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Remove Capture Bar

My response to the stealth thing is that if you are capturing an area, you damn well aren't doing it by hiding from the enemy.

An army's not going to consider an area under their control if one or two of their soldiers are hiding in a back room somewhere. And for the stealth thing to be valid, they shouldn't anyway. You want the other guys to think they are safe until you actually do attack and defeat them all.

We should get rid of the individual soldier count bar, and I think the capture bar should only move if one side has total dominance over the area. To keep it from being abused while still being accessible to low squad numbers, the contested areas could be out in the open like someone above suggested. Or at least with bounds away from places that can be easily sneaked into/hidden in.
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Here's few random suggestions that comes to mind after reading the whole thread:

#1 Removing the enemy presence in the capbar would be a start.

#2 have delayed time before you truly start to capture, such as 10 seconds after you achieve 'superiority' to start capturing the area.

#3 Limit information so that only squad leaders have access to more detailed capture information, others only know if they are taking it or not taking it.

#4 Capturing is not black'n white and set in stone. E.G. let's say the germans hold specific building, after some russians gets in they still hold it, but after the surrounding area is being contested and manpower wise both sides are not holding it the area is displayed as no man's land, and depending who manages to regain superiority in the whole perimetre it would change to E.G. "holding a foothold, holding partitially, holding mostly." for defender or for attacker "gaining a foothold, secured partitially, secured mostly.", basically meaning even if you have greater control of the area it doesn't always equal it is secured or captured.
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and I think the capture bar should only move if one side has total dominance over the area. To keep it from being abused while still being accessible to low squad numbers, the contested areas could be out in the open like someone above suggested. Or at least with bounds away from places that can be easily sneaked into/hidden in.

If a team got total dominance over an area they should have the cap zone already rather than wait. Aka the moment a team got dominance over a cap zone should be the moment they capture it. Aka I think that the actual capturing bar should be bound to territory gained and not the time you are in the cap zone with more soldiers.

Someone shouldn't try and hide from the enemy and should attack at least if he wants to gain control over the zone. However if nobody saw the enemy entering there shouldn't be an alarm raised that there is an enemy within the zone. And that is the stealth bit. Stealth shouldn't be a method to capture the zone, but it should be a viable option to get behind the enemy and kill him from there. If nobody sees you go somewhere, then nothing and nobody should automatically tell you that someone is in the cap zone.

@Oldih, I don't think its best to only give squad leader information. In public play they would simply never share it to begin with. If information is given out it should be given out to all players equally in my opinion.
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In public play they would simply never share it to begin with. If information is given out it should be given out to all players equally in my opinion.

True, it would be very vulnerable for people who just take the class and doesn't really do anything about it but if it were dependant on the server settings? Such as relaxed realism would have info avaible for all, the 'normal' realism would have only for SLs.

Only problem with that might come if people are too used to relaxed realism and then are completely out of their minds and can't do anything as there is no information avaible - and the threat of someone just picking up the class and not doing anything really.
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I think as long as information shared among the team automatically is at least known clearly by one of the soldiers in the team then there is generally no issue. That just makes teamwork easier for publicplay, and for say clanplay perhaps it could be disabled.

But the main issue I have is the systems telling information too early.
Telling an enemy is in the cap zone at the presence bar while nobody has seen him.
Telling an enemy is capping zone X while looking on the overhead map while nobody of your team is in the cap zone.
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I personally find it hard to have a capture system like in RO without a cap bar

I too would like to remove the cap bar, but I think implementing a system like in MAG might work well

Instead of having soldiers just stay in an area to cap it, why not have a single object that soldiers must try to capture by having to maybe hold down the 'use' key while standing next to said object, to raise a flag or something

Again, I don't know if this would work in RO, but I just think it's a good cap system
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I don't think that a game can go without a capture status indicator either, but it doesn't have to show the amount of enemies within the cap zone. And show every percent that the bar moves, it could show things in steps of 25% as well.

Personally I always felt the RO cap system was an evolution from the flag raising or single point cap zones, as seen in rtcw and battlefield1942. And it was one of the primary reasons why I fell in love with the RO mod. You didn't fight for some stupid flag or briefcase you fought for buildings and streets.

And to this day I still think that the current cap system is better than pretty much most other first person games. However the current system isn't perfect and got some serious issues that started to show more and more over the years.

- you see how many enemies are in the cap zone
- once people are within the actual cap zone there is no need to push up further, causing people to dig in or hide.

Which is why I personally think that an area/fog of war/influence/frontline based cap system would work the best. As that would force people to move out into the cap rather than allowing them to stay at a single corner.

Removing the enemy presence bar in the cap meter like it was in the mod is an improvement over the current system in my opinion. However without the enemy presence bar, the hiding issue while capping will become more prominent. But I still think the benefits of no enemy presence bar outweigh the negatives.
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