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Benefits for staying alive...

whats with this BF upgrade crap?
Leave it as it is, it isn't really broken so. All that can happen is giving players the incentive to be lame or to camp.
Seriously if people want upgrades and improved weapons everytime you get enough kills or caps.... please go buy BF2 or BF2142, you will find exactly what you want there. I don't think soldiers on the batlefield get awarded a special gun with less recoil if they performed well.
Its just not realistic at all, everyone should fight with the same weapons his brethren use so that the skill of the player prevails over the skill of his gun...
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As the war goes on, for the most part, you equipment does not upgrade the longer you stay alive... Hell, it gets worse for wear.

I still think it's important, that if you want to solve some of these issues about there being a benefit to staying alive in a relatively non-arcade style FPS, take out the ability to carry-over score, and only allow points when you are involved in capping being carried over when you die. A dead soldier's only accomplishment is the objective their death allowed the team to achieve. And, only the soldier that is alive when it's all over earns the right to come to the victory dance. The dead get buried... Leave'em in the ground.
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Yeah, but that solution would only help get point whores to play more cautiously, and even then it'd just piss them off needlessly.

Put simply, this is one of those problems that (a) is in the eye of the beholder, and (b) is not going to be solved by changing gameplay. People will either play cautiously or they won't. The gameplay is about as "cautious-play-friendly" as possible.
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Or we do away with personal scores totally.

Ditch Death messages except for server logs and the victim (to help prevent cheating - no harm in letting the victim know who put a round in there head now is there?) and get rid of personal scores.

I'm not saying it would get rid of the kill-hunting players, but it would stop "point-whoring" and promote communication.

Meh. Its been suggested before by lots of people and its still not standard so i'll just go back to my corner and wait to see what Tripwire are going to do next.
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I have always liked the idea...
Maybe if you stay alive more then a few minutes and have a kill/cap

I do not find it unrealistic, becuase one who performs under this stress and accoplishes great things will have more experience and confidence therefor capable of being slightly better.

I don't think I will see that officially, but I would love to see a server with such a mutuator (if thats what its called)
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Your worst death accumilators aren't just reckless players, it's new players. I am a newbie so I know right now what it feels like and this game has one tough learning curve. Enemy arty, friendly arty, sharpshooters, tanks from both sides, falls, added to trying to learn how to shoot a bolt-action, game controls, just learning the objectives. Do any of you remember this?

If you want to do something to reduce the impact of players who look like they are playing recklessly and burning up your reinforcements, try helping them. Get their attention and tell them "Hey trooper, Follow me and learn how to stay alive". Get him into voice if you can and teach him and it will make a greater impact then any mechanic you try to add to the game.
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