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[Game] Get out of here Stalker - S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 dead


Grizzled Veteran
Apr 30, 2009
Sub-Level 12

GSC Gameworld closes its doors. The rumor mill, official and unofficial, is churning right now. The official reason is that the owner was displeased with the progress of S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 and a publishing deal fell through. Unofficially, it's being said there was a major disagreement between them and the lead developer.....and some crazy rumor about Ukranian Security Forces taking an interest in the company.

All that aside, if you were looking forward to S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2, you'll only be playing it in your dreams.
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I read this elsewhere to. This is very disappointing. The STALKER 1 series was a buggy, unoptimized, and the maps were rather small, but they still provided some of the best shooter/RPG moments I've played in years. I would really have liked to see the series with more polish, content, and overall higher quality.

Though with rumors of terrible DRM and going to consoles (consolized, no mods?), it might not have been that great anyways. Still a shame to see it go. I was looking forward to it more than any of the recent Fallout games.
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I think at this point, it's hard to say what's true or what's not. Everyone is pulling "reputable sources" up for everything from GSC being a target of Security Forces, to this being a bad joke. Some GSC employees have already started looking for work.

My gut tells me though something more than "a disgruntled employee" is going on. This would have been settled by an official statement long before now were that the case.
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I think at this point, it's hard to say what's true or what's not. Everyone is pulling "reputable sources" up for everything from GSC being a target of Security Forces, to this being a bad joke. Some GSC employees have already started looking for work.

My gut tells me though something more than "a disgruntled employee" is going on. This would have been settled by an official statement long before now were that the case.

I hope we find out soon.
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