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The incap scaling problem


Grizzled Veteran
Apr 27, 2021
Something that's been low-key rolling around in my head needs to get off my chest, because it's one of the fundamental design problems with regards to this game's difficulty scaling, or at least in its current state.

Over the past few years, there's been an increasing prevalence of incaps, or "crowd control"/status effects, on weapons that have made players increasingly harder to kill for no real input on the players' behalf.

To wit, let's take the perks on the official release of the game:
  • Field Medic
    • Poison panic
      • Usually seen as bad except for chaotic team comps.
    • Poison gas
      • Very powerful; no aim necessary
      • Limited to 5 charges per round; more with Demo
    • Bleed
      • Hemogoblin only
      • Was considered useless because it didn't help good against Scrakes, and triggering bleed on Fleshpounds means you raged them, then they became invulnerable to bleed's effects due to rage mechanics
  • Commando
    • Stumble
      • Only through Impact Rounds and the 401.
  • Demo
    • Knockdown
      • Only available via certain precision hits or through the "Concussive Rounds" skill.
      • Precision hits needed to deal with Fleshpounds; Concussive Rounds is mostly annoying to other teammates except for chaotic teams.
  • Gunslinger
    • Nothing, really
  • Sharpshooter
    • Freeze
      • Arguably the most powerful incap in the game
      • Limited to 5-6 grenades (or more if Demo is on team)
    • Stun
      • Very powerful for any team
      • Requires Ballistic Shock (giving up DPS and reload) or running Ranger (giving up DPS; did not stun raged Fleshpounds in original incarnation)
  • Support
    • Fire panic
      • Bad incap on a bad weapon
    • Stumble
      • Half of the weapons; even more with Concussion Rounds
      • Very for Support's purposes since it allowed Support to stumble even raged Fleshpounds for takedown
  • Firebug
    • Fire panic
      • Usually seen as an annoyance except for chaos teams
    • Stumble
      • Guaranteed with Heat Wave; considered integral to Firebug not being a wasted slot
  • SWAT
    • Stun
      • Very powerful
      • Limited to 5 uses per round
    • Snare
      • Solid incap; slows down HVTs for easier hits
    • Stumble
  • Berserker
    • Stumble
      • Integral to 0-100 combos
    • EMP
      • Good incap
      • Limited to 5 uses per round, more with Demo
  • Survivalist
    • lol
Fast forward to the last few years, starting with the Freezethrower, and what got added to the game since then?
  • Field Medic
    • Incision -- EMP on demand
    • Poison gas (501 -- 10 uses; Healthrower -- too many uses)
    • The Hemogoblin has been buffed to the point where it needs one dart to guarantee a bleed while also being one of the best weapons in Medic's entire arsenal from a pub standpoint: bodies most trash in one headshot or bodyshot, buffed dart recharge rate, etc.
  • Commando
    • nothing, really
  • Demo
    • The Husk Cannon is bad, so no notes
  • Gunslinger
    • Winterbites -- Freeze on demand
    • HRG Disrupter -- EMP on demand
    • Nail Bomb was broken for a while with guaranteed stun
  • Sharpshooter
    • Compound Bow -- Freeze on demand
    • HV Storm Cannon -- Freeze on demand
    • Ranger is now a guaranteed stumble on raged Fleshpounds with headshots no matter what weapon is used
  • Support
    • Frost Fang -- Freeze on demand
    • HRG Ballistic Bouncer -- High innate stumble; not practical in most teams but it's there
  • Firebug
    • Not much in the way of CC, but it got much spammier; that's for another topic
  • SWAT
    • no notes
  • Berserker
    • Static Strikers -- EMP on demand
    • HRG Teslauncher -- EMP on demand
    • Frost Fang -- Freeze on demand
  • Survivalist
    • Freezethrower -- Freeze on demand
    • Frost Fang -- Freeze on demand (kinda broken in general)
    • HRG Arc Generator -- EMP on demand
    • Killerwatt -- EMP on demand
    • Reducto Ray -- Shrink infliction without needing to aim
      • Doubles damage taken; extremely useful in the right comp
      • Used to instakill Fleshpounds without raging them but that is no longer the case
    • Lockdown is a guaranteed stun on anything as long as any attack hits anywhere
And I know I'm missing some things, but regardless, that's far, far too many weapons that just give high-powered incaps for perks just doing their thing.

Now, this wouldn't be as much of an issue in most games, but KF2 has an interesting feature: unlike health damage and decaps and such, incaps do not get any harder to inflict regardless of player count or difficulty setting.

So spamming the Freezethrower is just as effective on Solo Normal as it is on 6P HoE.

And since incaps are mostly afflicted in equal measure regardless of weak points (some exceptions), aiming doesn't matter in most cases. In fact, with weapons like the Frost Fang, aiming not for the head is what makes them good, because otherwise you'll pull a rage condition before freezing the Zed.

My question is: why was the decision made to give so many free incaps to so many players, when the incap system is already as strong as it was? The incaps trivialize a large part of the game across all difficulties and water down the skill level that would otherwise be required.

EDIT: I forgot to mention how stupid the Hemogoblin is now.
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Yes, this afflictions power creep has been going on for a while now. It's as if the weapon designers at TWI somehow were rewarded if they could come up with some kind of novel quirk to a new weapon. Like, not only it just shoots, but it SHOOTS THROUGH ARMOR! WOW! Or, not only it just shoots, but IT BOLTS NEARBY TRASH! Not only it just shoots, but IT ALSO FREEZES!

Feels like we've definitely had a significant increase in the amount of weapons that add something on top of what typically weapons do, it started with weird shards rhinos and mosin that allowed for blocking and ended so far with G36C that allows for armor piercing. If it is so -- there had to be a direction for that.

This is all low quality childish updates that ruin the game, because the afflictions, due to their power, have to be treated very carefully in order not to break the existing resemblance of balance. But who here thinks of the balance?

It would be just logically consistent if they also worked on the increasing the game difficulty to counteract the weapon and skills creep problem (although it would be just better if this problem wasn't created in the first place). And they did in "Abandon All Hope", I guess the idea was something like that.

Monday morning team meeting on Zoom.

Dave: "Hey guys, I've checked with Mr. Wilson on that thing. Some of these difficulty freaks say that harder than HoE would be appropriate. That's a long retention type of game. People accumulate thousands of hours and still stay. Which means revenue. We need to do something to ensure they stay even longer. What say you.
Dev 1: "Yeah, we can do that. Let's see what we have here. Looks like we have that KFGameDifficultyInfo class. Anyone knows anything about it? No? Hmm... looks like most zeds have calm and raged states, we can just make everything raged. How's that?"
Dave: Great idea! However, we have direction from Mr. Wilson to go incrementally. Since Ladenberger has left and Alex is working on the shark game and other unnamed project and uh hmm [thinks to himself: we've kicked some other certain developer out] well, you know, why don't we instead of modifying anything related to the game's core just add something in a form of a new weekly. Yeah. We've had that thread going on forums with new proposals for new weeklies [thinks to himself: where we've made sure that all dissent is suppressed, thus the impression is everyone is on board]. Can you make it as a new weekly?"
Dev 1: "Yeah, I can see that. We have this thing already going and are familiar with it. Would be no sweat"
Yoshiro: "If it receives good feedback we can later on make it a new official harder than hoe difficulty to address the weapons/skills power creep".
Dev 1: "Great idea"
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