and its ability to stun-lock zeds including scrakes and fleshpounds.
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One big change that not a lot of people have mentioned - it looks like Sui/HoE attacks may have been brought down to hard. I've never seen stalkers kung fu flip kick, gorefast backspin blade attack, and the clot somersault surprise before.

I haven't tried any perk other than SS yet, but I'm noticing a big difference between normal to hard, beyond just movement speed and zed count.
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Yeah, Sharpshooter is a 100% teamplay perk, as long as it is limited by slow rate of fire and headshot specialisation.
Even with teammates he needs to be protected by someone who remove small trash around him (clots etc.) so he can properly aim.
Also finding some high spots is crucial (best is f.e. tower in Prison map, or roof in Extraction point). On the other side interior map like Biotic Lab are very limiting.

All in all, i think its a good character who however wont fit in every situation. Solo game is one of them. But who knows, maybe at higher levels, you can remove trash by yourself f.e. with dual Deagles that fit greatly with Railgun (Thats why he has weapon swap speed per level i guess).
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