I have to ask because I want to understand what exact plans the devs intended with this thing.
I can completely understand (and supported) the initial nerfs to the gun's instakill threshold from the first beta; that was absolutely justified. A 5-block-weight support weapon being able to effortlessly kill up to 14 larges by skipping damage to their health and killing by incap is more than excessive (especially given it's paid DLC). Toning back the instakill while still allowing players to use the incap to deal double damage to Zeds shrunk for a time, though, that's understandable; it still has its niche in some team comps and helps against bosses.
But as of the latest beta branch, the RR's incap now fades in half a second instead of the original 10 seconds, giving the wielder absolutely no time to even take advantage of the incap unless there are teammates actively shooting things at the exact same time the wielder is, meaning you might as well kill the Zed by incap unless you have most of a team already primed to shoot it in the first place...which, while it does need teamwork to use, makes the weapon situational to the point of near uselessness. You can't even reliably hose down a Zed to death by holding Mouse1 anymore; from what I can tell you have to tap-fire like a flamethrower and basically never mistime it.
So what's going on with this thing? It takes a full magazine to kill a single HVT, the incap now only helps your teammates if you are constantly hosing a Zed down and your teammates are doing likewise...
I know this thing wasn't exactly well thought out to begin with and was always out of place in the game, but what exactly are the devs aiming for with this nerf/"rework"?
I can completely understand (and supported) the initial nerfs to the gun's instakill threshold from the first beta; that was absolutely justified. A 5-block-weight support weapon being able to effortlessly kill up to 14 larges by skipping damage to their health and killing by incap is more than excessive (especially given it's paid DLC). Toning back the instakill while still allowing players to use the incap to deal double damage to Zeds shrunk for a time, though, that's understandable; it still has its niche in some team comps and helps against bosses.
But as of the latest beta branch, the RR's incap now fades in half a second instead of the original 10 seconds, giving the wielder absolutely no time to even take advantage of the incap unless there are teammates actively shooting things at the exact same time the wielder is, meaning you might as well kill the Zed by incap unless you have most of a team already primed to shoot it in the first place...which, while it does need teamwork to use, makes the weapon situational to the point of near uselessness. You can't even reliably hose down a Zed to death by holding Mouse1 anymore; from what I can tell you have to tap-fire like a flamethrower and basically never mistime it.
So what's going on with this thing? It takes a full magazine to kill a single HVT, the incap now only helps your teammates if you are constantly hosing a Zed down and your teammates are doing likewise...
I know this thing wasn't exactly well thought out to begin with and was always out of place in the game, but what exactly are the devs aiming for with this nerf/"rework"?
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