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Server Server Port Config

When your server is not giving your player achievements then make sure that Port in KillingFloor.ini is the same as in startup command.

We had an issue that server was counting stats like headshots etc but players were not getting achievemens, apparently server was started with 7757 port, while in KillingFloor.ini there was Port=7750.

Setting the same port number in startup command and in KillingFloor.ini fixed issue.
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So I opened the ports up in my SonicWall TZ 190 and used a port checked, and they are all open. BUT when I run the Game Server, I do not see it on the master list. And this game server is running at my Boss's House.

Anyone know how to fix this? There is no Sonic Wall TZ 190 web page on how to configure Killing Floor that I could find. :confused:

Also My Boss Pays for a Static IP to his business.
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