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Hosting a dedicated KF2 server but it's not showing up on the Browser.

Jas Singh

FNG / Fresh Meat
Nov 12, 2023
I am hosting a KF2 server but I don't see it in the Server Browser. I also can't seem to connect to it but weirdly my logs have a bunch of spammed

[0159.13] DevNet: NotifyAcceptingConnection: Server TheWorld accept
[0159.13] NetComeGo: Open TheWorld someIPAddress

Here are my complete logs

[Pterodactyl Daemon]: Updating process configuration files...
[Pterodactyl Daemon]: Ensuring file permissions are set correctly, this could take a few seconds...
container@pterodactyl~ Server marked as starting...
[Pterodactyl Daemon]: Pulling Docker container image, this could take a few minutes to complete...
Pulling from parkervcp/pterodactyl-images
Status: Image is up to date for quay.io/parkervcp/pterodactyl-images:debian_source
Digest: sha256:9127081aaf80e38544b183d96d06cf610d865e1b67606f1173ba5f7737d4f1c9
[Pterodactyl Daemon]: Finished pulling Docker container image
user set to anonymous
WARNING: setlocale('en_US.UTF-8') failed, using locale: 'C'. International characters may not work.
Redirecting stderr to '/home/container/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
Logging directory: '/home/container/Steam/logs'
[  0%] Checking for available updates...
[----] Verifying installation...
Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation - version 1698778122
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam API...dlmopen steamservice.so failed: steamservice.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...OK
Waiting for client config...OK
Waiting for user info...OK
Please use force_install_dir before logon!
Success! App '232130' already up to date.
:/home/container$ /home/container/Binaries/Win64/KFGameSteamServer.bin.x86_64 ${MAP_NAME}?Port=${SERVER_PORT}?QueryPort=${QUERY_PORT}?AdminPassword=${ADMIN_PASS}?Difficulty=${DIFFICULTY}$( [ "$WEB_ADMIN" == "true" ] || printf %s '??WebAdminPort=${WEB_ADMIN_PORT}' )
Shutdown handler: initalize.
Info: RLIMIT_NOFILE is 1048576
Init: BSD Sockets initialized
DevConfig: GConfig::LoadFile associated file:  ../../KFGame/Config/LinuxServer-KFUI.ini
DevConfig: GConfig::Find has loaded file:  ../../Engine/Config\ConsoleVariables.ini
Init: Version: 10897
Init: Epic Internal: 0
Init: Compiled (64-bit): Oct 10 2023 23:34:23
Init: Changelist: 1532151
Init: Command line: SERVER  KF-Farmhouse?Port=25502?QueryPort=27015?AdminPassword=Thegoonsquad123!?Difficulty=2??WebAdminPort=${WEB_ADMIN_PORT}
Init: Base directory: /home/container/Binaries/Win64/
[0000.01] Log: Steam Client API not initialized (not required for servers)
[0000.01] Log: Automatically setting Steam port to 38285 (server port is 25502)
[S_API] SteamAPI_Init(): Loaded local 'steamclient.so' OK.
CAppInfoCacheReadFromDiskThread took 2 milliseconds to initialize
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 232090
Could not find steamerrorreporter binary. Any minidumps will be uploaded in-process[0000.04] Log: Steam Game Server API initialized 1
[0000.04] DevOnline: appSteamInit: Steam Game Server UID: 0
[0000.04] Init: Presizing for 179220 objects not considered by GC, pre-allocating 0 bytes.
[0000.04] Init: Object subsystem initialized
[0000.11] Log: CachePaths() took 0.07 Seconds
[0000.11] Log: Shader platform (RHI): PC-D3D-SM5
[0000.13] Log: PhysXLevel : 0
[0000.14] Init: Waited 0.001 sec for async package '../../KFGame/BrewedPC/Engine.u' to complete caching.
[0000.69] Warning: Invalid movie stream data for TextureMovie UI_Managers.Menu_Winter
[0000.71] Warning: Invalid movie stream data for TextureMovie UI_Managers.IIS
[0000.71] Warning: Invalid movie stream data for TextureMovie UI_Managers.MenuBG
[0000.71] Warning: Invalid movie stream data for TextureMovie UI_Managers.MenuBG_Halloween
[0000.71] Warning: Invalid movie stream data for TextureMovie UI_Managers.SummerSideShowBGMovie
[0000.71] Warning: Invalid movie stream data for TextureMovie UI_Managers.MenuBG_Cyberpunk
[0000.73] Init: Finished loading startup packages in 0.60 seconds
[0000.75] Log: 127157 objects as part of root set at end of initial load.
[0000.75] Log: 0 out of 0 bytes used by permanent object pool.
[0000.75] Init: Version: 10897
[0000.75] Init: Epic Internal: 0
[0000.75] Init: Compiled (64-bit): Oct 10 2023 23:35:21
[0000.75] Init: Command line:   KF-Farmhouse?Port=25502?QueryPort=27015?AdminPassword=Thegoonsquad123!?Difficulty=2??WebAdminPort=${WEB_ADMIN_PORT}
[0000.75] Init: Base directory: /home/container/Binaries/Win64/
[0000.75] Init: Character set: Unicode
[0000.75] Init: Process ID: 40
[0000.75] Log: Executing Class Engine.ServerCommandlet
[0000.75] Log: Initializing Game Engine...
[0000.82] Log: *** Updating timed game events
[0000.82] Log: **** Current Time: 2023 11 12 3 45 39
[0000.82] Log: **** World start in seconds: 1492498800
[0000.82] Log: **** Current time in seconds: 1699789539
[0000.82] Log: **** Intended weekly index: 342
[0000.82] Log: **** USED Weekly index: 342
[0000.84] Init: UEngine initialized
[0000.84] DevOnline: Created named interface (RecentPlayersList) of type (Engine.OnlineRecentPlayersList)
[0000.85] Log: Steam Client API is unavailable (not required for servers)
[0000.85] DevOnline: Signing into the local profile
[0000.85] Log: AllocateAPIEndpoint is
[0000.85] Log: DeallocateAPIEndpoint is
[0000.86] DevNet: Browse: KF-Farmhouse?Name=Player?Team=255?Port=25502?QueryPort=27015?AdminPassword=Thegoonsquad123!?Difficulty=2??WebAdminPort=${WEB_ADMIN_PORT}
[0000.86] Log: LoadMap: KF-Farmhouse?Name=Player?Team=255?Port=25502?QueryPort=27015?AdminPassword=Thegoonsquad123!?Difficulty=2??WebAdminPort=${WEB_ADMIN_PORT}
[0001.28] Log: SetGameInfo
[0001.28] Log: GameClass URL
[0001.28] Log: PostLoadClass packages LoadPackagesFully
[0001.28] Log: Game class is 'KFGameInfo_Survival'
[0001.28] Init: Sockets: Socket queue 262144 / 262144
[0001.28] Log: Sockets: I am 1c06f38d-b2d1-4810-962a-234e687a0ae7 (
[0001.28] DevNet: TcpNetDriver_0 TcpNetDriver listening on port 25502
[0001.33] DevNet: Spawning: IpDrv.WebServer
[0001.33] Log: NetMode is now 1
[0001.34] Log: Bringing World KF-FARMHOUSE.TheWorld up for play (30) at 2023.11.12-19.45.40
[0001.34] DevOnline: Steam server wants VAC: 1
[0001.34] Log: Initializing Steam game server
[0001.34] DevOnline: UOnlineGameInterfaceSteamworks::PublishSteamServer: Steam Game Server UID: 1
[0001.34] DevOnline: UOnlineGameInterfaceSteamworks::PublishSteamServer: setting bAuthReady to false
[0001.34] DevOnline: Refreshing published game settings...
[0001.34] DevOnline: Server data: Ver: 9189, Ded: 0, Region: 255, Slots: 6, Pass: 0, Server: Killing Floor 2 - Goon Squad, Map: KF-FARMHOUSE, Players: 0 Bots: 0, Game: KFGameInfo_Survival
[0001.34] DevOnline: UOnlineGameInterfaceSteamworks::RefreshPublishedGameSettings(): GameTag string: d:6,e:1,a:0,l:0,m:0,k:1,i:2,n:0,h:0,b:1,c:0,p:0,f:0,q:0,r:-1,
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: SteamEngineVersion=10897
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: OwningPlayerId=0
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: NumWaves=6
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: CurrentWave=1
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: bInProgress=False
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: bMutators=False
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: bCustom=False
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: bAvailableForTakeover=True
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: ZedCount=10
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: MaxZedCount=100
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: MapName=KF-BurningParis
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: Difficulty=2
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: Mode=0
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: NumSpectators=0
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: NumPublicConnections=6
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: NumPrivateConnections=0
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: NumOpenPublicConnections=6
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: NumOpenPrivateConnections=0
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: JoinString=
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: bShouldAdvertise=True
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: bIsLanMatch=False
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: bUsesStats=True
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: bAllowJoinInProgress=True
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: bAllowInvites=True
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: bUsesPresence=True
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: bAllowJoinViaPresence=True
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: bAllowJoinViaPresenceFriendsOnly=False
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: bUsesArbitration=False
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: bAntiCheatProtected=True
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: bIsDedicated=False
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: bServerExiled=False
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: bRequiresPassword=False
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: bCloudServer=False
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: bNoSeasonalSkins=False
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: OwningPlayerName=Killing Floor 2 - Goon Squad
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: PingInMs=0
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: MatchQuality=0.000000
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: GameState=OGS_NoSession
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: BotPlayers=0
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: SteamServerUID=
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: SecondsDeallocated=0
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: SecondsDeallocatedBucket=0
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: Region=
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: WeeklySelectorIndex=-1
[0001.34] DevOnline: Refreshing published game settings...
[0001.34] DevOnline: Server data: Ver: 9189, Ded: 0, Region: 255, Slots: 6, Pass: 1, Server: Killing Floor 2 - Goon Squad, Map: KF-FARMHOUSE, Players: 0 Bots: 0, Game: KFGameInfo_Survival
[0001.34] DevOnline: UOnlineGameInterfaceSteamworks::RefreshPublishedGameSettings(): GameTag string: d:-1,e:1,a:0,l:0,m:0,k:1,i:2,n:0,h:0,b:1,c:0,p:0,f:1,q:0,r:-1,
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: SteamEngineVersion=10897
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: OwningPlayerId=0
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: NumWaves=-1
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: CurrentWave=1
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: bInProgress=False
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: bMutators=False
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: bCustom=False
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: bAvailableForTakeover=True
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: ZedCount=10
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: MaxZedCount=100
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: MapName=KF-FARMHOUSE
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: Difficulty=2
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: Mode=0
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: NumSpectators=0
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: NumPublicConnections=6
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: NumPrivateConnections=0
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: NumOpenPublicConnections=6
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: NumOpenPrivateConnections=0
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: JoinString=
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: bShouldAdvertise=True
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: bIsLanMatch=False
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: bUsesStats=True
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: bAllowJoinInProgress=True
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: bAllowInvites=True
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: bUsesPresence=True
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: bAllowJoinViaPresence=True
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: bAllowJoinViaPresenceFriendsOnly=False
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: bUsesArbitration=False
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: bAntiCheatProtected=True
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: bIsDedicated=False
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: bServerExiled=False
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: bRequiresPassword=True
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: bCloudServer=False
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: bNoSeasonalSkins=False
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: OwningPlayerName=Killing Floor 2 - Goon Squad
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: PingInMs=0
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: MatchQuality=0.000000
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: GameState=OGS_Pending
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: BotPlayers=0
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: SteamServerUID=
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: SecondsDeallocated=0
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: SecondsDeallocatedBucket=0
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: Region=
[0001.34] DevOnline: Advertising: WeeklySelectorIndex=-1
[0001.34] DevOnline: UKFOnlineLobbySteamworks::GetLobbyServerIP returned false lobbyid:                                                               0
[0001.34] DevLobby: LobbyJoinGame ServerIP=
[0001.37] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Checking Modes...
[0001.37] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - ONLINE Seasonal Skins mode
[0001.37] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Searching for path: ZED_ARCH.ZED_Clot_UnDev_Archetype
[0001.41] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Checking Modes...
[0001.41] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - ONLINE Seasonal Skins mode
[0001.41] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Searching for path: ZED_ARCH.ZED_Clot_Slasher_Archetype
[0001.43] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Checking Modes...
[0001.43] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - ONLINE Seasonal Skins mode
[0001.43] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Searching for path: ZED_ARCH.ZED_Clot_AlphaKing_Archetype
[0001.46] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Checking Modes...
[0001.46] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - ONLINE Seasonal Skins mode
[0001.46] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Searching for path: ZED_ARCH.ZED_Clot_Alpha_Archetype
[0001.46] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Checking Modes...
[0001.46] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - ONLINE Seasonal Skins mode
[0001.46] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Searching for path: ZED_ARCH.ZED_CrawlerKing_Archetype
[0001.48] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Checking Modes...
[0001.48] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - ONLINE Seasonal Skins mode
[0001.48] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Searching for path: ZED_ARCH.ZED_Crawler_Archetype
[0001.48] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Checking Modes...
[0001.48] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - ONLINE Seasonal Skins mode
[0001.48] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Searching for path: ZED_ARCH.ZED_Gorefast2_Archetype
[0001.50] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Checking Modes...
[0001.50] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - ONLINE Seasonal Skins mode
[0001.50] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Searching for path: ZED_ARCH.ZED_Gorefast_Archetype
[0001.52] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Checking Modes...
[0001.52] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - ONLINE Seasonal Skins mode
[0001.52] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Searching for path: ZED_ARCH.ZED_DAR_EMP_Archetype
[0001.55] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Checking Modes...
[0001.55] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - ONLINE Seasonal Skins mode
[0001.55] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Searching for path: ZED_ARCH.ZED_DAR_Laser_Archetype
[0001.56] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Checking Modes...
[0001.56] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - ONLINE Seasonal Skins mode
[0001.56] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Searching for path: ZED_ARCH.ZED_DAR_Rocket_Archetype
[0001.57] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Checking Modes...
[0001.57] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - ONLINE Seasonal Skins mode
[0001.57] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Searching for path: ZED_ARCH.ZED_Stalker_Archetype
[0001.60] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Checking Modes...
[0001.60] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - ONLINE Seasonal Skins mode
[0001.60] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Searching for path: ZED_ARCH.ZED_Scrake_Archetype
[0001.62] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Checking Modes...
[0001.62] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - ONLINE Seasonal Skins mode
[0001.62] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Searching for path: ZED_ARCH.ZED_Fleshpound_Archetype
[0001.66] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Checking Modes...
[0001.66] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - ONLINE Seasonal Skins mode
[0001.66] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Searching for path: ZED_ARCH.ZED_FleshpoundMini_Archetype
[0001.66] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Checking Modes...
[0001.66] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - ONLINE Seasonal Skins mode
[0001.66] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Searching for path: ZED_ARCH.ZED_Bloat_Archetype
[0001.70] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Checking Modes...
[0001.70] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - ONLINE Seasonal Skins mode
[0001.70] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Searching for path: ZED_ARCH.ZED_Siren_Archetype
[0001.72] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Checking Modes...
[0001.72] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - ONLINE Seasonal Skins mode
[0001.72] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Searching for path: ZED_ARCH.ZED_DAR_EMP_Archetype
[0001.72] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Checking Modes...
[0001.72] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - ONLINE Seasonal Skins mode
[0001.72] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Searching for path: ZED_ARCH.ZED_DAR_Laser_Archetype
[0001.72] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Checking Modes...
[0001.72] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - ONLINE Seasonal Skins mode
[0001.72] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Searching for path: ZED_ARCH.ZED_DAR_Rocket_Archetype
[0001.72] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Checking Modes...
[0001.72] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - ONLINE Seasonal Skins mode
[0001.72] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Searching for path: ZED_ARCH.ZED_Husk_Archetype
[0001.74] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Checking Modes...
[0001.74] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - ONLINE Seasonal Skins mode
[0001.74] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Searching for path: ZED_ARCH.ZED_Clot_AlphaKing_Archetype
[0001.74] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Checking Modes...
[0001.74] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - ONLINE Seasonal Skins mode
[0001.74] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Searching for path: ZED_ARCH.ZED_CrawlerKing_Archetype
[0001.74] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Checking Modes...
[0001.74] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - ONLINE Seasonal Skins mode
[0001.74] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Searching for path: ZED_ARCH.ZED_Gorefast2_Archetype
[0001.74] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Checking Modes...
[0001.74] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - ONLINE Seasonal Skins mode
[0001.74] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Searching for path: ZED_ARCH.ZED_DAR_EMP_Archetype
[0001.74] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Checking Modes...
[0001.74] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - ONLINE Seasonal Skins mode
[0001.74] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Searching for path: ZED_ARCH.ZED_DAR_Laser_Archetype
[0001.74] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Checking Modes...
[0001.74] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - ONLINE Seasonal Skins mode
[0001.74] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Searching for path: ZED_ARCH.ZED_DAR_Rocket_Archetype
[0001.74] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Checking Modes...
[0001.74] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - ONLINE Seasonal Skins mode
[0001.74] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Searching for path: ZED_ARCH.ZED_HansClot_Archetype
[0001.75] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Checking Modes...
[0001.75] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - ONLINE Seasonal Skins mode
[0001.75] Log: AKFPawn_Monster::PreloadContent - Searching for path: ZED_ARCH.ZED_KingBloatSubspawn_Archetype
[0001.81] DevOnline: Refreshing published game settings...
[0001.81] DevOnline: Server data: Ver: 9189, Ded: 0, Region: 255, Slots: 6, Pass: 1, Server: Killing Floor 2 - Goon Squad, Map: KF-FARMHOUSE, Players: 0 Bots: 0, Game: KFGameInfo_Survival
[0001.81] DevOnline: UOnlineGameInterfaceSteamworks::RefreshPublishedGameSettings(): GameTag string: d:7,e:1,a:0,l:0,m:0,k:1,i:2,n:0,h:0,b:1,c:0,p:0,f:1,q:0,r:-1,
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: SteamEngineVersion=10897
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: OwningPlayerId=0
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: NumWaves=7
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: CurrentWave=1
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: bInProgress=False
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: bMutators=False
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: bCustom=False
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: bAvailableForTakeover=True
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: ZedCount=10
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: MaxZedCount=100
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: MapName=KF-FARMHOUSE
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: Difficulty=2
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: Mode=0
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: NumSpectators=0
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: NumPublicConnections=6
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: NumPrivateConnections=0
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: NumOpenPublicConnections=6
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: NumOpenPrivateConnections=0
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: JoinString=
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: bShouldAdvertise=True
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: bIsLanMatch=False
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: bUsesStats=True
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: bAllowJoinInProgress=True
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: bAllowInvites=True
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: bUsesPresence=True
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: bAllowJoinViaPresence=True
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: bAllowJoinViaPresenceFriendsOnly=False
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: bUsesArbitration=False
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: bAntiCheatProtected=True
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: bIsDedicated=False
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: bServerExiled=False
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: bRequiresPassword=True
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: bCloudServer=False
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: bNoSeasonalSkins=False
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: OwningPlayerName=Killing Floor 2 - Goon Squad
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: PingInMs=0
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: MatchQuality=0.000000
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: GameState=OGS_Pending
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: BotPlayers=0
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: SteamServerUID=
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: SecondsDeallocated=0
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: SecondsDeallocatedBucket=0
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: Region=
[0001.81] DevOnline: Advertising: WeeklySelectorIndex=-1
[0001.81] Log: Attempting to update workshop files before logging in.
[0001.82] ScriptLog: Gameplay events will not be recorded.
[0001.82] DevOnline: Refreshing published game settings...
[0001.82] DevOnline: Server data: Ver: 9189, Ded: 0, Region: 255, Slots: 6, Pass: 1, Server: Killing Floor 2 - Goon Squad, Map: KF-FARMHOUSE, Players: 0 Bots: 0, Game: KFGameInfo_Survival
[0001.82] DevOnline: UOnlineGameInterfaceSteamworks::RefreshPublishedGameSettings(): GameTag string: d:7,e:1,a:0,l:0,m:0,k:1,i:2,n:0,h:0,b:1,c:0,p:0,f:1,q:0,r:-1,
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: SteamEngineVersion=10897
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: OwningPlayerId=0
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: NumWaves=7
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: CurrentWave=1
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: bInProgress=False
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: bMutators=False
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: bCustom=False
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: bAvailableForTakeover=True
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: ZedCount=10
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: MaxZedCount=100
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: MapName=KF-FARMHOUSE
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: Difficulty=2
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: Mode=0
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: NumSpectators=0
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: NumPublicConnections=6
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: NumPrivateConnections=0
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: NumOpenPublicConnections=6
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: NumOpenPrivateConnections=0
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: JoinString=
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: bShouldAdvertise=True
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: bIsLanMatch=False
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: bUsesStats=True
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: bAllowJoinInProgress=True
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: bAllowInvites=True
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: bUsesPresence=True
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: bAllowJoinViaPresence=True
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: bAllowJoinViaPresenceFriendsOnly=False
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: bUsesArbitration=False
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: bAntiCheatProtected=False
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: bIsDedicated=False
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: bServerExiled=False
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: bRequiresPassword=True
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: bCloudServer=False
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: bNoSeasonalSkins=False
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: OwningPlayerName=Killing Floor 2 - Goon Squad
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: PingInMs=0
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: MatchQuality=0.000000
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: GameState=OGS_NoSession
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: BotPlayers=0
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: SteamServerUID=
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: SecondsDeallocated=0
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: SecondsDeallocatedBucket=0
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: Region=
[0001.82] DevOnline: Advertising: WeeklySelectorIndex=-1
[0001.82] DevOnline: We need Steam Server UID. Waiting for Steam Server UID for a few seconds.
[0001.82] DevOnline: Sending out playfab request to url Server/GetTitleData with data: {}
[0001.82] Log: Creating a new connection to URL [https://kf2-pfb.hydrapi.net/]
[0001.82] ScriptLog: Webserver is not enabled.  Set bEnabled to True in Advanced Options.
[0001.82] ScriptLog: Destroying WebServer
[0001.82] Log: Bringing up level for play took: 0.495720
[0001.82] Log: ########### Finished loading level: 0.960077 seconds
[0001.82] Init: Game engine initialized
[0001.82] Log: Initializing Game Engine Completed
[0002.42] DevNet: NotifyAcceptingConnection: Server TheWorld accept
[0002.42] NetComeGo: Open TheWorld
[0002.43] DevOnline: Refreshing published game settings...
[0002.43] DevOnline: Server data: Ver: 9189, Ded: 0, Region: 255, Slots: 6, Pass: 1, Server: Killing Floor 2 - Goon Squad, Map: KF-FARMHOUSE, Players: 0 Bots: 0, Game: KFGameInfo_Survival
[0002.43] DevOnline: UOnlineGameInterfaceSteamworks::RefreshPublishedGameSettings(): GameTag string: d:7,e:1,a:0,l:0,m:0,k:1,i:2,n:0,h:0,b:1,c:0,p:0,f:1,q:0,r:-1,
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: SteamEngineVersion=10897
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: OwningPlayerId=0
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: NumWaves=7
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: CurrentWave=1
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: bInProgress=False
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: bMutators=False
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: bCustom=False
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: bAvailableForTakeover=True
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: ZedCount=10
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: MaxZedCount=100
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: MapName=KF-FARMHOUSE
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: Difficulty=2
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: Mode=0
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: NumSpectators=0
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: NumPublicConnections=6
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: NumPrivateConnections=0
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: NumOpenPublicConnections=6
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: NumOpenPrivateConnections=0
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: JoinString=
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: bShouldAdvertise=True
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: bIsLanMatch=False
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: bUsesStats=True
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: bAllowJoinInProgress=True
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: bAllowInvites=True
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: bUsesPresence=True
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: bAllowJoinViaPresence=True
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: bAllowJoinViaPresenceFriendsOnly=False
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: bUsesArbitration=False
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: bAntiCheatProtected=False
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: bIsDedicated=False
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: bServerExiled=False
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: bRequiresPassword=True
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: bCloudServer=False
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: bNoSeasonalSkins=False
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: OwningPlayerName=Killing Floor 2 - Goon Squad
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: PingInMs=0
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: MatchQuality=0.000000
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: GameState=OGS_NoSession
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: BotPlayers=0
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: SteamServerUID=
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: SecondsDeallocated=0
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: SecondsDeallocatedBucket=0
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: Region=USCentral
[0002.43] DevOnline: Advertising: WeeklySelectorIndex=-1
[0002.43] DevOnline: Public IP my_public_ip for crossplay needs
[0002.43] DevOnline: Updating session info, address: my_public_ip:25502, ServerUID: 90177825501828100, bSteamSockets: 0
[0002.43] Log: Steam game server UID: 90177825501828100
[0002.43] DevOnline: Steam Servers Connected
[0002.63] DevOnline: AntiCheatStatus: VAC Secured: 1
[0002.63] DevOnline: Refreshing published game settings...
[0002.63] DevOnline: Server data: Ver: 9189, Ded: 0, Region: 255, Slots: 6, Pass: 1, Server: Killing Floor 2 - Goon Squad, Map: KF-FARMHOUSE, Players: 0 Bots: 0, Game: KFGameInfo_Survival
[0002.63] DevOnline: UOnlineGameInterfaceSteamworks::RefreshPublishedGameSettings(): GameTag string: d:7,e:1,a:0,l:0,m:0,k:1,i:2,n:0,h:0,b:1,c:0,p:0,f:1,q:0,r:-1,
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: SteamEngineVersion=10897
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: OwningPlayerId=0
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: NumWaves=7
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: CurrentWave=1
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: bInProgress=False
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: bMutators=False
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: bCustom=False
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: bAvailableForTakeover=True
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: ZedCount=10
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: MaxZedCount=100
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: MapName=KF-FARMHOUSE
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: Difficulty=2
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: Mode=0
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: NumSpectators=0
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: NumPublicConnections=6
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: NumPrivateConnections=0
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: NumOpenPublicConnections=6
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: NumOpenPrivateConnections=0
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: JoinString=
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: bShouldAdvertise=True
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: bIsLanMatch=False
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: bUsesStats=True
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: bAllowJoinInProgress=True
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: bAllowInvites=True
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: bUsesPresence=True
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: bAllowJoinViaPresence=True
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: bAllowJoinViaPresenceFriendsOnly=False
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: bUsesArbitration=False
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: bAntiCheatProtected=True
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: bIsDedicated=False
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: bServerExiled=False
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: bRequiresPassword=True
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: bCloudServer=False
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: bNoSeasonalSkins=False
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: OwningPlayerName=Killing Floor 2 - Goon Squad
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: PingInMs=0
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: MatchQuality=0.000000
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: GameState=OGS_NoSession
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: BotPlayers=0
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: SteamServerUID=90177825501828100
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: SecondsDeallocated=0
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: SecondsDeallocatedBucket=0
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: Region=USCentral
[0002.63] DevOnline: Advertising: WeeklySelectorIndex=-1
[0002.63] Log: Flushing async loaders.
[0002.64] Log: Flushed async loaders.
[0003.22] DevNet: NotifyAcceptingConnection: Server TheWorld accept
[0003.22] NetComeGo: Open TheWorld
[0003.82] DevNet: NotifyAcceptingConnection: Server TheWorld accept
[0003.82] NetComeGo: Open TheWorld
[0003.83] Log: Attempting server re-register now...
[0003.83] DevOnline: Successfully reuse cached Public IP my_public_ip for Playfab Registration
[0003.83] DevOnline: Sending out playfab request to url Matchmaker/RegisterGame with data: {"ServerHost":"my_public_ip","ServerPort":"25502","Build":"519550SEGS","Region":"USCentral","GameMode":"0","Tags":{"NumWaves":"7","CurrentWave":"1","bInProgress":"False","bCustom":"False","bAvailableForTakeover":"True","ZedCount":"10","MaxZedCount":"100","MapName":"KF-FARMHOUSE","Difficulty":"2","Mode":"0","NumSpectators":"0","NumPublicConnections":"6","NumOpenPublicConnections":"6","JoinString":"my_public_ip:25502","bUsesStats":"True","bServerExiled":"False","bRequiresPassword":"True","bCloudServer":"False","bNoSeasonalSkins":"False","OwningPlayerName":"S2lsbGluZyBGbG9vciAyIC0gR29vbiBTcXVhZA==","BotPlayers":"0","SteamServerUID":"90177825501828100","SecondsDeallocated":"0","Region":"USCentral","WeeklySelectorIndex":"-1"}}
[0004.63] DevOnline: Playfab server registered with lobby ID 18387244301086428697
container@pterodactyl~ Server marked as running...
[0004.82] DevNet: NotifyAcceptingConnection: Server TheWorld accept
[0004.83] NetComeGo: Open TheWorld
[0005.23] DevNet: NotifyAcceptingConnection: Server TheWorld accept
[0005.23] NetComeGo: Open TheWorld
[0007.03] DevNet: NotifyAcceptingConnection: Server TheWorld accept
[0007.03] NetComeGo: Open TheWorld
[0008.03] DevNet: NotifyAcceptingConnection: Server TheWorld accept
[0008.03] NetComeGo: Open TheWorld
[0012.23] DevNet: NotifyAcceptingConnection: Server TheWorld accept
[0012.23] NetComeGo: Open TheWorld
[0014.83] DevNet: NotifyAcceptingConnection: Server TheWorld accept
[0014.83] NetComeGo: Open TheWorld
[0015.63] DevNet: NotifyAcceptingConnection: Server TheWorld accept
[0015.63] NetComeGo: Open TheWorld
[0020.83] DevNet: NotifyAcceptingConnection: Server TheWorld accept
[0020.83] NetComeGo: Open TheWorld
[0022.03] DevNet: NotifyAcceptingConnection: Server TheWorld accept
[0022.03] NetComeGo: Open TheWorld

The following logs go on forever and ever. It's almost being spammed with different IP Addresses
[0020.83] DevNet: NotifyAcceptingConnection: Server TheWorld accept
[0020.83] NetComeGo: Open TheWorld

When I use the F3 command to join via the server address, I get into the game but my Steam username doesn't show. It shows my character but I can't actually get into the game.

What could I be doing wrong?
The most likely cause is security software or hardware is blocking some of the games connections. Make sure the ports your server is set to are free to be used and routed through any such software/hardware along with the server binary being on any allowed/ignore list.
I actually finally got the server to work properly; had a friend join the game and we did a few rounds together. The issue for some reason was the port... I changed the server to port 25503 instead of 25502 and it worked. And I no longer got the `Open TheWorld ipAddress` spam either. Weirdly though, it isn't showing up in the server browser so we have to use the `open ipAddress` command in game.

What ports should I be opening if I missed any? Here are the ones I have open:
Game Port    7878 (Using this instead of 7777)
Query Port    27015  
Web Admin    8080  
Steam Port    20560

Outside of that, I'm not sure why the Server Browser in-game in the Browse or LAN category isn't showing my server. It's not the biggest deal but slightly inconvenient.
Upvote 0
I actually finally got the server to work properly; had a friend join the game and we did a few rounds together. The issue for some reason was the port... I changed the server to port 25503 instead of 25502 and it worked. And I no longer got the `Open TheWorld ipAddress` spam either. Weirdly though, it isn't showing up in the server browser so we have to use the `open ipAddress` command in game.

What ports should I be opening if I missed any? Here are the ones I have open:
Game Port    7878 (Using this instead of 7777)
Query Port    27015 
Web Admin    8080 
Steam Port    20560

Outside of that, I'm not sure why the Server Browser in-game in the Browse or LAN category isn't showing my server. It's not the biggest deal but slightly inconvenient.
I believe the LAN tab only looks at 7777.

As to your issue with port 25503, you'll need to consult any documentation for your local hardware/software about why that may be blocked (or maybe with your ISP).
Upvote 0
I believe the LAN tab only looks at 7777.

As to your issue with port 25503, you'll need to consult any documentation for your local hardware/software about why that may be blocked (or maybe with your ISP).
All of the rest is fine, not too worried about the LAN tab. But I can't figure out why the server isn't showing up in the Browse tab of the Server Browser. Any pointers? I have forwarded all the relevant ports.
Upvote 0
[0003.22] DevNet: NotifyAcceptingConnection: Server TheWorld accept
[0003.22] NetComeGo: Open TheWorld
[0003.82] DevNet: NotifyAcceptingConnection: Server TheWorld accept
[0003.82] NetComeGo: Open TheWorld
[0004.82] DevNet: NotifyAcceptingConnection: Server TheWorld accept
[0004.83] NetComeGo: Open TheWorld
[0005.23] DevNet: NotifyAcceptingConnection: Server TheWorld accept
[0005.23] NetComeGo: Open TheWorld
[0007.03] DevNet: NotifyAcceptingConnection: Server TheWorld accept
[0007.03] NetComeGo: Open TheWorld
[0008.03] DevNet: NotifyAcceptingConnection: Server TheWorld accept
[0008.03] NetComeGo: Open TheWorld
[0012.23] DevNet: NotifyAcceptingConnection: Server TheWorld accept
[0012.23] NetComeGo: Open TheWorld
[0014.83] DevNet: NotifyAcceptingConnection: Server TheWorld accept
[0014.83] NetComeGo: Open TheWorld
[0015.63] DevNet: NotifyAcceptingConnection: Server TheWorld accept
[0015.63] NetComeGo: Open TheWorld
[0020.83] DevNet: NotifyAcceptingConnection: Server TheWorld accept
[0020.83] NetComeGo: Open TheWorld
[0022.03] DevNet: NotifyAcceptingConnection: Server TheWorld accept
[0022.03] NetComeGo: Open TheWorld

The very small amount of logs you have point to possibly being part of an amplification attack. It would be necessary to look at more of the logs to to determine 100%. If you don't have 11 friends trying to connect to your server at once(well over 20 seconds) I would suggest that is either the problem or is going to be a problem.

This is mandatory reading for hosting a KF2 server.

As to troubleshooting your problem I would suggest wireshark or tcpdump to see what traffic you are sending and receiving. A capture filter can be used to see what is being received on your server on each port.
Upvote 0