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Anyone else LOVE the Odessa map?

give it a reworking graphically
Hell no! It's one of the most gritty and cool-looking maps there is! I can see a reworking of any sort being the equivalent of Kaukasus' one:- Take one dark, dirty, gritty map and turn it into a bright, colourful, picnic spot. Danzig couldn't look any cooler than it does right now.
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JJJ said:
Hey, the maps that have rain in them. Do you guys hear the rain also? I haven't played all the maps yet, and could of sworn I played one map that had very little rain and I didn't hear any weather sounds? Any heavy down pour maps or anything?

You can hear the rain in hedgehog where it's raining quite a bit. You can also hear the difference when inside buildings.
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Hedgehog has only a light sprinkle, same with Baksan Valley, but Krasnyi Oktyabr has a heavy downpour and the sound/graphic reflects it. If you have a card capable of EAX, it sounds insane. Sadly though, using EAX on my PC messes up the VoIP, so I have no idea what people are saying. I leave it off for that reason. Damn shame too.
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I will say it's the worth map of the game, unrealistic forced path. You can't enter every building to flank the enemy and your are forced to follow premade path where the enemy will simply wait you. No people are too stupid to rush where the enemy is aiming their guns, except people playing linear maps game (mainly all FPS game).
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Which map is a forced path? All of the urban maps have buildings you can't go into. If you could go in them the maps would take two days to load and would run about as fast Dick Cheney in a marathon. On Odessa the main objectives are pretty much set up that none of fake building facades come into play anyway. They are set back or away from them.

As for the rain, Krasnyi Oktyabr has great sound effects, like when you are in the tin room in the Garage that the Germans often enter into, the rain on the roof sounds excellent!

Baskin looks like it would be bone chillingly cold, raining but still cold enough to have a frozen river? Brrrrr. Actually I would never try crossing river ice when it is raining and all the snow has melted off the grass. If they could, they should have had the rivers with some ice that breaks up or even now ice, but a current that was hard to cross through and made you a easier target. As it is now the rivers are just like roads to run on. But I still LOVE that map.
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