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[Game] Modern Warfare 2

i tried cod4 and was impressed with the attachment system, but was unimpressed with the small maps, automatic nade fest ( you know theyr there and thats something you shouldent) and the cone fire recoil. (deagle can be spammed and while the weapon model is recoiling you can keep firing and they go basically where the last one did, i dislike skillless spam fests)

I will try the next call of duty that has randomised maps, larger maps, and actually deals with some of the holes in thier 'hardcore' mode. other then that yeah gfx are great and its pretty good for a quick paced shooter. (STG44 AND COL.45 is the pwn combo)
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This game is rubbish, so much for IW's claims that they would no longer be using a spawning system for the enemies. The lemming spawn on that Favela mission is worse than anything in World at War, and I thought World at War that was the worst game I had ever played for constantly respawning enemies. Well there's a new king.

I am glad I didn't pay for it :D
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what a shame, but anyway, someone who would join a boycott group does it because they care about the game in the first place, so its not a weird thing to find them, but still one would expect them to be less soft. even if none would have played the game IW wouldnt loose, because out of the 5 million who bought the game, I bet less than 15% cares to look about stuff like dedicated servers or even know what they are.

they are the same people that go to watch Michael Bay movies to the theater. they don't know/don't care about anything else, as long as its in the adds.

so yeah, MW2 cannot be boycotted

I don't give a f*ck about the game so... =)
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Whatever happened to the "informed" consumer, or principles...
I suppose it's the same with everything, invest your money in what you're told is best and ask no questions - after all someone else always knows best.

I don't give a f*ck either, but being extremely tired of having it shoved in my face everywhere...(seriously, the supermarket, TV, the cinema, every website even slightly linked to gaming) I am having to slap my friends when they try and talk about it in my presence.
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I too have fun with MW2 and without even playing it


Well, the PC is sharper but not more. However, not a huge difference and I would still prefer playing on a TV screen on my 360 rather than playin on a PC. I just think PCs are not made for gaming in a way...

By the way...the Xbox 360 is from 2006 and if you run MW2 on a all new PC from the end of 2009 it just looks that little better...kinda poor I think...

Posted 11-13-2009 7:48am

frizzy said: pc and xbox 360 were clearly better than ps3 version, isn't the ps3 suppose to be vastly superior to the xbox 360???

Thats based on exclusive games not multiplatforms. And im pretty sure you already know that but simply take any chance you get to nitpick on the ps3. And i could only see one place where 360 actually looked better. Try looking again without your fanboy goggles.

why do they put the ps3 brightness and contrast so low?

pc ps3
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Singleplayer is fun but i got a few complaints about hardcore mode
1. Teamkills in cod5 you got kicked if you tked 3 people and person killed did not receive a death which was good. In this one person doesnt get kicked at all and you receive a death RETARDED.
2. Why do hell is their a trail on frag grenades????????
3. For everyone that wanted bigger maps than cod4 you got them everyone just camps with snipers.
4. I liked how world at war had a lot of gore with body parts and heads falling off why was this taken out? Dead bodies dont even bleed when you shoot them anymore.
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