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What is your most hated kind of player?

-Power abusing admins

I had a level 6 Commando admin kick me one time. He couldn't aim/ shoot fast enough to prevent "his" Stalkers and Crawlers from attacking the rest of the team, but would rage on us if we were forced to kill them.

I accidentally joined the same server later in the day as a Berserker. Got kicked halfway through the wave because I was "killstealing from his friend." The friend was a Demo that felt the need to be just outside of the grenade arming distance and was constantly injuring himself. So while I'm doing my little Berserker dance trying not to get hit, the demo shoots an M79 round, hits me with it, and kills himself.


Then again, I have unreasonable standards as to what "being a good admin" means from my time in HL1 engine games (not spamming slap/ text/ sound commands).
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I had a level 6 Commando admin kick me one time. He couldn't aim/ shoot fast enough to prevent "his" Stalkers and Crawlers from attacking the rest of the team, but would rage on us if we were forced to kill them.

I accidentally joined the same server later in the day as a Berserker. Got kicked halfway through the wave because I was "killstealing from his friend." The friend was a Demo that felt the need to be just outside of the grenade arming distance and was constantly injuring himself. So while I'm doing my little Berserker dance trying not to get hit, the demo shoots an M79 round, hits me with it, and kills himself.


Then again, I have unreasonable standards as to what "being a good admin" means from my time in HL1 engine games (not spamming slap/ text/ sound commands).

Yeah, I banned a guy off my server yesterday for being a medic on HoE, using a crossbow. It wasn't that, but the team was standing around with 40 hp or so with for several waves, I was standing right next to him, hurt badly, calling for a medic. I asked him to kill less, heal more. His reply was "you guys aren't killing enough, so I have to pick up the slack". I admit, I was pretty drunk, so I just banned him right then. Normally, I would have asked him to switch classes, but I was irritated enough by then to not care.

Otherwise, someone has to be an absolute jackass to even get kicked.
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Yeah, I banned a guy off my server yesterday for being a medic on HoE, using a crossbow. It wasn't that, but the team was standing around with 40 hp or so with for several waves, I was standing right next to him, hurt badly, calling for a medic. I asked him to kill less, heal more. His reply was "you guys aren't killing enough, so I have to pick up the slack". I admit, I was pretty drunk, so I just banned him right then. Normally, I would have asked him to switch classes, but I was irritated enough by then to not care.

Otherwise, someone has to be an absolute jackass to even get kicked.

There were a couple jackasses on my server the other day that would only help each other, one was a medic and the other was a firebug. When we got to wave 8 we were getting pounded and one of the medics died so i asked for a heal and he told me to shove it. Right when i was about to ban him, another admin kicks him with web admin and joins the game. The other one left after making some bigoted comments, and thats when i installed the player join log. People do not understand that this is a team game. :3
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You know--I never gave much thought to what kind of player I hated. I try to let stuff roll off me. But I just got finished playing with the type of player I hate: players who behave like grade-school bullies.

This particular griefer was calling himself LSDiesel. I should have been warned by the way he and his buddy Sirk were calling people "niggers" and "fags," but I made the mistake of continuing to play.

Then, at some point, for no reason that I could see, he decided that he just didn't like me, started blocking me, and actually welded me out of a room, to kill me.

"Serves you right for wearing that ****ing hat," he said, after I died. (I was using the Captain Wiggins avatar)

Honestly--it's enough to turn you off of online gaming completely.
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So much negativety in this thread, I think it's time for me to leave.

It is sort of the "be negative and angry" thread, but that's kind of expected with a title like that. I mean, how can you possibly answer the question and be totally positive? This is the one thread where you can vent off steam after running into people who really ruined the game.

As long as the negativity stays here, I see no reason to leave the forums:confused:
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1)people who equip weapons, their perks doesnt use.
2) noobs who come into a higher difficulty server who just come in and die then ragequit after u give them all your money
3) people who don't kill a fair share of the zeds
4) medics that don't heal other players
5) players that don't heal others and just heal themselves even though thats counter productive since its more effective to heal others..
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1. Really low lvl, and unexperienced players who join suicidal and HoE when they cant even survive on normal... >.<

2. People who join and instantly start spamming they need money, rather than asking politely and specifying how much they need.

3. On FF servers, people who run in front of others just to get more kills, get overrun since people cant keep fire, backpedal, and the entire team wipes >.<

4. People who only heal themselves...
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- When the medic runs away from the zerker who has 2 Scrakes and a FP on his ***, alone. -.o
- People who don't get rid of the crawlers while I'm chainsawing said Scrakes/FP. Aw, cmon!
- People who tell me to get back to the kitchen once we're yelling orders over voice chat, then get their asses handed to them. Hey, you don't need my help, I'm just making a sandwich. Obviously.
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Then again, I have unreasonable standards as to what "being a good admin" means from my time in HL1 engine games (not spamming slap/ text/ sound commands).

My opinion of a good admin is when you don't actually know someone is an admin until there is a serious issue thats needs to be handled. I try to follow this rule myself.

My server is named after my clan (which nowadays consists of pretty much just me :D) so it's pretty easy to see I am an admin, but I never bring up the fact I have admin control until someone steps over the line or a server glitch occurs.

Had a guy the other day I believe named Agent_Wesker, who set about trolling the team as a Medic. Welding people out while the last few seconds of the wave counted down, shutting doors to block sharpshooter shots, only ever healing himself, etc. After 3 discrepancies I simply announced "Stop trolling or its a ban".

Rather awesomely he stopped after that :)
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For me:

1st: Soloer's i can't stand them, as being medic is hard enough most the time.

2nd: People who don't help heal, or heal the medic. Quite oftern if i drop to below 20health, i've got to rather self heal, or just run for it. Only two of my friends will heal me.

3rd: Being kicked by admin for no reason apart from making room for friends. Me & a friend were on before hand and half way through Office on Hard (round 5/10) Admin came on spamming for people to leave no one willingly did so, So instead kicking the people who just joined, decided to kick the medic being me.

4th: People who spam chat/ voice chat and think all the kills belong to them, On Fliths Cross on Hard, I naded a large group on Clots and from the zerker called got a '***' or what i can make out, then later in the game, he ran off and left the team to die.

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Best one yet: People who say how awesome they and their KF history is and they evidently don't know ****. It really gets up my arse, I mean, they talk down on you and then get bumraped by clots.

It's even funnier when you find that they have only a few hours total playtime of KF.
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Man looks like I gotta go and get Killing Floor:troll:

Hey, don't go judging KF by this thread!:mad:

Or do you consider these occasional nuisances any fewer than those in RO?:rolleyes: (OMG SATCHEL CHARGE IS CANDIES:troll:) In all seriousness, judging a game, especially one with a large and active community, by everyone's least favorite occurances is not a brilliant idea. But, becuase you had your cool face on, i'll forgive you.
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selfish people who only thinks for themselves, or elitist groups of friends with lvl 6 perks playing normal difficulty

this game I joined a guy being field medic said "next round fun with LAW!" I joined at wave 9 and asked for money, having myself just 250 pounds, everybody ignored me, then I see that guy, indeed getting a LAW and spamming it on every single moving thing he sees and claiming "I love this thing".

go freaking play HoE/Sui don't ruin the game for people who wants to play normal.
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