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Over 10 new maps and increased player limits for Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45

I dont understand "this is free so stop bithcing" messages.First of all we all paid for the product,ppl can ask for more coz they've already paid for a mod and that is literally support,since they could have kept playing it for free.
I am not saying TWI should do whatever community wants,but ppl have right to ***** after waiting 6 months for a decent patch or have right to state that they are disappointed with support given by TWI.

did you pay for the mod? as far as I know the mod is still free, (not that anybody plays it anymore)
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I just submited this news to BluesNews so the world will know this game is not dead! Lets get huge player numbers back people!
Thanks... all exposure helps.

And to re-iterate what has been said by other members of the team:

1. The maps being released are some of those entered in the mapping contest, after additional work suggested from formal testing of them. They are created by the community.

2. We asked Valve to release them out over Steam - making the mapper's work an inclusion in EVERYONE's copy of the game. It also means that those mappers will have their work pimped out to the whole Steam community - that is 8 million people who will see the news and screenshots of their maps!

3. The player limit upgrade: this is taking a lot of work and a lot of testing to get it to work reliably and sensibly. Just taking the limit off in the base engine isn't enough - we are testing it all through to look for (and finding) odd side-effects that need to be nailed out. We are also looking at ways to help mappers make use of player numbers that will be able to range all the way up to 64: a map that is well balanced and fun at 28 players may well not be at 64 - trust me, we've tried! So - there will be work on all the official maps AND the upcoming new map-pack to items such as variable reinforcement counts blah blah.

4. Yes, of course there will be a set of other bug fixes, tweaks and minor updates - we just don't know yet which will make the cut, so we don't publish a list.

5. As someone has spotted - yes, there is other work going on (and being tested on the Tripwire dev server).

As has been said previously in this thread: if you don't like what we are doing/have done - that is your prerogative. But if you get snotty about a development team that is permanently looking at ways to ensure your investment in the game stays fresh, updating the game ourselves and with some great help from the community - all for free - then just don't expect everyone to be happy about your comments.

And right now: end of snotty comments from all parties about the update, snotty comments about snotty comments about the update, snotty comments about snotty comments about snotty comments etc ad nauseam before we all implode. Constructive criticism is always welcome - whinging just gets tiresome :)
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As we have said elsewhere and has been said earlier in the thread. Custom map distrobution over steam is actually a big thing. Not only have these maps been polished up (the mappers have been doing a great job in that), but you will never have to find another version of these maps again. If ever there is an update it will come streight to you via steam.

This also opens the gates to other sorts of content distrobution over steam as well. But that is for the future.

Now in terms of the higher player count. Once again, this is something the community has wanted. Yes some servers out there have managed to find ways to do it, but we are stepping behind them and actually supporting it now. They won't have to hack/mod in their own way with the potential for things to break. We are also introducing a new feature in terms of a variambe reinforcement system depending on the max player count of the server. IE: If a server is set o 64 players it will have twice the reinforcement pool of a 32 player server. Other work is being tested as well to support this new player count.

We are also doing work on our maps here at TWI to make sure they can support this higher load in terms of spawns and things like that. Yes, some of the maps will not work well under a higher load condition. However others will and we plan to let the community decide what works best for them.

As for a bug list, yes we haven't posted one. No, that doesn't mean no bugs are being fixed. Those who prowl the forum far to much like myself :) (or happen to to browse the right threads) know that we have announced that we have pretty much ironed out the leaning problem as well as a few other bugs. This isn't the full list mind you, as once again we don't like to talk about bug fixes before we are sure we have it nailed. And those who watch the RO test server have the joy of reading our weird map names that we use like RO-Omega (Ramm still won't let me use RO-Dust ....)

We are always working on improvements for RO:O here at TWI. From new maps and weapons (and other content) as well as supporting community pushes (such as mappers and modders). It just so happens that a major part of this next update focuses on the later. We are proud of what our community mappers have done and want to make sure that their work is shared with everybody.
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All should be glad to have a great game, that is so inexpensive to buy or download, that is so realistic with its gameplay, weapons, mods, and maps, with more new features coming all the time, developers who actively support their game through patches and upgrades, as opposed to games such as Cod2, that I all can say is BRAVO Tripwire......:D
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This has got to be the god of all updates, massive 64 player battles (this alone should make RO even more popular and attract newer people), new refurbished custom prize winning maps and RO: O's first controllable anti-tank gun. It's enough to get me back into RO from the unreleased Forgotten Hope 2 mod. Can TW also have a competition for custom weapons and vehicles not featured in RO just like what you did with the maps ? When it comes to retail game support you guys PWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I haven't disabled it.

I just uninstalled the game.

Btw people, when you say "10 new/updated maps and player limit increased!!!"
please say thank you to the parties who did most the work.

AND also, notice the thread name: "over ten NEW maps" interesting huh?

You fits troll classification with this message like never before

anyway i wonder where You got the idea
that some "mutator and w/e similar" mod equals changes in unreal engine code :)

if it was so easy then ask Yourself
why all UT2004 high player count modifications vanished off
or why there is no UE2/2.5 game with more than 32 players :) (Lineage 2 excluded)

seems like Your visions of world are somehow simplified to
"devs stolen community work or st. like that" and
"devs do nothing since game game was released"

in the end one more question remain: "what You done?" ...
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Its bad enough that the Devs took our money and left town. Now they praise 'user content' as a great victory for themselves and the community. When I heard Ramm say in IRC to restart steam for some great news, I was expecting a patch or an update, but all I got was a cumshot right in my face. Thanks for nothing you anus rangers. Go back to your jargon sacking.
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Buying this game was probably the best value for money for any game i've ever bought so i'm not bothered in the slightest..TW could make a RO into a CS clone and I wouldn't care - we would just roll back the servers to as it is now. What i'm trying to say is the game is more than good enough for me as it is. But it is a little patronising to think we're going to be impressed by the "over 10 new maps" thing considering the fact that they are already available (but with what i expect are VERY minor differences) along with many other maps.

It would have been better imo to release some details of the things that matter most to the current players (bug fixes, tank armour tweaks etc) rather than focusing on the "over 10 new maps" thing which isn't really aimed at us, but will look good on other gaming websites. I know the maps probably wouldn't have been completed to the standard they were or as quickly if it wasn't for hard work put in by TW with the contests and stuff, but I think trying to give us something we already have and pretending its some big update is pretty weak. Even the increased player numbers isn't really going to affect most of the current player base imo. I know theres been some code released which makes increased player numbers feasable (more reinforcements) and you spent time testing to make sure its not too laggy, but I don't think its for us, its so you can say it rivals games like Battlefield 2 and Counter-strike Source in terms of max player numbers (i doubt its a coincidence having 64 as your maxium, eventhough testing has shown 64 isn't really possible with even the best servers available). 55 started to send people's pings too high when I was there on the test server. Anyway as I said, this game has been great value for money so I don't mind at all, just saying it would be better to keep the current players happy and then release something like this thats targeted at people that don't have the game yet IMHO.
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I dont understand "this is free so stop bithcing" messages.First of all we all paid for the product,ppl can ask for more coz they've already paid for a mod and that is literally support,since they could have kept playing it for free.
I am not saying TWI should do whatever community wants,but ppl have right to ***** after waiting 6 months for a decent patch or have right to state that they are disappointed with support given by TWI.

of course that free bonus content is free ...
or you wanna paid mini expansions in style of EA or Oblivion ? :)

You paid for product with "certain" set of features and period ...
if You got more than by default (exclude fixes) then why complain ?

paid for mod ? who paid for mod ? You paid for UT2004 licence NOT for mod to MOD team
(if anyone here donated to TWI prior ROO then raise hand,
still i see no double pay as ROO got new content and changes worth price)

people have rights to ... ?
let me guess You got monochrome monitor in 1980 and today *****ing to manufacturer where is Your HD color support ? :)
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Read the posts by Alan and my posts above. If you still don't understand I can't help you, I'm sorry.

We aren't motivated by other games (unless they have a great idea). We are motivated by ourselves and by the community. As for 64 players read the engine specifics at www.unrealtechnology.com. You want Unreal Engine 2/2.5. The reason we are uncapping it now to its highest limit is because there are now servers that can run at this limit (or there will be in the near future).

Here I will make it easy for you "Client-server model supporting up to 64 players as provided. Also supports non-dedicated server (peer-to-peer mode) with up to 16 players." The reasons that games before haven't done this, including RO is the lack of servers that could do this. It has been a community requested feature since the dawn of time :)

The code change list will come shortly before the release as always. For more info read Alan and my posts above again, or any of the other "whats in the next patch" threads. Or once again the short answer. We won't release that information until we are sure what will make it.
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This so ridiculous I had to translate it. Gotta love this magazine (the biggest in germany).

Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45
22.04.2007, 16:41
Multiplayer-Pack on its way.

The last weeks had been quite for the Weltkriegs-Shooter (Worldwar-Shooter) Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45. In the meantime (here is a typo in the original article) the developers from Tripwire Interactive reported back and announced a so called Multiplayer-Pack.

This Mini-AddOn contains ten new maps, which are from a community contest, additional vehicles plus a AT-cannon. The publishing of this Multiplayer-Packs is planned for the next weeks.

They forgot all the important stuff (comments are great too)
Some trainee must have written that *shakeheads* :confused:
German Gaming Magazine
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I just wanted to say I'm very happy with the new update. I'm really curious about the feel of a 64 player server--for those not happy with the 10 Official Community Maps (oxymoron? hehe), think about how a boost to the player limit will change and refresh(old strategies might go obsolete, new ones may need be used) how we play those familiar favorites (who said they are not being played? I run into several of the map contest maps every time I play--plus the standard maps are still popular, which is saying something), not to mention the significant side benefits of an official Steam release already discussed . I just hope that the servers that do choose to run at higher player limits are on the heavy duty side that can really handle it. I can't think of many things that would be more disappointing than finding that all the servers are trying to run big numbers of players and lagging like mad. I hope the community gets a boost and a revitalization from this update, because I'm still playing the game regularly, and with relish.
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Oohhhh cool :) Personally I really like an 'official' version of the map contest maps being released at large. It should help cut down on having two or three different versions of the same map rotating around at any given point.

I just have to ask though:

With adding more players, obviously some performance things need to be tweaked out. One of those that I would imagine comes about is optimizing the existing code, as well as finding oddities that arise when there are more players than originally intended. So my question is this. Should the average user look forward to some optimization and thus a performance increase, however slight? Or is what's being done all/mostly server-side stuff?
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