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Sharpshooter skills revealed

I'm not liking the pattern I'm seeing with the perk skills at all.

So many of them are either stat boosts that feel too necessary to not have that they may as well have been part of the perk's passive boosts, and some of them are so good it'd be stupid to NOT have them, such as the Demo's ability to negate siren screams.
And then there's weird ones like choosing between Single or Autofire as Commando, which feels more like picking a small handicap and not a cool trick. It doesn't really add anything aside from make me switch once I've sold my AR-15, also reminding me that using semi-auto mode with the Autofire skill enabled is wasteful. However that 20% is a critical balance consideration for Commando. I say add the bonus to the Commando's passive boosts, and make Singlefire about stunning mid-tier zeds with headshots, and Autofire about stumble power or something like that, I don't know.

Frankly I don't think many of the skills are creative at all save for a few. The Gunslinger's Rack 'em Up/Bonebreaker tradeoff was cool, that's a great example. You can choose a flat boost or gamble a little with your skill to get potentially more out of the ability unless you perform badly, where Bonebreaker becomes more appealing.

Also good are the odd abilities like Nightvision (despite needing work), Flare Cocktail, Heatwave, the demo's door trap/explosive vest things, and the medic's poison dart even though its very impotent AFAIK. The supplier skills vs more personal ammo are also great additions. The choices between health regeneration or more base health aren't too bad, even if they're a bit bland.

Why can't we have more skills that actually DO things and let the players perform some interesting manuevers and strategies? Why can't we have skills that deepen the way we play the game, instead of effectively asking to pick between potential handicaps?

As for the OP:

Stationary aim seems like a fine ability, but it seems like something that would always remain constant with the sharpie. The shoot/move speed boosts sounds like the antithesis of sharpshooter, more appropriate for Commando or Gunslinger.

Stun sounds great but if it's ever gonna be used it'd have to be able to stun a scrake, or at a stretch, a fleshpound with the sharpie's best weapon. As it stands, LAR can stun husks off-perk, so if this boost doesn't bring something big to the table there'd be basically no reason to not prefer Rack 'Em Up.

As for Tactical Reload vs Scoped, this seems like another tradeoff between a single-target heavy-hitter vs quasi-Commando.

Regarding crouch-aim, this is only giving me a reason to not stand up in a fight. If it had some other bonus like stumble/stun power or reload speed then sure whatever, at least that way it'd be more a situational bonus like all the other good ones.
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The Gunslinger's Rack 'em Up/Bonebreaker tradeoff was cool, that's a great example. You can choose a flat boost or gamble a little with your skill to get potentially more out of the ability unless you perform badly, where Bonebreaker becomes more appealing.
If you do the math and look at shots to kill, you will realize that Bone Breaker is not really a choice, even when you have problems with consecutive headshots.

I would like to have real choices that allow to make skill "builts", tailored around different playstyles.

I like situational skills. For example mandos Backup. When you run out of rifle ammo, you don't need large rifle mags anymore and then you can switch that to boost your pistol and knife damage.
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I'm a little surprised at people seeming so confused about the speed boost for SS.

Because my memories of KF1 were watching SS's backpedal through the whole level and no scope headshot the big guys. You were either playing the game, or watching that happen for 5 minutes.

So a speed boost for SS seems totally in keeping with that.

That kinda seems to be the theme too of these perks, at least as written. Either you're a standstill behind yo zerk wall and deal massive damage kinda SS, or you opt for perks to help you run and gun and kite. I don't play SS so I'm not that wild about it either way. But I'd agree that it's not a very interesting dichotomy to choose from, and in general the trend of a lot of boring/mandatory perks seems to have continued.

But yeah, the more I think about it the more I believe that's the split: stationary high damage vs. sustained kiteability. (Team player vs. lone wolf might be another way to look at it.)

That's why the speed boost. That's why the stun perk is in there at the lower tier. When kiting you'd want that stun to buy you distance. You'd want faster reload speeds and extra ammo while constantly on the move and alone. You'd defer on all the head shot/iron sight abilities because you'd not be making as many or using it as often.
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