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Some misc. suggestions

Dastard... You are the voice of reason! So far I have agreed with everything you have said. I salute you.

I believe that the counterintuitive mechanics, coupled with the difficulties connecting to servers, is the main reason why the KF mod didn't have a lot of players.

Even as a fairly experienced player of the mod, I know as well as anyone else who has played it... if you start a new map you've never played before, and no one is helping you find the shop (Which DOES happen a lot if you're not playing with the 'regulars') you get into the following downward spiral:

- "OK, where's the shop... anyone?"
- *silence*
- "Erm... help?" *time running out*
- oh great... wave started and I only have a pistol.
- OK... got the the end of that wave.... "hello?"
- Where the f*** is the f***ing shop?

later on... maybe wave 4... still not found the shop:

- OK I just ran out of ammo and got raped by a crawler.
- Yay! I've spawned to a COMPLETELY RANDOM LOCATION on the map... so now, not only do I still not know where the shop is, but I also don't know where the hell I am!!!


Of course once you've played the map a couple of times, you learn where the shop is, and all the weapon spawns etc... but wouldn't be a good first experience for a new player would it?
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Good points. However, there will be a "breaking" point somewhere.
When every server contains AT LEAST two persons who can find the shop and buy the needed weaponry to survive the waves, KF is sure to succeed, because not finding the shop is simply impossible. Why? Because the same situation exists as in the mod. You see the two players run towards a unknown point. You decide to follow them. Someone else jumps on the little train. etc. etc. In no time, others will be able to find the shop. IF the menus for buying weapons etc. are very clear, even new players will be able to figure out their basic needs. Thus the only negative point that could remain is people gettin' butraped because of bad teamwork. Sadly enough we can't fix that xD.

And because more and more people are getting souped up about whether noobs will be able to find it. YES there will be an Indicator of where to go. But in what matter (Arrow, semi-distinct blue glow when you watch in the direction of the trader, blue lights/candles on the map in her direction, maybe sound indications) and when (between waves, at the start, at the beginning, or brief periods of times(kinda flashes of where she is)) I'm not gonna disclose.
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Good points. However, there will be a "breaking" point somewhere.
When every server contains AT LEAST two persons who can find the shop and buy the needed weaponry to survive the waves, KF is sure to succeed, because not finding the shop is simply impossible. Why? Because the same situation exists as in the mod. You see the two players run towards a unknown point. You decide to follow them. Someone else jumps on the little train. etc. etc. In no time, others will be able to find the shop. IF the menus for buying weapons etc. are very clear, even new players will be able to figure out their basic needs. Thus the only negative point that could remain is people gettin' butraped because of bad teamwork. Sadly enough we can't fix that xD.

New people that join empty servers will still get gang raped, or if they play offline or host a listen server from the middle of Buttskank, New Zealand and no one but the other people in Buttskank would ever want to join the server simply out of lag. I've also seen a instances where new players join a populated server and break off from everyone else, because they're used to playing other games where teamwork is not as important. It's easy to say that new players will follow everyone else since it's common sense, but a lot of people simply don't know what they're doing and it takes a few games to figure it out.

Anyways, I know there's going to be indication, I read your prior post. I'm just arguing against the idea of having no indication whatsoever.

In an interest to steer this thread back towards suggestions, some new ones:

  • Weapon attachments: Have buyable, or possibly unlockeable via steam achievements or perks, attachments to weapons such as sawn off barrel for shotgun (more damage, but the huge spread means you have to be a lot closer), flaming bolts for xbow, compressed gas canisters for knife YouTube - WASP Injection Knife vs. Watermelon, possibly be a massive amount of damage, but you get stuck next to your target for a second or so while the knife is lodged in, and you have to buy gas canisters at the shop), laser sight for the deagle (kinda eh, IMO, since the whole "no crosshairs thing; maybe it can be only if you've unlocked the sniper perk, so you'd have to have good aim anyways to use it), bayonet for the bullpup, incendiary rounds for the law, etc. I personally think that unlockable weapon attachments could be really good for the game, since KF isn't a competitive game, and therefore having a slight competitive edge wouldn't be a huge gamebreaking deal and would give an incentive to keep playing KF rather than playing it for about a week and then disappearing after it loses it's new game smell, so it would take longer for the eventual dwindling of the community that all multiplayer games get to kick in. With the framework put in place, that could also have another thing to toss into official download packs alongside new player models, maps, weapons, and perks.
  • Add in triggers for map defined 'objectives' and code in the gameinfo, so that map makers can put in things that need to get done, things that need to be saved, etc. that if failed to complete or if any zombies get to them or enter a certain zone, end the map prematurely. Possibly add in toggleable AI code that makes it so that the zombies go primarily for the objective and only go towards players if damaged by them. That way, you could have a community map where you have to defend a bus of school children long enough for the chopper to get there, and you could have map where they players have to keep a power station running by having 12 or so power boxes, and a random one turns off and has to get turned back on every x amount of seconds and if all 12 go out, the players lose. In the former case, the AI instructions would favor going to the 'children' objective, and in the latter, the AI toggle would be off for going towards the power box objectives. Hardest part would most likely be the AI, the objectives could just be specific children of the trigger and zone classes that the gameinfo looks to see if are in the map, and if so, put in place the losing conditions, such as a countdown timer, or "zone 'whatever' needs to be entered by player pawns at least once every x seconds".
More ideas later, when I'm less tired.
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I like the knife suggestion although when the knife is stuck you SHOULD NOT receive melee damage, e.g. the specimen you stabbed is stunned, even if it is a scrake. Furthermore, customization is fine, but not all weapons need one. Just a few obvious ones, like laser sights on the dualies and handcannon, incendiary grenades instead of normal ones, and a grenade launcher under your bullpup. You would sacrifice your scope for the GL though.
And new people almost never join empty servers. When I first played BF2142, I joined a nearly full server. Sure I did get raped at the beginning, but by looking at how others play you learn pretty quick. Should be even more so in KF, because the better your team is the more you learn from them AND the more time you have to learn from them because you will survive longer.
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Isnt with a sawed off shotgun usually the stock sawed off. So that it gets easier to carry with you or use in tight spaces. Rather than the barrel?
No. You saw of most of the barrel to be able to hide it in your sleeve or something similiar. Removing the stock would make it a so called "wristbreaker".



This is why sawn offs are much more effective for CQC, because you get a huge manoeuvrability and a small weight advantage. And yes indeed it would not increase damage. It should increase spread and recoil, but also decrease weight and speed up the firing speed somewhat.
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Seriously.You all (sept for KF vets and devs) talk about gammers as if they are the most stupid people on the planet. People do have common sence and will naturaly follow other players in the game. Its natrual human nature to follow other people. You also make it sound like every single gammer has never played on or touched a PC in their life before. There are games WAY MORE complicated than KF. Look at things like EVE Online, one of the most complex games in the world and yet is one of the fastest growing games out there. If you really think people are that stupid u need to look where humanity is in the world :p.

If you really think it is that much of an issue then you could nicely ask the devs to add a loading screen giveing tips. :cool:

And anyway, hunting for the shop is half the fun! :D

But ANYWAY. I would love an overunder shotty in the game. I do clay pigon shooting and I love overunders. They are so much easyer to handle and a double side.
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