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Nights for Online Tanking!

Thanks for the name change. The new title doesn't have a time posted in order to reflect the fact that we're now hosting multiple scrims on different times/days. We're still hosting at Thursday 9 eastern but in addition to that our Sunday afternoon (9 GMT) time is Europe friendly.

edit: Oh', I missed your post Pita. I might run the start time back another hour for subsequent weeks. But for the 2-25 match ... too many have already expressed their interest in attending for me to change the time w/o being able to update them.
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A few people commented on how they'd like to play an infantry support map, maning the tanks on our public scrim. So we gave Konigsplatz a whirl. BDJ has not been working out in our scrims at all. We're using the 25 minute version to give the Soviets a chance but we're lucky if we can win 2 matches in a best of 7. I'll be working on Soviet side tactics for that map with [3.SA]Jizdik and [3.SA]Volga for the next time we run it. Until we get a better strategy formulated, BDJ will be on the backburner.
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Berezina went 2-0 for the Soviets. I've been busy at the office and will get the scores posted tomorrow.


M.R.Maiornikov - Yes, we will keep hosting these every week. Our Thursday one will be moved to Friday this week (conflicts with an EFO match). Sunday's match is on schedule for the same time.

Coey - If you get auto-kicked by the server just jump back on. You won't be session banned. As for the map choice ... We've done BDJ 3 or 4x so far and the game has gone to the Axis side on every match and pretty handedly so. I'm considering wining strategies for the Soviet end. Until we have better tactics to pursue, BDJ will make for an unbalanced game.
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Sunday's Berezina.

^ 5 Europeans and 3 Americans in the top scores list.
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