have you though about just playing a bit slower at beginning, like the 1st minute or so? i rarely die early after spawn since i dont rush a grey safe as soon as i can since most ppl are in corridors, streets and houses, and its a bit of a cluster**** so you might get shot by multiple people. i also close drawers in the room i spawn after getting intel/ammo in case a player hears and comes as creates reasonable doubt of who i am, because if he shoots the wrong target i get a choice of 1st shot opportunity or just crouch and act like a npc for a few seconds and he will lure others to him so sometimes u can just see ppl fighting and get some vulture picks. in most of my games i end up walking and going for a green room upgrade 1st and then i can get a grey fairly easy and safe afterwards as i move to guard rooms since most ppl at that time are hovering guards or inside staff rooms and not the streets/corridors/houses.
the game its currently structured to funnel players to go to guards rooms and create a kill box there anyway so if you are getting killed on spawn just play a bit slower while everyone is pilling on each other at the start. you are not forced to participate unless you are super obvious or want to participate. i've seen players being a bit sus of me but just ignore me in order to not lose tempo to move into guard rooms, just like i ignored ppl or sus npcs before.
an example of when i ignored other players was when i played a madame game in a lobby with a lot of chavez, squires and a couple of hans. i ignored a player early running around since although i might be able to kill them since i could get the drop on them i didnt engage since i would not kill that agents fast enough to get away unscathed with madame and had a very high chance of just dying to another player that sees me, and i was rewarded for it since 10 seconds later a chavez and hans fought near the entrance of a guard room and i just killed the chavez after he killed the hans, before being ambushed by a squire and having to expertise away. if i shoot the player (idk if it was the hans or chavez) i might have killed them but would probably lose enough hp that i would have a very big chance of just dying to the squire or the other player nearby before i could react.